Chapter 143

"I didn't, you are talking nonsense, I didn't do it," He Youge was beaten to death and refused to admit that he had done these things, but Tao Yaoyao didn't believe it. Tao Yaoyao looked at He Youge coldly, her expression gradually It became cold.

"You said no?" Tao Yaoyao looked at He Youge, "Okay, then not," He Youge was taken aback by the sudden words, and looked at Tao Yaoyao in disbelief.

The corner of Tao Yaoyao's mouth curled up, "It's okay to finish our business, you don't want to let me suffer, I will not marry out of the palace, if you really want me to marry, I will tell you everything you have done to me ,"

Tao Yaoyao's biggest goal is to help Ji Hengxuan. If He Youge schemed her into marrying her, then she would not be able to lose money. What He Youge is doing to her right now is just a good excuse to use it as a shield. There is a saying If the sky does evil, you can still do evil yourself.

Tao Yaoyao's words made He Youge's face ugly, " really want to be a concubine, but you want to be a queen, I won't allow it, what are you bitch?"

"I'm nothing, but you have to pay back what you owe me, sister. Of course, if I get married, guess what I will do? You have a lot of things in my hands. I am your own Will anyone believe what I say? Of course... your man will not believe it, but what I want is not your man to believe, "

He Youge looked at Tao Yaoyao's face distorted, and when Tao Yaoyao left, he threw everything on the table to the ground with an angry expression.

"Bitch, bitch..." She won't let that woman go. Tao Yaoyao doesn't care about He Youge. Now that the showdown is over, she won't be polite with He Youge. After Tao Yaoyao leaves, she returns to his residence.

It took several days for the wound to be opened, and there was indeed a scar, the scar from laughing fingers, which looked distorted, Tao Yaoyao covered it with her hair, and practiced swords in the courtyard from time to time these days.

In the past few days, Tao Yaoyao has taken a lot of poisons, all of which were scared by He Youge, but Tao Yaoyao has taken the antidote that is invulnerable to all poisons, and now she can overcome many poisons.

Tao Yaoyao knew it well, and one day when she was giving food to Ji Hengli in front of He Youge, that He Youge wouldn't dare to bring the poison.

Because He Youge knew clearly that Ji Hengli would come here often, and if she was poisoning, she might poison her son. Although He Youge was black-hearted, he really loved Ji Hengli.

Tao Yaoyao has a gold medal for avoiding death, and she is living a very chic life right now. Tao Yaoyao's side is good, but Ji Hengxuan's is not. furious.

A lot of evidence pointed to Ji Hengxuan and Zhao Wuji. Zhao Wuji didn't plead guilty to all of this, but kept silent, "Father, in your mind, is the child so ignorant? You don't even have this bit of vision?"

Ji Hengxuan's words made Emperor Gu furious, "You and Zhao Wuji go to Rong Meiren's place every day, if you say there are no ghosts, who would believe it? You pervert..."

"Father's evidence? No matter where I go, I can't say that Rong Mei was killed by me, let alone... where is that place, Father, don't you know?" Ji Hengxuan's words made Gu Di slightly stunned.

Doesn't he know where Dongyuan is? ?No... Of course he knows what Dongyuan is. It was in Dongyuan that he made love with him back then, but it's a pity...

When did he change his appearance, where did he like to take Ji Hengxuan with him, but then...Looking at Ji Hengxuan, Gu Di was silent, and He Youge's expression was ugly.

This man is indeed damned, He Youge has a bad look on his face, "Your Majesty... this matter should be postponed for investigation, so don't wrong the Fourth Prince,"

These words were speaking for Ji Hengxuan, but Ji Hengxuan knew that this He Youge wanted to kill himself, because someone told him just now that he should not plead guilty too quickly, and it would take a while before pleading guilty. After pleading guilty, they would think Find a way to get yourself out.

But Ji Hengxuan knew that even if the person is not himself, he might not even think about it if he is a bone monkey, but he has already made preparations.

Tao Yaoyao was a little impatient when she heard that something happened to Ji Hengxuan, but soon came the news that the beauty Rong was killed by the empress, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard the news.

Even He Youge was the same, the maid knelt on the ground, "Your Majesty, you have to decide for our little lord, our little lord was killed by the empress,"

"You are talking nonsense, Your Majesty is the one who wronged me," He Youge said furiously as he looked at the maid, and Emperor Gu frowned.

"I don't have this thing, Madam Empress," she said, taking out a jade bottle from her bosom, "Miss Empress, your things are all marked, this is what you gave to our cook, and then let the young master After drinking the aphrodisiac soup, I was looking for was you..."

He Youge's expression turned ugly when he heard this, and he wanted to refute that Gu Di grabbed his hand, "Oh, but why did the empress do this? Why would the mother of a country murder a little beauty?"

"Father, what you said is wrong. The beautiful lady Rong is a beautiful woman, but the baby is not, and the baby is also born as a legitimate son," said Ji Hengxuan, who was on the side, during this verbal battle.

Right now the quarrel is fierce, this He Youge and that Ji Hengxuan come and go, if He Youge doesn't know Ji Hengxuan's identity now, then he is stupid, He Youge hates it in his heart.

I thought the culprit was dead, but I didn't expect the person to come back alive. He Youge fought with Ji Hengxuan. Although He Youge won this time, the relationship between He Youge and Gu Di is obviously far away.

He Youge lost a lot of Emperor Gu's favor this time. Regarding all of this, Tao Yaoyao smiled, knowing that He Youge did it on her own, and Ji Hengxuan became the Xuan King. The current title is to make up for it. This compensation to Ji Hengxuan was just a smile, not grateful at all.

Time flies, time flies, two years, already two years, Tao Yaoyao is now 19 years old, but she is not married yet, still living alone in the palace, causing a lot of gossip.

Ji Hengxuan, who was fourteen or fifteen years old, became more and more handsome and upright. After two years, many things in this palace have changed. At least Ji Hengxuan's current power has already risen step by step, forcing He Youge to retreat.

In the past, Emperor Gu loved He Youge very much, but with Tao Yaoyao and Ji Hengxuan destroying it, the relationship has gradually faded away. In fact, the relationship does not need you to use too much force to destroy it, it can be destroyed only from some small details.

At this moment, Tao Yaoyao chose to use small details. Tao Yaoyao's hard work has not been in vain for two years. He Youge hates Tao Yaoyao even more. It's a pity that he has assassinated countless times, but every time after that, Gu Di is alienated. , because Tao Yaoyao asked Emperor Gu for a bodyguard, and He Youge's assassination was simply a pistol. ,

And this bodyguard was also two years ago. After Tao Yaoyao recovered from her injury, Emperor Gu asked Tao Yaoyao what compensation she wanted, and Tao Yaoyao said, "My daughter wants to marry independently, and I also want my brother-in-law to give me a very powerful one." Very powerful, very good at playing bodyguards, "

(End of this chapter)

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