Chapter 199
Tao Yaoyao felt strange, Huangfu Qingxuan had been out for a long time, but now it was getting dark, but he hadn't come back yet, when she saw that Huangfu Qingxuan hadn't come back, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help feeling worried.

I don't know what's going on with Huangfu Qingxuan, Tao Yaoyao got up and planned to go out to find someone. While looking for someone, Tao Yaoyao still made marks along the way, afraid that Huangfu Qingxuan would come back after she went out. Go find yourself and get lost.

Tao Yaoyao walked not far away while sitting on the mark, and soon felt this extraordinary monster aura. When she felt this monster energy, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, and walked not far away quickly Go, is this Huangfu Qingxuan fighting with others?

Tao Yaoyao believed in Huangfu Qingxuan's power very much, so she didn't worry about it right now, but she was worried that another person would be killed by Huangfu Qingxuan. You must know that if Li Hongwei was killed by Huangfu Qingxuan, Tao Yaoyao's heart would be dead right now. There is.

Tao Yaoyao went to look for Huangfu Qingxuan, but saw an unbelievable scene, Tao Yaoyao covered her mouth tightly, hid aside, and almost screamed, "Damn it's impossible..."

Yes, Tao Yaoyao was almost about to scold, since Huangfu Qingxuan was stepped on by a few little evil things, well... this thing is still a big villain to him right now, but to Huangfu Qingxuan, But it was already a small shrimp.

But right now, this little Xiami has completely bullied Huangfu Qingxuan, Tao Yaoyao hides, "Aren't you very good before? I see how you are doing,"

Several people kicked around Huangfu Qingxuan, Tao Yaoyao hid aside, thinking about how to retaliate to save people, these people are all people who have been caught by monsters, whether they will deliver food when they appear, this has a very high possibility.

And this Huangfu Qingxuan is her enemy right now, but she ran away... Tao Yaoyao felt that she was a fucking tragedy, if she met Huangfu Qingxuan, she would treat her badly, so she turned around and ran away right now. There will be a little pressure.

And Tao Yaoyao felt deep in her heart that someone told herself to save Huangfu Qingxuan, Tao Yaoyao looked deeply at Huangfu Qingxuan, and after waiting, she immediately ran not far away, Huangfu Qingxuan looked at the peach lightly Where Yaoyao left, there was no wave in her eyes.

After Tao Yaoyao left, she began to look for bamboo. After finding the bamboo, she began to use bamboo to make the bow and arrow. Tao Yaoyao drew the spell with her own blood.

"Tell me, where did you hide that woman?" Several people knelt down and looked at Huangfu Qingxuan, the boss's woman had been lost for many days, and the boss was in a bad mood these days, and they didn't dare to approach her anymore.

Now that the Taoist priest has been discovered, it is natural to ask about the whereabouts of this woman. Although they do not think that the woman will be in the hands of the Taoist priest, the eldest sister said that if they find this woman, they will be killed one step earlier than the boss.

After Huangfu Qingxuan saw the malice in the eyes of this evil thing, his expression was cold and indifferent, "Huh..." He snorted coldly, and quickly turned his head away, no matter how big these people are, they won't even think about it right now. There is a word out there.

"This is a deep mountain. If that woman is with this Taoist priest, then we will set fire to the mountain. I don't believe that woman can escape," suddenly something evil said, and Huangfu Qingxuan's face changed slightly when he heard it.

But he quickly hid himself, he was drugged by that Cai'er, and now he is a useless person, but... thinking that Tao Yaoyao is still around here, if these things really find her, what will happen to Tao Yaoyao?
Huangfu Qingxuan knew very well that he would probably die. Thinking of Tao Yaoyao's death, Huangfu Qingxuan's heart felt like being pricked by a needle, and he didn't like it very much. He didn't want Tao Yaoyao to die.

Huangfu Qingxuan suddenly started running, and when the evil thing behind him saw it, "Run, run..." Huangfu Qingxuan didn't speak, but still ran, the movement became louder and louder, and the evil thing behind him was like a cat catching a mouse , playing with her.

There was a lot of movement around, and Tao Yaoyao could hear it clearly, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard the movement, Huangfu Qingxuan ran, trying to use these movements to tell Tao Yaoyao that something happened, let Tao Yaoyao run.

I also want Tao Yaoyao to take countermeasures to avoid being caught after she comes to see her. Huangfu Qingxuan is running faster and faster, away from where Tao Yaoyao is. sharp.

Seeing the people who used to be able to press them to death at will, and now running in embarrassment in their hands, all the evil things burst out laughing, Tao Yaoyao is standing on a big tree not far away, looking Seeing all that, he took a deep breath.

"Huangfu Qingxuan climb down..." Suddenly Tao Yaoyao yelled loudly, Huangfu Qingxuan turned his head, and immediately crawled towards him, and soon there were many bamboo arrows flying towards him, and Tao Yaoyao who was inside the bamboo arrow at the moment , also quickly pulled the cane and jumped down.

Huangfu Qingxuan raised his head and watched Tao Yaoyao use the rattan to swing over, he stretched out his hand and hugged Tao Yaoyao, soon the two of them borrowed the rattan to swing far away, the two jumped on the ground, Tao Yaoyao Yaoyao protected Huangfu Qingxuan and left.

"You go first, I have medicine on my body, which will make those evil things chase after me," Huangfu Qingxuan knew very clearly that now that he has those medicines on his body, those evil things will keep chasing him. Will not let myself go.

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, looked at Huangfu Qingxuan, gritted her teeth and smiled, "Well, I like those ghosts very much, now I follow you, so I don't need to go everywhere Take a risk, let's go..."

Tao Yaoyao took Huangfu Qingxuan's hand and ran quickly, Huangfu Qingxuan held that warm hand, his expression gradually became complicated, but at this moment, he said that sentence greedily, you left by yourself .

Tao Yaoyao took Huangfu Qingxuan away, and the evil thing behind him chased after him. After chasing for a long time, both of them came to the top of this ghost abyss. When standing in this ghost abyss, Tao Yaoyao could feel it The roar that came from the abyss.

"I just said, this woman is with the Taoist priest, now it's all right, we can kill them together, so we can go back to do business," Tao Yaoyao took a step back after hearing those words while looking at those evil things.

"If you touch her, do you think your boss will let you go? It doesn't matter if you want to kill me, but you also know this woman, and most of your bosses care about her," Huangfu Qingxuan immediately said while protecting Tao Yaoyao.

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard these words, Huangfu Qingxuan didn't speak, but stared at those evil things, the business in those eyes made everyone excited.

Huangfu Qingxuan was their nemesis in the past, even if they lost their Taoism right now, they still have a deterrent effect. When they heard this, all the evil things fell silent.

Li Hongwei is very concerned about this woman, if they kill this woman right now, they will be punished by the boss, but if they don't kill her and bring her back, the elder sister will definitely be angry.

"When the time comes, I'll tell the boss that you saw that you had reached a dead end and wanted to drag this woman to be buried with you," said a petite woman suddenly, and at this moment this woman was the elder sister who looked just like Tao Yaoyao. head's men.

(End of this chapter)

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