Chapter 173
"You trained me?" Li Hongwei was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and looked at Tao Yaoyao, feeling that he had misheard, Tao Yaoyao immediately smiled.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Looking at Li Hongwei, Li Hongwei shook his head when he heard this, obviously the woman in front of him was not joking with him.

"I don't think you're kidding, but I don't even know how to become a ghost myself. At most, I just pass through walls. I really haven't learned the others." I just pass through walls, and none of the others learn.

Tao Yaoyao wondered if she could kick the ghost she saw right now, if she could, Tao Yaoyao really thought it would be best to kick it, but it was obviously impossible right now.

Tao Yaoyao sighed, "You are useless, but it doesn't mean I am useless. Don't worry... I will make you a very good person. As for you; Li Hongzhao, let me tell you, don't give me too I'm lazy, I call for revenge all day long, I can't beat me at all, "

Although Tao Yaoyao's words were very blunt, Li Hongzhao really didn't refute, because Tao Yaoyao knew kung fu, when he woke up on the first day, Li Hongzhao was clamoring for revenge, but was directly knocked down by Tao Yaoyao up.

Li Hongzhao was stunned at that time, but when he saw Li Hongwei now, he couldn't help but glared at him, "The man is not over there, he is in front of you to the right," Tao Yaoyao said immediately after seeing him.

"..." Li Hongzhao felt that there was no way to play well now. Tao Yaoyao left with a person and a ghost. Right now, Tao Yaoyao felt that she was a very busy person and only took care of her a few days ago. After finishing the child, now comes another son, a ghost.

Tao Yaoyao sat in the carriage and dressed up in disguise. Li Hongzhao naturally needed it too. After the two got into the carriage, Li Hongzhao looked outside and his expression became complicated. Tao Yaoyao went directly to take a pat.

This person has a very bad temper, but such a bad-tempered person lost everything overnight, which can be regarded as an indescribable cause and effect.

Tao Yaoyao's stability made Li Hongwei not speak, but leaned directly on Tao Yaoyao's expression. When Li Hongwei saw it, he couldn't help frowning immediately, but he was his younger brother after all, so he didn't say much up.

After the carriage left the city gate, Tao Yaoyao bought a house in a suburb for about 100 taels. Li Hongzhao stayed as a brother and sister.

Tao Yaoyao at night began to train Li Hongwei. Looking at the water basin in front of him, Li Hongwei couldn't help but frowned, "What do you want me to do? I'm a ghost, who would take this?" What's the use?"

"Of course it's useful, you just watch the water for me now, let someone fill it up, otherwise I won't give you less ingot candles," Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongwei and said, when she spoke, she was still waiting for Li Hongwei.

Li Hongwei, who was stared at, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and then sat aside and began to let the water fill up, but how could the water be filled up for no reason. l
Tao Yaoyao sat not far away eating the melon seeds, looked at Li Hongwei, and went to sleep when she got tired of watching. When she woke up, she saw that Li Hongwei was still there without any movement.

Tao Yaoyao feels that if this continues, this Li Hongwei should not even think about counterattacking. When he was a fierce ghost, he was very powerful, but if he didn't succeed in blackening, his combat power would be scum, and he couldn't even beat him.

Li Hongwei watched Tao Yaoyao walking over, feeling a little lost, and stood in front of the water basin, "Am I very useless, I can't even do this well, so you are very disappointed,"

Hearing this, Tao Yaoyao shook her head, "It's a person who learns to walk little by little, not to mention that you have only been a ghost for a long time, and don't you think you are very talented? Look... everyone They are all dead, but no one has become a ghost, but you can, isn't it a talent when you say it?"

Tao Yaoyao's words made Li Hongwei slightly taken aback. When he looked at Tao Yaoyao, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. Although Tao Yaoyao's words were a bit strange, Li Hongwei still felt a little happy.

Because after everyone died, he seldom saw this ghost, but he himself could become a ghost, just like another rebirth, and came back to life again.

Seeing Li Hongwei's appearance, Tao Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief, she was afraid that Li Hongwei would get into a dead end, otherwise she would be in trouble at that time, but now that Li Hongwei has figured it out, she feels relieved a lot.

"Let's continue. If it doesn't work this time, we will come for the second time. Follow me," Tao Yaoyao grabbed Li Hongwei's hand, and then placed it on the water, "Use your own thoughts to control it, just let the water listen do what you say,"

Tao Yaoyao's words were very light and soft. When Li Hongwei heard this, Li Hongwei was slightly taken aback. Looking at Tao Yaoyao's side face, it was almost as beautiful as jade and picturesque, but she was a beautiful fairyland beauty, which made people bear I can't help but feel very excited.

Seeing Tao Yaoyao like this, Li Hongwei felt her heart beat a lot faster. Although her heartbeat had already stopped beating, the familiar aura still lingered on her body.

"The water is coming out," Tao Yaoyao turned to look at Li Hongwei and said, Li Hongwei was slightly taken aback when he heard it, and found that if the water came out, he was overjoyed and lowered his head to look at Tao Yaoyao, but he didn't expect Tao Yaoyao As soon as they turned their heads, the tips of the noses of the two brushed past, and the lips were only separated by a grain of rice.

At that moment, everything about the two of them was entwined with each other, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and the next second she reacted and pushed the person away, and ran away.

Li Hongwei smiled and held his chest, feeling that the whole ghost was not strange. He looked at the water, "It's full..." The water gradually came out.

Li Hongzhao stood not far away, looking at everything not far away, the color of his eyes gradually changed, he didn't know why he felt very uncomfortable, this big brother always has other benefits, even if his mother loves him, but he can get Love from more people.

Shaking his head, Li Hongzhao told himself not to think about it. It is useless to think too much about these things now, but he still envies him. At least this sister-in-law knows that her elder brother is a ghost, so she will never leave her or be afraid.

In fact, this brother really misunderstood, Tao Yaoyao didn't have any sense of fear of ghosts, and would follow him day and night, but it was just because of this task, so Li Hongzhao in front of him really misunderstood.

Li Hongwei and Tao Yaoyao learned to use their thoughts to do many things. Tao Yaoyao had to say that she had a sudden whim in these meetings, which surprised Li Hongwei, because this daughter-in-law is really amazing in many places. I was surprised by myself.

(End of this chapter)

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