General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 237 The End of the Game

Chapter 237 The End of the Game
"Sister... Sister..." As soon as Karl saw his sister, he immediately rushed over, hugged his sister and said, with tears on his face, crying, looking like a poor little girl.

"Come on, don't cry, look at your appearance, just like that little cat," Tao Yaoyao said with a smile, Karl couldn't help curling his lips when he heard this, and looked at Tao Yao angrily tender.

Tao Yaoyao smiled and looked at Ced, "Thank you for taking care of Carl, by the way, I have something to tell you, let's go to a safe place," Tao Yaoyao's words made Ced and Sam slightly stunned .

Tao Yaoyao pointed to not far away, although the image stones are everywhere now, but there is obviously still a small part of the place right now, so Tao Yaoyao walked not far away with Carl.

People can be seen in the image stone here, but the sound can’t pass through. Tao Yaoyao is lying in Nakde, and after seeing them, Sam is covering several people. Tao Yaoyao and Karl are in the middle .

"This..." Tao Yaoyao took out the corpse in her arms. It was a stone, a sapphire blue stone, but when it met the Sorcerer's Stone, it would turn blood red, and when it was sapphire blue, there was no Few people can recognize it as a disturbance stone.

After seeing the gemstone, Sam couldn't help being slightly taken aback, took it directly and looked at it, "Is this an interference stone?" He tried it with that magic, and his eyes lit up immediately, and looked at Tao Yaoyao .

"Yes, that's why I plan to leave here. The two of you, Sam Kede, choose for yourself, whether to kill here or leave..." Fighting finally said, even if you get out alive, it's just a pet dog. Just to please others.

And when they become winners, many things will be restricted, especially the personal freedom, which will be imprinted with the imprint of that position, leaving them nowhere to go and nowhere to escape.

Sam was slightly taken aback when he heard this, "Your idea is too crazy, but... if it's true, I'd be happy to accept it," choosing the fate of narrow escape, it's better to excuse yourself.

Tao Yaoyao immediately nodded happily when she heard this, "That's right, if we go on like this, we don't know if anyone will die. I can't protect Karl to the end, so I choose to take risks. If you are going to die, why don't you choose a riskier way?"

We are all going to die right now, so we might as well choose to work harder. Carl was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and looked at his sister for not speaking, and at this moment, Sam also nodded, looked at Ked, Ked Sighing, "If you all choose like this, then naturally I can't choose anything else, so I am naturally happy..."

, the person who wins the competition every time can get a lot of honors, but... there is also his own hard work behind it, so running is indeed the best choice right now, and...he knows clearly that when the final battle comes Sometimes, I may not be able to live.

When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao stopped smiling and said, "So let's make a plan, we must have Zhou Xiang's plan before we can act..."

I have to run now, so I must plan a lot and move carefully. When I heard this, Sam and the others nodded, and at this moment, He Zhan took his sister back.

"That is to say, you let people run away. He Zhan is your ability. If you don't release the water, it is impossible to let others run away." Gong Yan looked at He Jiaer, who was not far away, and said, "It's your sister dragging you back again." Leg? He Zhan this is the last time, if there is another time, you will leave this team,"

The silver hair is black and has a coldness in it. Gong Yan's mother is from this country of Yin, but his father is not, because his mother has privately befriended this savage, and now the people of Yin country have also included him and his mother in the savage industry.

Right now, he is also a member of this arena, knowing all this, if he can't get out alive right now, it will be a dead end, but... the He Zhan in front of him always goes wrong when dealing with things.

He Zhan nodded when he heard this, and didn't refute anything for himself, because He Zhan knew very well that he was indeed the one who caused the loss of the people in his team.

"Go down," Gong Yan waved his hand, He Zhan nodded when he heard this, and met He Jiaer when he left, He Jiaer looked at his elder brother, and then ran not far away.

"What are you going to do?" He Zhan pulled He Jiaer and asked, He Jiaer looked at his elder brother with a dissatisfied expression, as if his elder brother had done something to apologize to him, his expression and attitude were very good People don't like it.

"What are you doing? If you don't avenge me, I'll find someone else, I'll find Brother Gong, so I don't want you," He Jiaer said coldly, "Hmph, I hate you..." After saying that, she ran away not far away go.

The other people shook their heads one by one when they saw it, and started working without saying a word. He Zhan, who heard this, took a deep breath, looked at his sister who was going to be silly not far away, and suddenly couldn't bear it. Stop smiling.

It turns out that I have done this, but in He Jiaer's mind, I am still cowardly, revenge?Did she think this was the place to take revenge?There is only this killing here, and there has never been a word of hatred.

"Brother Gong... woo..." He Jiaer began to cry, Gong Yan just looked at He Jiaer indifferently, and then looked at the other party, complaining with snot and tears, saying that his How did the eldest brother let himself be bullied.

Said how He Zhan ignored her, Gong Yan who heard all this looked at He Jiaer, "What does it have to do with me?" The first to be hunted.

Ignorant and noisy, always causing trouble for the other party, I shouldn't have recruited this He Zhan in the first place, if it was just He Zhan, I would be very happy, but right now it's not just He Zhan, there is also a dragger bottle of Hejiaer.

Moreover, this woman didn't have any self-awareness, and always ran towards her. He hated it very much. He Jiaer immediately felt wronged and cried when he heard Gong Yan's words, "You bullied me too, woo woo...cough cough..."

But suddenly someone grabbed the neck, Gong Yan looked at He Jiaer, and lifted He Jiaer up high, "Don't bother me here, otherwise even He Zhan can't stop me from killing you!" go away……"

I am in this place, and I have no intention of talking to He Jiaer at all, but it is a pity that He Jiaer always treats her as ignorance and politeness, and dare not treat her. On the one hand, he relies on He Zhan's protection, on the other hand, he is always in front of him , Said that He Zhan is not good.

Although He Zhan is half an enemy with himself, the palace nightmare at the moment also admires He Zhan as a good guy, but it's a pity... the guy is good, but the girl next to him is really brain-dead.

He Jiaer was thrown on the ground, her whole body trembling, and when she looked around, all of them looked with contempt, disgust, and malice, she subconsciously began to look for her brother.

But right now, He Zhan had already disappeared, and she suddenly became very scared. Although she didn't like her brother, she hoped that her brother would appear at this juncture, " are you looking at? My brother It's He Zhan, you don't want to die..."

"Our lives are gone from the very beginning, Hejiaer, you should restrain yourself a little bit, otherwise... you are like that if you die," a woman said coldly. Right now, Hejiaer has always relied on They have seen that their elder brother is bullying them now, and He Zhan is also starting to get tired of He Jiaer, which is very good news.

(End of this chapter)

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