General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 256 The End of the Game

Chapter 256 The End of the Game
Tao Yaoyao smiled when she looked at the people not far away, "It's really an honor to come to me in the middle of the night, do you think I killed you or chopped you up?"

"You dare, let me tell you, you are going to hurt me, you are a felony," Yin Lian took a step back and said, trembling uncontrollably when speaking, the people who fell down not far away were all brought by themselves Yes, but now they don't know what to do.

Tao Yaoyao, who heard this, blinked and smiled, and looked at Yin Lian faintly, "When you come, you should have seen it, so no one will know that I am you. , what do you think I dare not?"

Tao Yaoyao smiled and said, jumped directly, and grabbed Yin Lian's hand, "What a beautiful silver hair, if you say it is cut off, what effect will it have like a bald man?"

Tao Yaoyao looked at Yin Lian and said, Yin Lian's face was ugly, and when she looked at Tao Yaoyao, she said angrily, "You can't do this, let me tell you, if you dare, I won't be polite, you get out open……"

Tao Yaoyao didn't care about it, so she just slapped her and said, "I also want to thank you for getting rid of all the people outside, otherwise I really can't get away. In order to thank you, I will be fine. entertained,"

At the beginning, I was troubled and couldn't get out, but I didn't expect Yin Lian to help me. Those elites outside were all taken away by Yin Lian, and a bunch of trash came. Tao Yaoyao would be an idiot if she didn't run away.

Tao Yaoyao's words gave Yin Lian a bad feeling, but soon she passed out. Seeing the fainted person, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but smiled and turned away.

"What's going on here," Mr. Rong saw the bound girls with a bald head when he came the next day, "Let that?"

"We don't know, Yin Lian asked us to come, but we passed out halfway, Yin Lian... Yin Lian your hair?" Yin Lian woke up groggy, and after waking up, she saw The people not far away, before they had time to cry, were slightly taken aback when they heard someone say about their hair.

"What happened to my hair?" What happened to my own hair?But soon she saw in the mirror not far away, it was a bald head, which was left by Tao Yaoyao specially, so that Yin Lian could look at her hair after she woke up.

It was bare, and the symbol of the people of the Yin Kingdom was completely gone. After seeing this, the whole person couldn't help becoming angry, "Come out, bitch, I'm going to kill you bitch..."

"Shut up, what happened?" Mr. Rong's face was sour, he looked at his subordinate not far away, and the subordinate swallowed his saliva and said the ins and outs, Mr. Rong looked at Yin Lian who was tied up not far away.

"Okay, you're really good enough. I've been planning for so long, but you're here to sabotage me, okay..." As he said that, he threw Yin Lian out, and fell down not far away with blood on his head. Those girls were so scared that they trembled and dared not say a word.

Mr. Rong looked at everything in that room, there was no food left, but he didn't take half of the other things away, and he didn't miss it at all. He saw that it had been planned for a long time. I was very angry.

There is also that indescribable anger. At the beginning it was the beauty trick, but when the beauty trick started playing, he knew that there was a lot of deviation. It was a very familiar feeling, and Mr. Rong couldn't forget the feeling. Where is it? A feeling that I can't refuse.

"Go after me," Tao Yaoyao must have gone to fight with those people, "These people are wanted," the arrest warrant came out, and these people were all the people who fell off the Sorcerer's Stone cliff in the arena competition , everyone thought they were dead, but they didn't expect to be wanted not long after.

"Isn't this the person from the arena a few days ago? This is the palace nightmare... Sam... and Ked..." Many people inside were quickly recognized, but they were all dead. ?
Why does it appear here again at this moment?Many people are puzzled about this, and there are still many people who say, "Haha... look... in the arena, someone can finally run out, and look at this... there should be a lot of people running away, it's so cool... "

After seeing the arrest warrant, there were quite a few people's attitudes. Master Rong looked at his son and frowned, "Since you know that these people came from the arena, why didn't you see that woman brought back to torture and extract a confession?" ?”

"Father, I said, this is my business, that person is also mine, and you can do whatever you want if you catch the other people, but this woman is mine," pressing that Tao Yaoyao's head on the bottom. above.

Master Rong frowned when he saw it, "What do you mean? Aren't you just playing for fun?" This is to tell him the truth. Young Master Rong didn't speak, but his eyes showed anger.

"Okay, I caught it for my father, and I will send it to you," the woman ran away from under his son's nose, no wonder he was so angry, and quickly said, "But you should apologize to the Yin family, the Yin family is unusual position, don't be self-willed,"

The so-called unusualness is only because when the people of the Yin family went to war, the members of the Yin family were the first to bear the brunt and achieved great achievements, even at this moment they are proud of it.

"Father, don't you think it's absurd? Just such a little thing, it's worth them singing about for hundreds of years? Do you really think you are anything?" The people of the Yin family, just because of this matter, have been arrogant there for hundreds of mothers, And what people don't like the most is that people from the Yin family like to brag.

If a matter has been blown up for hundreds of years, even if it is a great contribution, people will not like it. It's just that no one points it out, but Mr. Rong won't give face.

"Everyone is well aware of this matter, but few people are willing to make it clear," Rong Daren said, "The banker's life is exhausted, and I won't be arrogant for long."

The people of the Yin family may have had a great reputation at the beginning, but now it is difficult to have a great reputation, because there is no one in the Yin country who likes to listen to these bad stories, but no one's ancestors have participated in this battle. They didn't talk about it, and only the people from the Yin family bragged about it, which would naturally make many people feel unhappy. It's a pity that the people from the Yin family still haven't figured out their situation.

Tao Yaoyao doesn't care about the politics of the Yin people, but after many days, she has already locked up the things related to Mr. Rong, the girl on her body, and now even if she comes into contact with her, she will not be found out.

But Tao Yaoyao knew that if Mr. Rong knew that he had run away, such an arrogant person would be furious, and he might wish to eat him alive, because Mr. Rong is such a person.

Tao Yaoyao intends to find this Karl and take him away, because she has no way to determine whether Mr. Rong is Emperor Yaojiu, or whether this Sam or someone else is Emperor Yaojiu, and K is even more difficult to find.Because even if Emperor Yaojiu said that K would come to find her, Tao Yaoyao still felt unreliable, because she didn't know why K came to find her?
Did he come to seek revenge on himself?Thinking about it, Tao Yaoyao felt that there was still such a possibility.

(End of this chapter)

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