Chapter 181
Tao Yaoyao went to look for Li Hongzhao angrily, and when she saw Li Hongzhao, she kicked Li Hongzhao directly, "You bastard, you are so fucking brave, you are going to cuckold your brother, don't you think this It's exciting, don't you think it's exciting?"

Tao Yaoyao understood clearly that the bastard in front of her was so impatient, she sent her sister-in-law to be Huangfu Qingxuan's lover, when she heard this, Li Hongzhao clutched her chest.

"Ahem... Yaoyao, you're wrong. I'm doing this for your own good. You have to be clear. My elder brother didn't even pray to you. Now, as my younger brother, I'm kind enough to find a home for you. You It should be touched," Tao Yaoyao had that smile on her face when she heard this.

"Next house? You fucking want to use my old lady to get revenge, so don't say it so high-sounding," while speaking, with an indescribable atmosphere, and then directly took out the long whip around his waist, Just smoked it there.

"You woman... ah... slut... you dare to fight... stop beating, woo..." When Li Hongzhao was being beaten, the whole person screamed, Tao Yaoyao heard this While talking, I looked at this photo of Li Hong.

"It's called a sister-in-law, do you know what a sister-in-law is? A sister-in-law is like a mother, so she is called a sister-in-law..." As he spoke, he whipped her again, and Li Hongzhao felt extremely uncomfortable when he was whipped.

"Sister-in-law...sister-in-law...don't hit me, sister-in-law... woo-woo..." Li Hongzhao knew that Tao Yaoyao's heart had become cruel, and he hit him. If he didn't admit his mistake, he would definitely be beaten to death right now. For his own, he felt aggrieved, not enough talent in Taoism, not as good as her in kung fu, and right now he was being restrained everywhere.

"Do you know that you are called sister-in-law? It seems that there are no stupid Taoists yet," Tao Yaoyao said coldly as she sat aside. Come on, auntie, I will kill you... I will beat you to death, "

This sentence made the corner of Li Hongzhao's mouth twitch, and now he nodded quickly, fearing that Tao Yaoyao would really beat himself to death. Bow your head, at worst, wait for yourself to be better than this person in the future, and deal with him.

"Sister-in-law, whatever you say in the future, you will be my mother from now on, go kiss my father," Li Hongzhao's person who knows current affairs is Junjie, and Tao Yaoyao can't help but twitch her lips. I have to say that this brother... Li Hongzhao He is the person who loses the most knowledge of current affairs and is a hero, but Li Hongwei is a little stubborn.

When Li Hongzhao looked at Tao Yaoyao's smile, he couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. Tao Yaoyao said, "Come here..." Then he waved to Li Hongzhao. Li Hongzhao walked over immediately, and Tao Yaoyao said, " These days, you always match me up with Huangfu Qingxuan, but you don’t want to get up, your eighteenth generation of ancestors should know that if you do this kind of thing, they will definitely crawl out of the coffin and beat you to death.”

When he heard this, Li Hongzhao's eyes flashed, "Sister-in-law is right," but he thought in his heart that as long as he could take revenge, his ancestors would not care about it, let alone... a married woman That's all.

Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongzhao, even if he didn't speak, it still made Tao Yaoyao feel uncomfortable right now, because...she really wanted to slap her in the face, it was obviously just a face, where Li Hongwei At that time, she didn't dislike him so much, but once she saw Li Hongzhao, she felt that he was so cheap.

"Okay, if you dare to make up your own mind in the future, don't blame me for being rude," said Li Hongzhao, turning around and leaving. Li Hongzhao slapped that cheek with his hand, spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Tao Yaoyao's leaving back.

" are really ruthless, elder brother is like a father... elder sister-in-law is like a mother...damn it, you know how to use your identity to suppress yourself," but Li Hongzhao dared to do it more when Tao Yaoyao was away. He said, because once Tao Yaoyao was there, if he dared to say it, Tao Yaoyao would make him suffer.

Sitting in his room, Huangfu Qingxuan looked at his palm, the woman's breath still remained on that palm, it was faintly... a bit warm, I don't know why... felt that a mouthful of blood warmed him down.

Huangfu Qingxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao outside the door, and with a slight hook of the corner of his mouth, he saw Tao Yaoyao turned around, Tao Yaoyao stared at Huangfu Qingxuan for a moment, Huangfu Qingxuan smiled at herself, and then looked at herself Walking here, Tao Yaoyao felt that she would run away, or stay directly, after all, Tao Yaoyao didn't run away, but stayed directly.

"What are you doing here?" When looking at Tao Yaoyao, Huangfu Qingxuan smiled and said, "You are still learning Taoism," while looking at Tao Yaoyao, Huangfu Qingxuan smiled and said, "You look ... I'm here to teach,"

There are many uses of paper cranes, right now Tao Yaoyao has only learned two of them, Tao Yaoyao nodded when she heard this, and saw that the paper crane folded by Huangfu Qingxuan was changing in the mid-air right now. It became the bird, when Tao Yaoyao saw it, her eyes lit up.

"It's amazing, can this paper crane still be used like this? Quickly teach me," this paper crane can also transform into a bird, which is really easy to use. Huangfu Qingxuan, who heard this, looked at the peach tree. Yaoyao slightly hooked the corner of her mouth, with that doting look on her face.

When approaching Tao Yaoyao, he breathed slightly on Tao Yaoyao's cheek, "Okay, I will teach you, but you have to learn with your heart," while speaking, the breath was on Tao Yaoyao's cheek, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help blushing from this ambiguous approach.

Stretch out your hand and push the person away, "Ahem...don't get too close, we have something to talk about, that's fine..." Upon hearing this, Huangfu Qingxuan's eyes darkened, and he looked at Taoyao Yao's eyes are so clear and fascinating.

"Okay, I won't get close anymore, don't worry too much," said Tao Yaoyao and sat in the lotus pavilion not far away, Tao Yaoyao hesitated for a moment, followed quickly, and then sat in the lotus pavilion.

Tao Yaoyao came out with the origami crane paper, put it on the stone table, and gave it to Huangfu Qingxuan. When Huangfu Qingxuan was holding the paper, the corner of his mouth slightly tickled, and then he started to fold it. With Tao Yaoyao.

"At this time, you need to inject spiritual power and formulas, but you are not good at Taoism right now, so I'm afraid you won't be able to succeed at once, but... you can take your time, you are very talented, as long as you study hard, there will always be One will learn, "Huangfu Qingxuan is very patient with Tao Yaoyao, whether he is teaching Tao Yaoyao to learn Taoism or chatting with Tao Yaoyao, he is very gentle.

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she took the paper crane and began to fold it. While folding the paper crane, she looked at Huangfu Qingxuan, and then injected her spiritual power. After many injections, Tao Yaoyao failed. After many times, finally at the tenth time, Tao Yaoyao turned the paper crane into a little white rabbit. When she saw the little white rabbit, Tao Yaoyao's eyes were like those fireworks, shining and compelling. Let this Huangfu Qingxuan's eyes be softer than the clear water, brighter than the crescent moon, as if to suck people in, so intoxicating.

(End of this chapter)

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