Chapter 18

It's just that Tao Yaoyao heard something was wrong, "What does it mean to let yourself die? Can't you just pull away?" Letting her commit suicide, is this the way that bastard came up with?

"Separating the soul alive is like cutting a person piece by piece with a knife. If you want, I don't object." Listen to what this is saying?This is simply forcing people and intimidating themselves.

It's just that Tao Yaoyao is very fond of this, she is afraid of pain, and she won't taste unnecessary pain, especially after hearing Mr. System's sentence of death like cutting flesh, Yaoyao completely stopped, and Tao Yaoyao could only If you can wait, just wait until the three months expire and find a place to die.

First stabilize the male supporting role and make him like her more, then after three months, the male supporting role will return to his own world. It smells like rice.

She crawled onto the bed cutely, and soon saw the man quietly holding the food, his expression was so gentle that it made one's heart tremble, even if Tao Yaoyao had never loved before, she knew that this man might really like her .

Just thinking of this, Tao Yaoyao felt a little uncomfortable. It should be guilt. She lied to a good man, a man who was obedient to her, a man who let her have a package to take home. Her heart is not made of iron. will feel guilty.

"Cousin..." Seeing the back, Tao Yaoyao walked over to hug Changfeng, buried her head on Changfeng's back, and then said in a sullen tone, "Cousin, stop playing those messy games next time."

She said these words out of nowhere, she was a bit annoyed when she was late, but she didn't regret it, she was heartless, but she wouldn't be heartless, and she didn't care about other people's kindness at all. Sincerely.

In fact, Tao Yaoyao doesn't know why Mr. System chose her?Just as Mr. System said, she is too emotional, and she can't achieve any big things at all. If that's the case, why is it me?
"Fool, what game? I really like Yaoyao, not a game." When Tao Yaoyao's words were a joke, Changfeng didn't take it seriously at the moment, only thinking of the girl's sentimentality.

Tao Yaoyao heard Changfeng's indifference, and didn't say much to perfunctory, but walked to the table, ate today's meal, "Yaoyao, I found a matchmaker and set the wedding on the fifteenth day of the next September. , it was a good day,"

As he said that, he looked at Yaoyao cautiously, for fear that Tao Yaoyao would not be happy, but Changfeng also knew that he was a little impatient, but he just wanted to marry her back quickly, and hugged her justifiably.

Under the same roof, he didn't dare to walk over to her and hug her, and he didn't dare to do anything overreaching. In fact, it was more of yesterday's stimulation that made Changfeng want to marry and go home sooner. He was really afraid that he would lose his name and status. I want Tao Yaoyao.

"I listen to my cousin. I can marry whenever my cousin says. I have no father or mother. I listen to you." She felt sorry for Changfeng and felt guilty, but she was not a saint, not a fool, it was impossible Because of that little tenderness, I don't even know who I am.

Her goal is very clear, she wants to go home, back to her puppy kennel, back to her parents, not just for that false tenderness, a false fantasy.

Tao Yaoyao told herself that even though Changfeng is good, but once the person wakes up, having her memory will become a dream, if he is not addicted, how could she be so stupid to fall into it.

"Yaoyao, don't worry, I will treat you well. After a while, Yaoyao, you will live in the city first, and then I will marry Yaoyao in eight sedan chairs. Don't worry, Yaoyao, I will give you the best. Not silk and satin, but I will not let you suffer, Yaoyao, I will live for a day, and I will not let you suffer the slightest grievance, so Yaoyao believes in me," said the tone with a little excitement, and her expression became even more joyful.

Looking at the excited Changfeng on the other side, Tao Yaoyao showed a big smile and said, "Then cousin, you must listen to me in the future and don't bully me,"

As he spoke, he acted like a child, where he was acting coquettishly, pouting his lips and blushing, so that he was so cute. At this moment, Changfeng nodded desperately, and the whole person was dumbfounded, looking extremely cute.

Because of wanting to marry Tao Yaoyao, the two of them are basically in pairs at the moment. Ever since they knew who Yaoyao was, Changfeng made Tao Yaoyao less work, and Tao Yaoyao lived a life all day long , There are clothes on the shoulders to stretch out the hands to open the mouth.

Among the forests in the mountains, the two came out holding hands, sat on the hillside and watched the scenery at the foot of the mountain, the green fairyland was so beautiful, because of the mission, it was Tao Yaoyao who was observing the scenery of the world at this moment.

The life of men farming and women weaving is ordinary and warm. Tao Yaoyao leaned on Changfeng's shoulder, looking at the houses on the hillside with joy, letting Changfeng hug her waist, with a sweet smile on her lips .

"It's autumn now, next spring it will be even more beautiful here," Changfeng pointed to the foot of the mountain when he looked at the woman leaning on his shoulder. Usually, the smoke cloud covering the whole town is very beautiful, especially after the rain.

It's just that it's raining and it's not easy to go up the mountain, so Changfeng doesn't plan to bring Tao Yaoyao here at the moment. After all, there is no problem with him alone.

"Yaoyao next spring, I will bring you here. At that time, maybe there will be one more person." Seeing Tao Yaoyao likes this place, Changfeng's smile is even more beautiful, imagining that they will come here again in the near future That's a family of three.

"Next year?" Tao Yaoyao was taken aback when she heard about next year, and then nodded happily, "Well, let's see next year..."

It's just that the smile froze for a while, and she doesn't know where she is next year?How could it be possible to come here, and the man in front of him has also returned to his own life, this is just a game agreement, it can't be taken seriously.

"Yaoyao, why are you doing that? Are you not happy?" When he noticed Tao Yaoyao's strangeness, Changfeng said more and more to Tao Yaoyao's body. I don't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that Yaoyao was a little far away at this moment. There was a feeling that I couldn't grasp it, and my heart suddenly panicked.

"I'm fine, I'm just thinking about such a large hillside, if only I could plant something, such as fruits and trees, so that it won't be bare," he changed the subject, not wanting to talk about what happened just now.

Looking at the surrounding hillsides, in fact, she felt like a fairyland at the moment, and she didn't know where Changfeng found this place. She could enjoy such a beautiful scenery. When the wind blew the leaves on the ground at a glance, The dancing beauty is like being in a fairyland.

"Then next year I will come here to plant trees, how about planting peach trees?" When Changfeng heard Tao Yaoyao's words, he quickly nodded in agreement, as if the person in front of him wanted anything, and he would hold it in front of her.

"Why is it a peach tree?" Tao Yaoyao turned her head and looked at Chang Feng, but when she heard Chang Feng's whispering in her ear the next second, Tao Yaoyao's face was a little red.

(End of this chapter)

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