Chapter 208
"I don't want to hear it, go out... Li Hongwei, don't make me hate you even more, go out..." This man is like this every time, she hates Li Hongwei, not for a moment.

"Okay, I'll go out," Li Hongwei knew that staying would only make her more disgusted, but when he went out, he sighed, "I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry?" Seeing Li Hongwei leaving, Tao Yaoyao sneered, she could do whatever she wanted with just one sorry, and scare herself like this.

Tao Yaoyao felt that she had never hated a task so much, now she hurt Huangfu Qingxuan again and again because of this task, she was worthy of Li Hongwei, but she was very sorry for Huangfu Qingxuan.

Tao Yaoyao knew that her idea was unacceptable, but... "Bastard..." From the very beginning, she had never willingly accepted this so-called task. Every time she was passive, she hated it... …Very annoying……

Tao Yaoyao had an idea in her heart for some reason, since they forced herself to do the task, and the way home was far away, she didn't want to waste her life like this, she...

" hurts..." Tao Yaoyao had extreme thoughts, but soon she had a headache. After rubbing her forehead, Tao Yaoyao frowned, suppressed the anger in her heart, and sat on the bed Going up, hugging that thigh with both hands, I don't know how Huangfu Qingxuan is doing?

When Li Hongwei came out of the room, he saw He Ruer, and He Ruer looked at Li Hongwei and said, "I said you were rejected, look... are you in a better mood now?"

When Li Hongwei heard this, his complexion was not good, and he directly pinched He Ruer, "Bitch... If it wasn't your fault, how could she treat me like this, bitch..."

Li Hongwei thought that Huangfu Qingxuan and Tao Yaoyao spent a few days under the ghost abyss because of He Ruer's complexion, this woman challenged her bottom line again and again.

Li Hongwei was really angry right now, so He Ru'er struggled desperately, "You killed will die too...cough cough..." When he spoke, Li Hongwei started to pant desperately. After seeing it, Li Hongwei directly He threw the person out.

When throwing him out, Li Hongwei looked at He Ru'er coldly, "You're right, we live and die together,'s easy for me to clean you up,"

As he spoke, he directly sucked that He Ru'er into the bottle. This ghost... I found it in that cave. At that time, I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect to communicate with the ghost in the cave.

That is to say, he became the same person as He Ruer, He Ruer was able to run out of that place because of himself, and he was also strong because of He Ruer, He Ruer saw the depths of his heart, and changed his appearance and temperament It's the same as Tao Yaoyao.

At the beginning, he was deceived, but Tao Yaoyao is Tao Yaoyao after all, even if someone looks exactly the same, but this person is impossible to be the same after all, because... whichever Tao Yaoyao he likes, no matter how he changes Zaixiang is only human-like but not human.

Li Hongwei left after tidying up He Ruer. Tao Yaoyao was sitting in the room and saw Li Hongzhao opened the door and walked in. But there will be no good fruit to eat,"

"Did you see that I ate good fruit when I was not making trouble?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongzhao with disdain and said, right now Li Hongzhao is standing and talking without back pain, and now he and Li Hongwei, he is Being obedient and obedient, he also attacked himself, thinking of this, Tao Yaoyao's face became ugly.

Seeing Tao Yaoyao's expression, Li Hongzhao sighed, "Do you want to know about him?" The two of them knew what Li Hongzhao was talking about, and now it was "Huangfu Qingxuan".

When Tao Yaoyao heard about Huangfu Qingxuan, she couldn't help looking at Li Hongzhao in a daze, with suspicion and vigilance on her face, "Are you here to sniff? But don't forget, I won't go ...I have nothing to do with him..."

Tao Yaoyao knew that Li Hongzhao and Li Hongwei were bent on revenge, and the more she cared, maybe the two brothers had plotted against her. When she heard this, Li Hongzhao looked at Tao Yaoyao in a daze, When meeting this look.

"You really don't care?" Tao Yaoyao's eyes flickered when she heard this, but she still spoke coldly, this bastard... must be the undercover agent sent by Li Hongwei, the second brother Li Hongwei , Tao Yaoyao didn't believe it at all right now.

"Do you care? You're joking. Why should I care? She saved me in the abyss, but I returned it. What's more...we are enemies in the first place. If it weren't for the fact that he saved my life, I would have helped him." I saw your brother stabbed the knife," Tao Yaoyao snorted coldly.

Tao Yaoyao actually... at first she had the idea of ​​stabbing her, but later on, the longer she got in touch with Huangfu Qingxuan, the more she couldn't do it. That's why she saw the other party's troubles again and again, Shot to save people.

But at the moment, it is absolutely forbidden to tell the second brother of the Li family. Li Hongzhao sighed when he heard this, and looked out of the door with light eyes. Tao Yaoyao didn't pay attention to this look, just wanted Li Hongzhao Get out early.

She wanted to go out secretly to find someone, so she wanted to find Huangfu Qingxuan herself, to see if Huangfu Qingxuan was all right?Now that her injuries are almost healed, she knows that she can leave.

"It seems that sister-in-law, you really love my elder brother so badly," Li Hongzhao said with a smile, Tao Yaoyao curled her lips, loving a woolen thread, if it wasn't for this mission, Tao Yaoyao would have wanted to give Li Hongwei a knife.

Thinking of Li Hongwei's schemes against him and his attitude towards him, Tao Yaoyao became angry, but at this moment Tao Yaoyao didn't notice that there was a person wearing a black hat standing outside the door.

Now when he heard Tao Yaoyao's words, his eyes gradually turned crimson red, and his expression became colder and colder. Her heart was moving, thinking of Tao Yaoyao's ruthlessness, but his own stupidity, Huangfu Qingxuan's expression became more and more cold. He became more and more angry.

As far as this Huangfu Qingxuan is concerned, he likes Tao Yaoyao, and he wanted to take Tao Yaoyao away with him, but he never expected... When he came to find Tao Yaoyao, he heard what Tao Yaoyao said, right...Huangfu Qingxuan It was Li Hongzhao who brought Tao Yaoyao.

Li Hongzhao didn't know what was wrong with him, but he was stupid by accident, so he brought Huangfu Qingxuan to find Tao Yaoyao. What he said just now was sincere, but what he said later was intentional.

Tao Yaoyao didn't know that Huangfu Qingxuan had left, and she didn't know what Li Hongzhao was thinking. When she looked at Li Hongzhao, Tao Yaoyao just felt that she should get out of here.

After Huangfu Qingxuan left, Li Hongzhao also left. When he went out, Li Hongzhao smiled, "This man... all lost in the word love,"

Huangfu Qingxuan, the proud son of the sky, the cruel elder brother, has lost in this love right now, and that fact, Li Hongzhao also can't see through it, she seems to like his elder brother very much, but he can't feel it That love, for Huangfu Qingxuan...should have liking, at least when she came back with someone in her arms, she cried and called Huangfu Qingxuan's name, if she didn't like it...she wouldn't worry about it. There are many kinds of liking, and it is also important to have a feeling of guilt.

(End of this chapter)

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