Chapter 134

When Tao Yaoyao woke up, it was already high in the sun. She opened her eyes and looked around. Last night, she vaguely saw Ji Hengxuan coming, but in the end she was too sleepy, so she didn't pay much attention. Go, sighed and stopped thinking about it.

After Tao Yaoyao ate something, she heard that Ji Hengli was also sick. When she heard that Ji Hengli was sick, she was slightly taken aback, "Go and have a look." Although she doesn't like He Youge, she doesn't have much dislike for Ji Hengli,
In fact, for this He Youge, Tao Yaoyao felt that it was almost a kind of sickness. He Youge was a kind of sickness who wanted her life. Tao Yaoyao sighed and didn't think about other things, but just settled to look at Ji Hengli.

When Ji Hengli was ill, He Youge naturally had to take care of him. When he saw Tao Yaoyao coming, he immediately showed displeasure, but even if he was displeased, he didn't show it too much, he just frowned.

"Sister heard that this little Hengli is ill, so I came here to see why he was ill," Tao Yaoyao seemed to have forgotten what happened yesterday, and He Youge saw the truth from Tao Yaoyao's expression. I didn't know that I pushed it, and I breathed a sigh of relief, but soon became unhappy.

Because she thought that Ji Hengli would get sick this time, it was all because of Tao Yaoyao, if it wasn't for Tao Yaoyao Ji Hengli, she wouldn't be scared to get sick. If Tao Yaoyao knew what He Youge was thinking, she would definitely not be able to bear it The corner of his mouth twitched, and this thought was only shameless.

Tao Yaoyao sat aside and looked at Ji Hengli, her face was pale, and she kept saying, "Mother, don't...mother..." Trembling tremblingly, Tao Yaoyao rubbed Ji Hengli's hair in distress.

"Hey, it's okay," Tao Yaoyao's voice made Ji Hengli quiet down, and He Youge's face immediately became the same as that of the bottom of the pot. He wanted to slap Tao Yaoyao a few times, but he still endured it.

"Sister likes children so much, why don't you find a marriage for you?" He Youge felt right now that Tao Yaoyao's marriage in the capital would definitely cause disturbances, and she would definitely kick people far away. It won't do any harm to your reputation.

Seeing He Youge's expression, Tao Yaoyao knew that He Youge was planning a big bad idea, and her face flashed with kindness, "Sister, I want to spend more time with you and Heng Li, so I don't want to marry early, let alone My brother-in-law also said, let me stay longer, "

Tao Yaoyao's words made He Youge's face look ugly, and she wanted to yell at you, you just want to keep seducing my man and robbing my son, this bitch... that hand is tightly pinching the palm, wishing to give Tao Yaoyao A few slaps.

After Tao Yaoyao saw this look, she pursed her lips and pretended not to see it. This He Youge's patience with her was getting less and less, so that's fine... Everyone thinks that He Youge is very good. It's time to break this feat.

Let everyone see He Youge's true face, Tao Yaoyao's words made He Youge unhappy, but right now she is a good sister, it is impossible to lose her temper with this sister, so she endured it.

The heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys of enduring pain, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw Ji Hengli trembling suddenly, and when she turned her head and saw He Youge's expression, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, this child is a humanoid radar .

Look at this He Youge showing evil spirits, this baby immediately reacted, Tao Yaoyao came to see Ji Hengli, He Youge still has something to do, although she doesn't want Tao Yaoyao to hook up with her son, but right now her other things are even more serious Important, so can only leave.

"Wake up, little boy, your mother has gone away," Tao Yaoyao said after seeing He Youge leave. Hearing this, Ji Hengli opened his eyes with tears in his eyes, his mouth was closed and he looked cute.

"Auntie...I thought something was wrong with you, auntie...It's great that you are fine, auntie. I saw my mother...I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Ji Hengli cried.

When he saw his mother pushing his aunt into the water, he was terrified. At night, he always had nightmares, dreaming that this little aunt was being chased and killed by the queen mother with the knife, and the queen mother showed her hideous face.

Roaring there to kill, he cried out in fear, not wanting to be trapped in the dream, but he couldn't get out no matter what, he was very scared, no way to run away.

"Auntie, I'm so scared, woooo... what should I do? I saw my mother... so scary, then..." I started to tremble as I spoke, "The mother wants to kill my aunt, she... she is so scary, so scary... ..."

Ji Hengli began to cry, he felt a lot of grievances, a lot of pain could not make his fear disappear, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

He stretched out his hand to hug Ji Hengli, "It's okay, that's just a dream, your mother didn't harm my aunt, she accidentally fell down by herself, your mother wanted to hold my aunt,"

Tao Yaoyao doesn't want to let her child come into contact with too many dirty things. Even if she really wants to plot against He Youge, she doesn't want to marry Ji Hengli to get involved. Even if this child is a code, Tao Yaoyao still can't help it. My heart softened.

Tao Yaoyao clearly knows that the world is fictitious, but it is true. Their feelings and actions have their own lives. Sometimes she wonders, which one is fake?Maybe it's all fake, maybe it's all true.

But Tao Yaoyao can't tell if it's true or not, because she doesn't know how to tell the difference. The absence of Lord System makes her path even more confusing. When will she come to the end?

"Really?" Ji Hengli was slightly taken aback when he heard this. Yesterday, he witnessed his mother's empress pushing her away. Could it be that he was wrong?

Is it possible to be wrong?I witnessed with my own eyes that the queen mother stretched out her hand to push the aunt, and because the queen mother put her hand on the aunt's back, the aunt was pushed out and fell directly into the water. Could it be all wrong?
"Of course it's true. Your mother is taking the dirty things on my back. You must have read it wrong. Look at me. Others think I'm going to bully you, but I'm teasing you, am I not?" ?" Tao Yaoyao pinched Ji Hengli's cheek and said.

Ji Hengli was full of anger, but his little face was no longer pale, "Really, that's great, I thought the queen mother was going to kill my aunt, it's really great, I was wrong,"

I was wrong. That's great. Ji Hengli's smile made Tao Yaoyao smile, but that smile couldn't reach her eyes. What is He Youge going to do?Tao Yaoyao knew it well, she felt sorry for Heng Li.

Heng Li is so well-behaved, but He Youge...she doesn't know what to say, what kind of identity was He Youge before crossing over?Tao Yaoyao didn't know, she just knew that she was a time-traveling girl.

I don't know what I've been through, I just know that her name is He Youge. When He Youge was with Gu Di for a few years, Gu Di didn't dote on her much at first, because there was still the empress to share a piece of the pie, but once Unexpectedly, He Youge ran away.

It's a typical time-travel drama, where the female lead runs after the male lead, and then deepens their relationship. Tao Yaoyao felt that Ji Hengli was only two years old at that time, but the husband and wife could leave the child behind, run alone, and chase alone. Don't forget that He Youge cheated that big pearl away.

(End of this chapter)

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