Chapter 185
After Tao Yaoyao gave herself the medicine, she went downstairs to eat. Li Hongzhao kept looking at herself with weird eyes, with resentment and anger. Tao Yaoyao blinked. She just slapped him, as if she had slaughtered eighteen generations of her ancestors.

Although Tao Yaoyao cared about Li Hongzhao's attitude, she didn't pay too much attention to it. She still had to eat and drink. Now that she was full, Tao Yaoyao felt that she should go out for a stroll.

After going shopping, find some people to see if this evil thing is still there. Tao Yaoyao is actually not looking for the evil thing, but Li Hongwei. Li Hongwei has disappeared now, but if the person does not appear, Tao Yaoyao Yao thought, should I consider cheating and show her?

After Tao Yaoyao went out, I don't know where Li Hongzhao is right now, but she can look for it, and go wherever there are strange things. The Cha Tea House is the best place to hear these things.

Tao Yaoyao went to this teahouse, and heard a lot of things directly, "What is the sudden death in the next city, what happened here..." and other strange things, Tao Yaoyao finally planned to find the one closest to her.

It is the thing in the valley on the left turn of the city. Tao Yaoyao intends to go to see it. Now she has bought some food and water. Then she went to find the horse and planned to go out. At the moment, in the restaurant next door, there are two people watching he.

"It seems that you girl is not a master who listens to people's words. You also said that she was messed up by evil things last night and almost died, but today she took the initiative to look for her. She is really a strange person. guy."

"It's strange, but she's also the master of peace," Huangfu Qingxuan couldn't help frowning and said when looking at the person, now that it's just suffering, and looking for this ghost again, this girl is considered a talent.

Hearing this, the man on the opposite side couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and looked at Huangfu Qingxuan with a folding fan in his hand, dressed in blue, "You must have really moved your mind, right? This is not a good sign, this woman ...You also said that she is a married person, although her husband died early, but this soul is unwilling to leave, "

"So what, when did you see that I care about these things?" Huangfu Qingxuan said indifferently, looking at Tao Yaoyao's gaze, with that indescribable coldness and determination, the man saw this expression, I knew it was bad.

I always thought that my brother was just a little interested, but at this moment, it seems that he is not only a little interested, but also very interested, "You will be annoying in the future up,"

Let's not talk about Huangfu Qingxuan himself now, just talk about Tao Yaoyao, and he may not be the one who is willing right now, Huangfu Qingxuan doesn't care, he just got up and left, "Where are you going?"

"I have something to do." Without saying a word, he turned around and left. After leaving, he chased after Tao Yaoyao. After seeing this, the man shook his head. It's really a crime. Whoever he likes doesn't like it. I like this married man.

Tao Yaoyao rode a horse and came to the valley. There were still many bones on the ground. When she saw these bones, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help frowning. These things are...

Tao Yaoyao swallowed, feeling that she had come to the wrong place. Although Tao Yaoyao felt a little scared, she still had no plans to leave right now.

When Tao Yaoyao was walking inside, someone suddenly hugged her, Tao Yaoyao was startled, but when she turned her head, someone covered her eyes, "Don't move..."

Although the voice was a bit unfamiliar, there were still many things that made him familiar. Tao Yaoyao was slightly stunned after her eyes were covered, "Li Hongwei... Li Hongwei... Are you Li Hongwei..."

"Miss, you miss me," the voice from that ear let Tao Yaoyao know that it was Li Hongwei who was genuine, but she stretched out her hand to take Li Hongwei's hand away, but Li Hongwei didn't let go open.

"What are you doing? Let me go, I can't see... Li Hongwei, what are you doing?" Tao Yaoyao couldn't help saying coldly when she looked at the hand that was covering her, "Li Hongwei ..."

"Miss, don't move," Li Hongwei clutched Tao Yaoyao, his face turned pale, and he was wearing a black robe, which covered his appearance, but even so those bloody eyes could make people feel shocking .


When she looked at Tao Yaoyao who was covered by herself, she couldn't help approaching that cheek, feeling the breath, "Don't move, please let me go quickly, I have something to tell you, I saw you That……"


"What are you doing?" Suddenly her face was covered by the black cloth and her hands were tied. When her hands were bound, Tao Yaoyao was about to struggle immediately, "Li fucking bastard... Let me go..."

Before Tao Yaoyao could speak, she soon heard a stern voice not far away, "Monster..." When she heard this voice, Tao Yaoyao immediately knew who was coming. Hongwei's deadly enemy, Huangfu Qingxuan? !
"Li Hongwei... Let go of me, hurry up..." Tao Yaoyao struggled, but she couldn't break the bindings on her body, and when she moved, she was bound even harder, and she couldn't help but look ugly.

Li Hongwei fought with Huangfu Qingxuan, the weather became colder and colder, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help shivering, finally Tao Yaoyao didn't know how long, someone bent down and hugged her, "Who are you?"

It was different from Li Hongwei's cold embrace, and also different from Huangfu Qingxuan's embrace, with the faint scent of sandalwood. When he heard this, the man smiled.

"I... Brother Huangfu's friend, he went after that evildoer, I'll take you back," Tao Yaoyao couldn't help frowning upon hearing this, and wanted to ask if something happened to this evildoer right now?Or was it injured?

But right now Tao Yaoyao is not stupid, she knows that after she asks, she will be unable to get away for a while, because... right now this person is the one who wants to kill Li Hongwei, Huangfu Qingxuan, if she speaks out, she will be punished. With Huangfu Qingxuan taking precautions, wouldn't Li Hongwei become even more dangerous in the future.

The thing on Tao Yaoyao's face has not been taken off yet, "Can you take it off, I can't see... Untie it for me," Tao Yaoyao felt that Li Hongwei was going too far, and she would tie herself up when she left, If this is a classic plot, then no one will come to save me even if I scream.

"I'm sorry, I don't dare to mess with your thing," Tsing Yi said. When he went to untie it just now, the ghost thing almost entangled him. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, otherwise he couldn't do anything. If you escape, you will be tied up directly, no... it should be destroyed.

"You can't untie it, so what should I do... bastard... next time I see you, I'll kill your whole family." Damn, what is that Li Hongwei, blindfolded for no reason?What the villains really don't understand.

(End of this chapter)

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