General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 228 The End of the Game

Chapter 228 The End of the Game
"Are you a fool? You use these points to exchange for weapons and medicines, and you can do anything else. Why do you use paper? You use yellow letters, don't you think she will get dirty when you go to the toilet?" Sam looked at Taoyao Immortal.

The person in front of me got a bunch of yellow papers for no reason, and it was just for the sake of money. Hearing this, Tao Yaoyao looked at Sam, then looked at Karl and Kede, which kind of paper did they use? He looked at Tao Yaoyao with hopeless eyes.

The corners of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched at the sight of these people, her feelings were so unreliable, she cut out the words with a knife, then put them on the stone, found some items, and then cut her palms .

"Sister..." Karl saw that she was the one who felt the most distressed, and immediately ran over. Hearing what Karl said, Sam also ran over, and saw that Tao Yaoyao's finger was cut, and couldn't help it. Wei Wei froze for a moment.

"What are you doing?" Tao Yaoyao picked up some cinnabar a few days ago. The cinnabar grows in the wild. Although there are few places in this place right now, there are some. Adding blood is enough.

"Do useful things," Tao Yaoyao said, and then began to draw amulets, now I have to thank Huangfu Qingxuan, not Emperor Yaojiu, at least this is the most useful thing I learned from him.

After Tao Yaoyao finished the painting, she put it aside and dried it. After it was dry, she wrapped it with that thing and put it in her backpack. When she was done, she looked at Karl.

"You take this thing," said Tao Yaoyao. Carl is the only one who is giving things right now. As for the other two people, when their identities are not confirmed, Tao Yaoyao has no intention of being stupid.

Especially now that it is not known whether the other party is Emperor Yaojiu and K, when Tao Yaoyao gave it to Carl, Carl was slightly taken aback, "Sister, what is this?"

"This is my sister's secret treasure, you have to keep it safe," Tao Yaoyao whispered, "When you meet bad guys in the future, use this thing, throw stones out, and then run..."

"..." Carl looked at his sister, but he still put away those spells. Although he doesn't understand his sister right now, what is the use of giving this to himself?But Karl knew that his sister would not harm him.

When she saw Carl's cuteness at a glance, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but smiled and said, "Be good... take it well, my sister won't lie to you, you have to trust my sister

Karl nodded when he heard this, because Karl knew that in this place, no one could trust Tao Yaoyao in front of him even if he was there.

Everyone in this place wanted to kill him, everyone, but my sister was the only one I could trust, and Carl was not a fool even though he was young.

He saw a lot of things during the killing along the way. After Tao Yaoyao was ready, he left with Calsam and the others, "We need to start hunting now, and it will be winter soon. When winter comes, we will It will be very cold when it snows heavily, and there is one more thing, we need companions,"

"Companion?" Tao Yaoyao couldn't help frowning, the memory is just a memory, and she doesn't want to follow what she saw, Sam nodded to Kede after hearing this.

"Yes, many powerful companions, because in the last few days, groups will come out to fight and kill. This is a voluntary competition," Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being slightly stunned after hearing this competition. sexualized.

"Voluntary, is that okay if you don't participate?" Karl was the first to ask, but Sam and Kede couldn't help smiling. The smiles on their faces clearly told Tao Yaoyao and Karl , this is a very funny joke.

"No, if you don't participate, everyone will mobilize together to encircle that person or a team, because...they don't allow others to take advantage of it." Cheap.

At the beginning, there were still cheap things to pick up, but after these [-] matches, many people have already learned how to kill the weak, clean up the strong, and then the strongest duel, because... Although the weak are weak, it is still possible to hide and take advantage of it.

In the [-] times of the competition, the weakest person took advantage of it. Once...a ten-year-old child hid alone until the end, and after two people killed everyone, he was told that he would kill everyone again. A person.

But the child hid very well, and there was not enough time to find it, so the two of them could only kill each other, but the two tigers fought and ended up losing both sides. Those who saw all this began to plan another plan. When people come to a game, they will fight against the weak first.

Because they don't want to kill them in the end, and there are only two people left, but they are taken advantage of by those who are hiding, so in the final arena, they will start counting, and the competition will start after the number of people is enough. If it is not enough, it will choose to start hunting the hiding person, and there is absolutely no way to escape.

After Tao Yaoyao heard this, she couldn't help pursing her lips, expressing that she knew that the current competition was getting more and more cruel in the end. Tao Yaoyao walked with Sam and the others when she heard the people in front call Help, Karl heard it and looked at his sister.

"It seems that someone has set up an ambush ahead, and we'll go hunting too. You little brat, hide in the tree by yourself, we don't have time to talk to you," Sam looked at Tao Yaoyao coldly, even though he was talking to Carl Yes, but that gaze was looking at Tao Yaoyao.

"Carl go up," Tao Yaoyao knew that Sam was trying to test herself, if she was too ignorant of current affairs to be a hero, then there should be no need to cooperate, because Carl's belt is indeed a drag.

"I see," Carl nodded. He knew the sound of the bird talking, and he was hiding on top of it. As long as he didn't speak, he wouldn't be noticed. "Sister, you go,"

"Carl...then take this thing, eat it..." Tao Yaoyao gave Carl a medicine, and then took the piece of cloth to Carl, "If someone hits you from below, set this cloth on fire and throw it away, "

The cloth was soaked in drug, as long as it was burned, people could inhale it. Now Carl can avoid it by throwing him from the tree. Hearing this, Carl nodded and began to climb the tree.

It was the first time for the three of them to hunt and kill others. Tao Yaoyao sighed. Although she was repelled, she did not say that she would not kill others. Look, there is no way to turn back now.

Tao Yaoyao and Sam stood not far away, Tao Yaoyao was responsible for the investigation, Tao Yaoyao's figure was the lightest, and her petite body was the most difficult to find in this jungle.

So right now Tao Yaoyao is the investigator. After looking around, Tao Yaoyao climbed up the tree, then stood on the big tree and began to look at people. Sam nodded. The ability to climb up trees is unique. , They really can't learn right now, the leaves are so light that they don't shake at all, this requires a lot of skill, of course... strength is a shortcoming, the weak can only choose speed and cleverness.

(End of this chapter)

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