Chapter 193
Tao Yaoyao saw Huangfu Qingxuan when she went out, Huangfu Qingxuan grabbed Tao Yaoyao's hand, and couldn't help frowning after seeing the straps on it, his face turned cold involuntarily.

But because he clearly knew that Tao Yaoyao was injured, he didn't vent his anger, but looked at Tao Yaoyao coldly, he still knew the strength of his own grasping, but right now... the other hand is not clear.

"You just let him hurt you and don't say a word. Don't tell me that you love him very much. You didn't marry him at all. You were married to her after being plotted by her," Huangfu Qingxuan had already been cleared up by the investigation. Chu, when Tao Yaoyao married in, she was completely calculated by the Li family and her own family. ,

After hearing this, Tao Yaoyao looked at Huangfu Qingxuan, "He is my husband, I just need to remember this, and besides... if you didn't fight against him, would I have been hurt?"

Tao Yaoyao said coldly, there is no need to involve too much with Huangfu Qingxuan, maybe it was a mistake at the beginning, she didn't understand that Huangfu Qingxuan fell in love with her, Tao Yaoyao rubbed her forehead, her mission is to help Li Hongwei stabbed and killed Huangfu Qingxuan.

But right now Huangfu Qingxuan always treats her so well that Tao Yaoyao has doubts about whether she can really be met by this man at the last moment.

Hearing Tao Yaoyao's words, Huangfu Qingxuan took a step back with a pale face, shook his head in disbelief, "You are really so heartless, you don't understand my intentions at all,"

Tao Yaoyao had a terrible headache. When she looked at Huangfu Qingxuan, "How do you make me understand? I have already said that I have a husband, and I love my husband very much. Please don't say some inexplicable things, let alone ...we've been enemies from the beginning, and I'm using you idiot..."

The debt of favor is really strange to say, her selfish nature is to take advantage of Huangfu Qingxuan's feelings, and then the other party, Huangfu Qingxuan, but... her conscience is aching, even if she knows that this is just a game.

When she looked at Huangfu Qingxuan, she couldn't do anything too extreme. Maybe it was her own human nature that made her so weak that she would give up such a good opportunity.

Huangfu Qingxuan who heard this, took a step back, looked at Tao Yaoyao's gaze, with that pain, Tao Yaoyao didn't speak, just looked at him tightly, "You're right, it's me Wishful thinking, we have been enemies from the beginning, but I..."

But I still can't help but fantasize, maybe she also likes me, maybe...she also has thoughts about herself, Tao Yaoyao watched Huangfu Qingxuan leave, holding her hand tightly, feeling a little baffled uncomfortable.

It was very uncomfortable, how should I put it, it was as terribly uncomfortable as the whole person fell into the pot and rolled in the hot pot, Tao Yaoyao felt that she was probably sick too, although not as serious as Huangfu Qingxuan, but still sick It's not light.

Tao Yaoyao wanted to go back to the room, but was hugged by Li Hongwei who came after him. Li Hongwei was lured out by Huangfu Qingxuan just now, and Huangfu Qingxuan left just now, so Li Hongwei naturally had no reason to leave.

"I'm sorry just now," Li Hongwei said while grabbing Tao Yaoyao's hand, Tao Yaoyao looked at her wrist, saw Li Hongwei's expression, and sighed... In fact, she wanted to say something, just pretend she was sorry If it happened, there would be no need for police in this world.

Because there are many things in the world that cannot be understood thoroughly just because of a word of sorry. Tao Yaoyao closed her eyes and leaned against Li Hongwei. Seeing that Tao Yaoyao didn't speak, Li Hongwei thought Tao Yaoyao Yaoyao didn't care anymore, and immediately hugged her even tighter.

In fact, most of the time, you just need a little...a little thing to see if the other party really cares about you. Tao Yaoyao really doesn't have much feeling for Li Hongwei's attitude.

Maybe... Although she was sincere in the beginning, she was just doing it as a task, or maybe it was because she felt that Li Hongwei's feelings were not sincere enough, so she kept a lot of them.

Tao Yaoyao has indeed reserved a lot, and has her own reservations in many aspects, because she doesn't want to give in a foolish way, and she won't give in a foolish way.

Tao Yaoyao went back to her room, thinking about Li Hongwei and Huangfu Qingxuan's sudden incident. On the original track, Huangfu Qingxuan is still practicing in the mountains. Although he will come out occasionally, it is not the same as now. Shake in front of your eyes.

And five years later, Li Hongwei also grew up. After Li Hongwei grew up, he immediately took revenge on Huangfu's family. When the members of Huangfu's family were in danger, Huangfu Qingxuan came back.

Huangfu Qingxuan is like a god, taking revenge on everyone in Huangfu's family, even at this moment, there are many formations in the courtyard of Huangfu's family, which can protect those who are in resentment from being harmed.

After Huangfu Qingxuan came back, he fell in love with Li Hongwei. Although Li Hongwei was no longer what he used to be, he still suffered a disadvantage against Huangfu Qingxuan. In the end, he was even completely wiped out by this Huangfu Qingxuan. .

And what Tao Yaoyao wants to leave at this moment is to help Li Hongwei get rid of Huangfu Qingxuan. Tao Yaoyao feels that this task is cheating, and what makes her feel cheated even more is that Huangfu Qingxuan actually chased her. This gentle and watery pursuit also made people unable to bear the headache.

"Daughter-in-law..." Someone outside the door shouted, Tao Yaoyao has lost a little enthusiasm for Li Hongwei now, others will say, it is just hurt twice, and now she has lost that enthusiasm is really enough.

But Tao Yaoyao felt that Li Hongwei, a man, could hurt herself twice because of her anger. After that day, would she treat her daughter-in-law because of her own rights or other things? , throw it away without hesitation?
Tao Yaoyao didn't know it all the time, but she also knew clearly that this might be a fact. Li Hongwei stood at the door of 2 Tao Yaoyao, looked at the gate that Tao Yaoyao managed, and went straight to Li Hongzhao up.

When Li Hongzhao saw his elder brother looking for him, he didn't think much of it, but smiled and said, "Elder brother has nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall. Is this for my younger brother or is it mother's business?"

Li Hongzhao obviously alienated Li Hongwei, because he couldn't be sure whether the other party would kill him. Maybe because of Tao Yaoyao's words at first, Li Hongzhao felt guilty and guilty, and planned to stop being afraid of Li Hongwei.

But it was only about one thing. After Li Hongwei hurt Tao Yaoyao, he once again felt that this man was really not his big brother, but... seeing Tao Yaoyao, he still would not leave After that, he couldn't make a choice for a while. In fact... Li Hongzhao smiled bitterly. If it wasn't for the existence of Tao Yaoyao, he might have died or survived, but he still He would avoid his big brother, let alone get close, and even hide away from talking.

(End of this chapter)

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