Chapter 2

When Changfeng heard the thought of the door thumping, he went up to open the door, and soon saw a young master in fair clothes, with red lips and white teeth, who looked better than the girl in the village head, even Changfeng couldn't bear to see it. I can't help but sigh, this male and female look is not annoying.

"The young master is looking for (cousin)..." The two said at the same time, Changfeng (⊙o⊙), he heard it right, did the young master call him cousin?He doesn't remember where he has a little cousin?

"The young master must have admitted the wrong person. My father is an only son, and although my mother is not an only daughter, she is also an orphan. How could there be a cousin?" Changfeng said decisively that she had admitted the wrong person.

"Cousin, you don't want me anymore, woooo/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~I'm Yaoyao, your cousin, how can you not want me?" Unfortunately, Tao Yaoyao burst into tears without explaining to Changfeng, There was accusation in those small eyes, and she, who was originally pretty, suddenly seemed to soften people's hearts.

Mr. System gave her preferential treatment to make her a body, well done, the appearance is his own, but it is a bit pretty, is this a bargain?
"Young master, don't cry, let's talk first," Changfeng was a little at a loss when he saw Tao Yaoyao crying, he seemed to have made her cry?

It's just that no matter whether he made the cry himself, Changfeng didn't want Tao Yaoyao to cry outside the door, after all, it was noon and there were many people coming and going, so it would be bad for others to see more or less.

After Changfeng brought Tao Yaoyao into the room, he heard Tao Yaoyao talk a lot about what the young mother was sold to support Changfeng's father, the step-grandmother was afraid that her son would be sad, but she didn't tell herself The son and daughter were bought instead of dead. Even Changfeng's father didn't know about it, so Changfeng naturally didn't know about it.

When Changfeng heard Tao Yaoyao's words, he didn't know how to react for a while?Believe Tao Yaoyao's words or not believe it, but in the end Changfeng chose to believe Tao Yaoyao's words. After all, he has no wealth, why would he lie to him?
But at this moment, Tao Yaoyao lied to Changfeng that her family was dead. Tao Yaoyao silently lit the wax. The original owner's parents were sorry, and she had nowhere to go, so she searched everywhere for the whereabouts of Changfeng's father. Unexpectedly, Changfeng's father It's dead, that's why I'm looking for this cousin.

Although there are many things that don't make sense, they were all fooled by Tao Yaoyao. After all, he wants money. what?
The important thing is that he almost gave the name of his eighteenth generation ancestor, and he still doesn't believe that he is his cousin, which really hurts his heart.

"Then what are you going to do next, cousin?" Since he is his cousin, and his cousin's mother was betrayed because of his father, Changfeng felt somewhat guilty. I don't have any relatives anymore, so I can't help being close at this moment.

"Cousin, can I stay here with you? Don't worry, I'm capable, and I don't eat much. I can eat three meals a day." In order to show that she is capable, Tao Yaoyao rolled up her sleeves and asked Show Changfeng the work.

I'm afraid that Changfeng won't take her in. In fact, Tao Yaoyao knows very well that there are many loopholes in her words, so she is naturally a little uneasy. After all, if she can't get in, where can she find a wife for Changfeng.

"Okay, cousin, since you are my cousin, I naturally won't let you sleep on the street, you can stay here, rest assured that I will have a bite of food, and you will not starve my cousin," he said. Passed the rag in Tao Yaoyao's hand.

He also felt emotional at that moment, looking at the delicate skin and tender flesh, he really wanted to know if he would break it all at once, it seems that this little cousin used to be the treasure of the family, but now he is suffering The other party is going to suffer with himself.

"Yaoyao is hungry, I'll get you something to eat." Looking at the thin Tao Yaoyao, Changfeng felt that he really didn't look like a man. Since he came to his house in the future, he would have to be responsible for getting fat. baby.

Tao Yaoyao nodded, and Chang Feng made some food. Chang Feng saw that Tao Yaoyao was eating, and the corners of his mouth twitched. The bowl was as big as the mouth of a pot, and the little cousin ate up a bowl of noodles. This is Not eating much?And little cousin, where did your flesh grow?
"Ahem..." Tao Yaoyao made Changfeng stare guilty, and her eyes turned to wander not far away. She was thick-skinned and didn't blush even in guilt, she just felt that she was really slapped in the face just now.

Tao Yaoyao stayed here, and in the following days, in order to show that she was useful, Tao Yaoyao said, "Cousin, I will carry the burden for you,"

Tao Yaoyao showed her shamelessness, and quickly integrated into Changfeng's family. The cousin was so affectionate, and Changfeng couldn't help but have the illusion that his cousin was with him since he was a child. It's not just less than two days.

Cousin Bi is so enthusiastic, he looks at him with those watery eyes every day, and works for him all day long. Although this cousin is suspected of being a disservice every time he does work, it is still difficult to reduce her. enthusiasm.

And he couldn't say a word about Yaoyao. In fact, regarding the name Tao Yaoyao, Changfeng thought that Tao Zhiyao was charming in spring. As a man, she is so gorgeous. If it is a female lead, she will definitely look better than ordinary ladies. .

In fact, Changfeng's father was a scholar, but it's a pity that he died early. Although Changfeng also studied, he lost his parents since he was a child. Let alone studying, he is lucky to survive. There is no time to study, so a good scholar at this moment becomes the woodcutter.

But this woodcutter is also the most handsome woodcutter, he is obviously a rough man dressed in coarse linen, but at the moment he reveals a gentleness, if he hadn't seen him chopping firewood with his own eyes, anyone would suspect that he is a scholar rather than a woodcutter. Woodcutter gone.

"That Yaoyao, just get me the sickle, I'll come..." Seeing the figure that just reached his chest, Changfeng really couldn't let her pick firewood, sometimes he wondered if the firewood would be on his shoulders crush this kid.

Yes, in Changfeng’s eyes, Tao Yaoyao is a child, she looks like a boy and a girl, and she is short, sometimes he doubts whether Yaoyao is a girl, but soon he shook his head, no big girl with yellow flowers would follow her Men eat and sleep in the same bed?

In fact, Tao Yaoyao is also sad, who made the yard of Changfeng’s house so small that there is only one bed and one room. You must know that after the heroine was rescued by the male partner, Changfeng slept in the yard from beginning to end, and half of Mao had never touched the woman. host.

And later the male protagonist will kill, and seeing that there is only one bed in the room, and the woman is wearing a wedding dress, he immediately mistakenly thinks that the two are having an affair, and he is about to kill Changfeng. Yaoyao played the male role in the tragedy, and the virus is the stepmother of these cosplayers.

But now it seems that she herself is more tragic. After all, she came in disguised as a man. If she was picky, Changfeng might be suspicious. Awkward but also admitted.

In fact, the most important point is that Tao Yaoyao treats it as a game at all, her body is not her own, and it doesn't matter if others touch her, not to mention that people sleep well, so Tao Yaoyao doesn't care even more, anyway It's a borrowed body, she ran away as soon as the game was over, what are you afraid of.

 I liked this article before, so the changes will not be too big, and the next article will have changes
(End of this chapter)

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