General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 243 The End of the Game

Chapter 243 The End of the Game
"What did you say when you saw it?" Gong Yan looked directly at the brother who was not far away. When the brothers heard this, they all looked at Hejiaer and Naked. His eyes flashed.

"It was Hejiaer who did it," one of the women stood up and said, "She took advantage of the time when others were relieved to do it, and almost killed Kede." Those women didn't like this Hejiaer, and now Hejiaer High and high all the time.

He had a bad attitude towards them. When he heard this, Na He Zhan's face sank slightly, and he looked directly at He Jia'er, who was caught by Na He Zhan's gaze.

"He killed me first, they are all jealous of my lying," He Jiaer refused to admit it. When hearing this, Gong Yan smiled coldly, looked at He Jiaer, He Jiaer Zhan wants He Jiaer to shut up.

"You said my people lied to me? Hejiaer, let me tell you, my brothers and people have never lied to me, and they will never lie to me, and they dare not lie to me. Do you know why? ?” Gong Yan’s expression made He Jia’er’s face ugly, she looked at Gong Yan and took a step back.

"Why?" He Jiaer hid behind Na He Zhan, and He Zhan was protecting He Jiaer. When he heard this, Gong Yan's expression turned cold, and he looked directly at He Jiaer.

"They're all dead," Gong Yan said, and He Jiaer who was not far away screamed and stood up immediately. He Zhan bent down and hugged He Jiaer. Seeing He Jiaer's expression, he became anxious .

"What are you doing? You're just an outsider," He Zhan said. When he heard this, Gong Yan's face was pale. After seeing this gaze, He Zhan immediately lowered his head and didn't speak.

Now He Zhan remembered that this Ked was not an ordinary outsider, but came to cooperate with them. The other brothers didn't know, but Gong Yan told him.

"I'm just teaching her a lesson. Hejiaer doesn't have your brother in the world to protect you. If you don't behave yourself, don't blame me for being rude," said Hejiaer, looking directly at Hejiaer. When he spoke, his expression was leisurely and cold.

He Jiaer started to cry, and when she was talking, her face was always crying, her whole body was in pain, the pain was so severe that she was screaming, and after she fainted, the palace nightmare heard about it .

"I don't hope there will be a next time, or even if she is your sister, then I won't let her go," Gong Yan took Kede away, Kede licked his lips, looked at He Jiaer with a cold expression cold.

"Brother, you must make the decision for me, brother..." He Jiaer looked at his brother He Zhan and cried, He Zhan looked at He Jiaer who woke up, his expression was so tired, as if he had aged in an instant .

"How do you want me to make decisions for you? Hejiaer, tell me? How do you want me to make decisions for you? I am working hard for how we live now, but you can see for yourself, see what you have done ? I dote on you so much that you have already formed the habit of thinking that I will not abandon you, so you dare to act mischievously again and again, right?"

He Zhan's face was ugly, and his angry tone almost devoured He Jia'er in front of him alive. He was working hard so that both of them could survive. She knew very well that he was no match in the arena. Gong Yan, however, made trouble for herself time and time again, making herself offend Gong Yan, and making Gong Yan more and more reject herself.

But she never repents, whether it hurts herself or nearly kills herself, she never repents. This time... He Zhan was very tired, and when He Jiaer was yelled at, she burst into tears.

A few days ago, because He Jiaer was injured, He Zhan took care of her softly, and He Jiaer started to intensify again, but now He Zhan can’t bear it anymore, the wound on his body is still hurting, but it’s because he was injured He was a human, but he didn't say a word of greeting. He was a human...not a beast, and he would be tired.

"You hate me," He Jiaer cried, "You kill me..." Seeing He Jiaer's appearance and reaction, He Zhan knew it. She didn't listen to her own difficulties, and didn't understand her own difficulties. It was just that he felt sorry for her and cried aggrievedly there.

He Jiaer's attitude made He Zhan completely chilled, and she took out her heart and soul, but she always caused trouble for herself, and He Zhan was also very tired. Right now, she doesn't want to work hard for this person, but desperately , I can't get the last word of comfort, they are brothers and sisters, but there is no rule in the world, the elder brother must pay for this idiot younger sister.

"Take a break," He Zhan turned and left. He Jiaer was used to He Zhan's attitude, and thought that He Zhan would get better after being angry for a while, but she didn't know that this was the last time. He Zhan did it for her. I have suffered enough, and I have been hurt enough.

When He Zhan went out, he saw Ke De, "Would you like a bottle?" Ke De gave He Zhan a bottle of beer, He Zhan saw it and took it, "Your little sister is really inferior, that girl's little brother, A 13-year-old child, in order not to drag his sister down, committed suicide by jumping off a cliff, and was later rescued because he worked hard to improve his skills. Compared with this, I think that child is a little angel."

He Zhan's eyes were cold and he didn't like it. He felt that Kede was deliberately provoking him. My sister, other people's brother, and my sister are very different. The gap between them really hurts the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

"Don't be angry, come to drink...just a woman, so what if it's your own sister? At this time...if you die by yourself, she is also destined to die. Since you die together, what are you doing? Don't choose to live by yourself!" This provocative words, so beautifully said, Tao Yaoyao will definitely applaud vigorously and applaud this Kede.

He Zhan was slightly taken aback when he heard this, but he also agreed with these words in his heart, because it is true, the idiot will die if he dies, so why don't he choose a person to live, protect himself first, and then protect himself. she.

If He Zhan didn't think so at the beginning, because he really took his sister as his life, but it's a pity that his sister treats him like an animal. This kind of differential treatment will cause a person to be injured to pieces, and thus become cold-hearted.

Kede took a sip of his wine and looked at He Zhan. Kede would not tell you that he was here to sow discord because He Jiaer stabbed him. He saw He Zhan's inner struggle. , in that case, push yourself.

What's more, He Jia'er is dead right now, and he really deserves it. He has only been here for more than half a day, and he has seen the woman's arrogance and ability to cause trouble. People will help those who get along day and night, but those people choose to help themselves, which shows how unpopular He Jiaer is.

"Brother, don't be like dead parents. This gone now. After you get out, find a girl and give birth to a child. It's your own child. The daughter will call you daddy coquettishly, and the boy will use admiration." Looking at you with eyes is better than guarding a person who stimulates you all day long, you should think about it carefully brother, "

When He Zhan heard this, there was a picture of the future in his mind, and that picture was his wife and children. When he thought of those, He Zhan's only reluctance to He Jiaer gradually disappeared. Ah, he can look for his family by himself, instead of suffering from Hejiaer, and the two of them will die in the end, because he is too aware of the extent of Hejiaer's death, and the painful wound, even if it scabs at this moment Well, it still hurts to get angry. He knows that it's not just the body, but the most important thing is the heartache, the pain of being hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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