General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 230 The End of the Game

Chapter 230 The End of the Game
Because Tao Yaoyao was injured, she can only find a good place for the group to rest, "We need to ask one thing, what are you hiding from us? At this time, hide and pinch, when the time comes It just kills everyone,"

Sam looked at Tao Yaoyao in front of him and said, when he heard this, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, and then said, "Okay, then let's be honest, I do have something to hide from you, but... what about you?"

Tao Yaoyao also asked Sam, and now she said, but what about the two of them?There is no one here who is not hiding and pinching, for fear that if others know more about themselves, others will know their cards, and when they meet, both of them will appear very powerless.

When Sam heard this, he looked at Tao Yaoyao, but at this moment Kede was silent, and soon the two of them didn't speak, and Kede didn't know what to say?Because not to mention Tao Yaoyao, even Sam is hiding a lot of things right now.

There are four people in a team, right now... this Tao Yaoyao or that Sam Kede, both have their own concealment, and they both plan to reveal their hole cards in the final killing.

"Everyone in our team has something to hide, I want to say..." Tao Yaoyao took out the charm in her hand, and after chanting a few words, a ball of flame appeared in the spell, and after taking out another When he was in Zhang, he posted a piece directly on his body, and soon he disappeared.

Seeing that Tao Yaoyao was gone, many people were slightly taken aback, "This is my end, but I can't do it for a long time, three seconds..." Tao Yaoyao immediately appeared again, hearing this At that time, the eyes of Sam and Cade changed.

Although three seconds is very short, this is definitely an artifact. When people disappear, they are the most dangerous existence. Sam smiled and said, "This is also great,"

Escaping for at least three seconds is good. Tao Yaoyao smiled when she heard this, and at this moment, Sam had the silver thunder light in his hand. When he saw the silver light, he couldn't help being slightly stunned. the...she remembers...

Tao Yaoyao didn't say that the other party actually has the ability to fire. When Kede saw all this, he sighed, "I'm a cross-dresser," saying that when his body changed, he became a different person. After seeing this, the corners of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched. Sure enough... there are things you can't imagine, and there is nothing that others can't do.

Tao Yaoyao saw it now, Carl was surprised to see all this, and then said, "I can understand the bird's words," but this made Sam smile.

"If you can't control the bird here, you're useless," Carl lowered his head when he heard this, with an expression of indescribable grievance, and the whole person fell silent.

Tao Yaoyao couldn't help shaking her head when she saw it, and stretched out her hand to rub Carl's hair, "This is pretty good, don't be angry..."

Carl didn't speak, he looked very depressed, Sam looked at Tao Yaoyao, "You have this ability, we will start hunting tomorrow,"

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she nodded, and changed her wound again, and then she lay down to sleep. Carl asked Tao Yaoyao to hold her, and when Tao Yaoyao fell asleep, Carl secretly get up.

Sam opened his eyes, looked at Carl not far away, and then followed directly. When he saw Karl standing on the edge of the cliff, Sam was slightly taken aback when he saw it. Karl looked at the cliff, pursed his lips and endured it. that fear. ,
"Sister..." He will only live, bring trouble to Tao Yaoyao, make Tao Yaoyao's life very painful, and will definitely drag him down. He closed his eyes and jumped straight down. When Sam saw it, his body moved slightly , but soon fell silent.

Turning around and leaving now that this person is dead, it will not be too much of a burden. When Sam was about to go back, Tao Yaoyao immediately chased him out. When he chased him out, he saw Sam not far away. .

"Have you seen my brother? I don't know where my brother has gone?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Sam, Carl suddenly disappeared in the night, Tao Yaoyao was very scared now.

When Sam heard it, he said, "I'm on patrol, and I didn't see anyone," Sam said without any emotion. When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and then went to look for it by herself. stand up.

When he came to the cliff, he looked around, "Carl..." After seeing the footprints on the ground, he couldn't help but shook his head and jumped down, but was pulled by Sam.

"What are you doing?" When Tao Yaoyao was holding Sam's hand, she couldn't help but look at Sam in a daze, and pointed her head, with an anxious look on her face.

"Karl must have fallen, I have to go find Karl," he was about to push away, but Sam grabbed Tao Yaoyao directly, without letting Tao Yaoyao struggle at all.

"He jumped down by himself, he knew he was a burden, and he didn't want to burden any of us," Tao Yaoyao looked at Sam with a shocked expression when she heard this.

When she saw Sam, Tao Yaoyao directly smiled and said, "You saw it, you didn't pull... that's right... This is a killing in the arena, there is only killing, there is no way to save people What I said, I know...but don't stop me, I'll save my brother, "

As he said that, he jumped down directly, borrowed light work and began to release the force. After the force was released, he tied the rope to the top and landed directly. After falling, he saw Karl and the branch. When it fell, the branch relieved him, so that he didn't fall into a bloody mess, but I don't know if he died?
After Tao Yaoyao fell to the ground, she hugged the person not far away. "Carl...Carl..." When Tao Yaoyao saw Carl, she felt her pulse immediately, and when she felt the heartbeat, she immediately carried the child away.

Sam stood on it, looking at the cliff that Tao Yaoyao jumped off not far away, couldn't help pursing his lips, and now... His eyes gradually became cold, he turned around and left, you choose Death, that is nothing special.

Tao Yaoyao gave Karl a drink, and used the cloth strip to cool Karl down, "You brat... why do you want to imitate others' suicide if you have nothing to do? Is it a drag or not... Right now, I have the final say, what a fool... ..."

Tao Yaoyao looked at Kaldao, he is a complete fool at the moment, when he heard this, Karl slightly opened his eyes, looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Sister..."

"You're awake, why are you committing suicide?" Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but angrily said after watching Karl wake up, and when she heard this, Karl couldn't help but pursed her lips and began to cry.

"I don't want to be a burden to my sister anymore, Sam is right, I have been... I have been a burden to you all the time, sister... I don't want to be a burden to you anymore," yeah, I don't want to be a burden to my sister anymore, because in this way, It will only let my sister die with me. My sister can protect me, but I am too weak to protect myself. His existence will only make it difficult for my sister to move forward.

"You silly boy, you will be a burden if you die, go to sister is here." When he fell, there was a branch to relieve the force, otherwise, what would happen to this child right now?
(End of this chapter)

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