Chapter 116

Tao Yaoyao spat blood from the corner of her mouth, she felt her body gradually getting colder, her whole body ached so badly, is she going to die?I have died many times, but this is the first time I waited to die bit by bit, it was so painful...

"Hold on, host, host..." Tao Yaoyao seemed to hear someone calling her, but who was it?I can't hear clearly, who is talking?
"Master, see you here, I will come to you soon, don't must not die..." The voice was anxious, and soon gradually disappeared. Tao Yaoyao couldn't hear it, and couldn't hear anything. Can't hear.

With the light shining on her cheeks, her slack eyes were blurred, "My a girl, she seems to have been thrown from a cliff, it's so miserable that she's only half breathed away,"

Tao Yaoyao vaguely listened to some words, and soon fell into a coma. When she was in a coma, she felt that someone was hugging her. Who was it?
It soon fell into darkness, and at this moment, the Zhao family, Zhao Wuji and Ji Hengxuan, knew that Tao Yaoyao was missing, and the old lady's words were, "I decide to let her marry one of you two. She said she didn't want to marry her." ..."

Hearing this, Zhao Wuji was slightly taken aback, with a look of disbelief, "You said Xiaoyao left by herself?"

But Ji Hengxuan on the side looked at the old lady with cold eyes, "Grandmother, tell me where she is." Ji Hengxuan's eyes were cold and cruel, almost devouring everyone.

"She left by herself," the old lady continued to say, but when she met Ji Hengxuan's gaze, she felt lingering fear for some reason.

"Do you know grandma? It is impossible for Xiaoyao to leave me. If she had to choose, she would definitely choose me, because she knew very well that even if she were my woman, I would not touch her at all. where?"

Hearing this, the old lady looked at Ji Hengxuan, "Have you ever talked to grandma like this in Hengxuan?" The old lady said coldly, but Ji Hengxuan smiled coldly.

"Do you all want to say it's good for me? It's ridiculous...don't say it is good for me. You taboo Xiaoyao's birth and think she is not worthy of me, but you never know that such a thing as birth will affect me in the future. Think, why not if she is the most honorable person?"

Everyone was taken aback by Ji Hengxuan's words. The old lady lowered her head, and Ji Hengxuan's eyes were cold, "Where is the person? If you tell me where you didn't see him, don't blame me for being rude?"

Tao Yaoyao didn't come back all night, and now she doesn't know where she went?Ji Hengxuan knew very well that even if Tao Yaoyao wanted to leave, she would definitely tell herself that if she didn't, it must be caused by someone else, and the only people who can think of at this moment are the Zhao family.

"What's the matter? Do you want to fight with us? For an outsider?" Mr. Zhao frowned and said, but in the next second he saw Ji Hengxuan put the knife on his neck, and the blood flowed out in an instant .

"Heng Xuan, what are you doing?" The old man was shocked immediately, the old lady trembled even more, and Zhao Wuji was also slightly taken aback.

"Where is the person?" Ji Hengxuan clearly knew that he couldn't do anything to the people of the Zhao family, not because he was reluctant, but because he knew too well that if he did, Tao Yaoyao would definitely die.

So he used himself as a bargaining chip, and used himself as a bargaining chip to force the old lady to let Tao Yaoyao go. The old lady didn't expect Tao Yaoyao's matter to turn out like this. Ji Hengxuan didn't care about anything, even his life.

"That's all, that's all... at the West Mountain Cliff, if you are in time..." Before finishing speaking, Zhao Wuji ran away first, and then Ji Hengxuan quickly followed.

"Ma'am, you..." The old lady looked at the old lady, "Why are you doing this, let the children go about this child's affairs, you are trying to make Hengxuan treat us more favorably."

Ji Hengxuan was already very fond of them, but after this incident, he became even more fond of them now. Hearing this, the old lady sighed, "I just saw her face, so I can't help it..."

The old man was slightly taken aback at these words, and didn't say much. Everyone knows that Tao Yaoyao looks more and more like him over the years. More like it.

Everyone didn't speak, the old lady closed her eyes, it was up to them to save that girl right now, Ji Hengxuan went to the west mountain, but Zhao Wuji went to the foot of the west mountain, when he came to the foot, he saw That bloodstain, when Zhao Wuji saw that bloodstain, his whole body fell to the ground.

When Ji Hengxuan came, he saw that the sack was stained red with blood, "Xiaoyao...Xiaoyao..." There was a bang in his mind, and his whole body was on the verge of falling.

"People? Zhao Wuji Xiaoyao? People..." Hearing this, Zhao Wuji shook his head, expressing that he didn't see it either.

"When I arrived, there was no one there, but... I didn't see the body, there was no trace of blood being dragged, Xiaoyao must have been taken away earlier, she must still be alive, yes she is still alive." Qing, but firmly believed that he was still alive.

Zhao Wuji didn't know why he felt it?But there is that indescribable anger in my heart, who is angry?Didn't know for a while?

Hearing this, Ji Hengxuan breathed a sigh of relief, looked around, and when he saw the cliff, his face was terribly cold, and he was about to go back with a knife, "What are you going to do? That's your grandmother..."

"What am I going to do? I want to ask you what are you going to do? You look down on Xiaoyao, I can take someone away, why? If something happens to me," Ji Hengxuan only felt the pain in his head when something happened to Tao Yaoyao Killing intent, no matter what, there is no way to suppress it, I hate... wish I could kill everyone.

"But she is your grandmother, Ji Hengxuan... There are thousands of mistakes. She is doing it for your own good. What are you doing? Don't show such a look. If you don't want anything to happen to Xiaoyao, don't show me that you want to eat people." look," Zao Wou-ki knew that Ji Hengxuan hated the old lady.

Hate the other party's meddling and killing Tao Yaoyao, but even so she is still their grandmother, this cannot be changed, Ji Hengxuan took a deep breath, "I know..."

The Zhao family is still inseparable right now, and he has no way to do anything, but...he remembers what happened this time. Others say that he will repay his kindness with revenge, or be ungrateful, but whoever in the world wants to be kind and righteous? A word, to hurt the person he cares most, he will not let it go.

Seeing Ji Hengxuan's appearance, Zhao Wuji sighed, "Let's look around, maybe we will find something..." Zhao Wuji knew that after this time, Ji Hengxuan would become even more alienated from the Zhao family.

But who can blame Ji Hengxuan, from the chase and escape along the way, Tao Yaoyao was protecting him, not the Zhao family, he took Tao Yaoyao's life, but the Zhao family took his life, How could there be no lumps.

(End of this chapter)

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