General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 259 The End of the Game

Chapter 259 The End of the Game
Tao Yaoyao's words made Mr. Rong smile, and directly raised his chin, "Oh, why didn't I know, I have such a charm that makes you so fascinated, you said come and see..."

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she met the eyes of Mr. Rong, wondering why?At that moment, she saw her familiarity, and that familiar feeling slowly flowed into her heart, and she stretched out her hand involuntarily, stroking Mr. Rong's cheek.

Gently stand on tiptoe and approach, Mr. Rong stood with a confused face, and let Tao Yaoyao approach. Soon Tao Yaoyao looked at Mr. Rong and said, "Is it now? Actually, I think ,I also want to know……"

Wanting to know if she was Emperor Yaojiu, the instant familiarity was not an illusion, but the feeling that she could completely feel that he was Emperor Yaojiu, and kept telling himself that he was.

Before Mr. Rong could respond, Tao Yaoyao hooked his hand on that neck, pulled it hard, and his lips were blocked. At that moment, Mr. Rong opened his eyes wide, and everyone around him was shocked. Everyone was dumbfounded watching that scene.

Tao Yaoyao gently kissed the other party, but just when she was about to let go, she was hugged by the other party instead, and drove straight in... The surging kiss and the familiar feeling made Tao Yaoyao widen her eyes, and she It's not wrong, he is the person I'm looking for, but where is K?
If Emperor Yaojiu found it by himself, then who would K be?Is it Sam?Tao Yaoyao was thinking wildly, not cooperating at all, that Mr. Rong frowned, and looked at the man wandering in the sky, "Is it because I am not good enough to make you distracted at this time?"

"No, it's just that the kissing skills are immature," Tao Yaoyao looked at Mr. Rong and said, Mr. Rong's face turned dark immediately when he heard this, and he looked at Tao Yaoyao fiercely, squinting his eyes.

"Oh, it seems that you have kissed many people before." When Tao Yaoyao heard this kiss, she blinked her eyes and began to think, how many people have kissed herself?It seems that there are quite a few.

The first kiss was for Changfeng, and the first kiss was for his father, Emperor Qi Jing, okay... Although this is all in the game, there is no first kiss at all, but Tao Yaoyao knows that it is the first time.

But right now, it is impossible to say, no matter which one is his words, right?When Mr. Rong saw Tao Yaoyao, when he really thought about it, his face turned black. It was the first time he was kissed by a girl forcibly, but he didn't expect that the girl who kissed him forcibly was actually a love scene. Veteran, his complexion suddenly turned bad.

Tao Yaoyao was quickly pushed away, looking at Mr. Rong who walked away angrily, she couldn't help but licked her lips, this point has not changed, at least... she is very angry, and she won't get angry at herself.

Looking back, Tao Yaoyao felt that the jealous fire could burn herself to death, each and everyone's eyes were distorted and angry, Tao Yaoyao smiled when she saw it, "Hai..."

"Shameless bitch, bitch..." All of them were furious. Mr. Rong is the male god in their hearts, but today they saw their male god being kissed forcibly, and then left angrily.

"Don't scold me so badly. If you like me, you'll be a slut. What's more... If you want to, you can force a kiss. As long as you can get it, everyone can do it according to their ability,"

Tao Yaoyao's words made those women's faces turn red with embarrassment, and they all looked at Tao Yaoyao angrily, but Tao Yaoyao didn't pay attention, and went upstairs with her skirt in her hands, with that smile on her mouth, humming along the way. The ballad drew the attention of many people.

When Tao Yaoyao returned to the room, Carl was slightly taken aback, wondering if this sister had been bewitched?Otherwise, why would you look stupid?

"Sister..." Carl walked over, "Did you encounter something happy?" It was the first time Carl saw his sister smile like this. After hearing this, Tao Yaoyao approached Carl and pinched Carl's cheek.

"Sister naturally has happy things, hee hee... I won't tell you, go to bed, sister will take me to play tomorrow, the playground..." When he heard about this playground, Karl immediately showed a smile .

A 13-year-old child still longs for playgrounds, not to mention children, even adults are the same. I think Tao Yaoyao loved going to playgrounds back then, okay...

After Tao Yaoyao thought of these things, she sighed and told herself not to think about it, but many things were always lingering, maybe those were knots in her heart, if she couldn't find the truth, she was A knot in my heart that I can't get out of my life.

Tao Yaoyao returned to this room and began to wash and wash. While washing, she was dreaming drowsily, "Hurry up and save my daughter, Xiaoyao... woo..."

Someone was crying, the sound of a police car and a fire engine, I kept thinking about it, the woman was hugging herself, calling the police, and the lights were flickering, she had a severe headache, and someone was crying.

"Doctor, you must save my daughter, doctor..." Tao Yaoyao woke up with a start, and she had a dream again. The thing she dreamed was not what she liked, it was a very bad dream.

It was Li Hongwei's dream after falling into a dream. He was hit to death. Someone carried him to the hospital, and there was the sound of crying. Not far away, there was the fire, and the ambulance and police car kept ringing, and the fire was burning. with.

She felt a lot of pain and pain all over her body, but she just couldn't figure out the real thing in that memory. Tao Yaoyao felt that it must be the truth, and she must dig out the truth.

Tao Yaoyao knew that there were many things that she hadn't touched yet, but as long as she found K, she would have a look. Di Yaojiu herself knew that it was Mr. Rong, so who was Sam? Could K really be Sam?
Tao Yaoyao was uncertain, not sure if Sam would be the K she was looking for, if so, it would be easy for her, but if not, it would be troublesome, Tao Yaoyao sighed.

"Hey...forget it, take one step at a time," Tao Yaoyao came out with her clothes on, and saw Carl holding a newspaper for herself, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw the newspaper.

After seeing the above incident, Tao Yaoyao took a sip and almost vomited, "What's going on? It's been reported..." The matter of her forcibly kissing Mr. Rong was reported. After seeing this, Tao Yaoyao Yaoyao felt that her fame should be ruined once.

What can I do now?Forcibly kissing a male god of the Republic of China, and don't let people all over the world know, this whole world is the way of a rival in love, which makes Tao Yaoyao a little bit too much, there is no way to let Mr. Rong have too many fans.

"Carl, let's go to the playground or say goodbye. If we go out, we will be swallowed alive. Sister, I want to live longer." It's all because the man reincarnates, find someone to reincarnate, and choose this way if there is nothing to do What are the best things for you?
(End of this chapter)

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