General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 261 The End of the Game

Chapter 261 The End of the Game
"Oh, you're asking this?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Mr. Rong and said, "You have to think about it carefully, it seems like it's impulsive, not serious, don't be like this, everyone is an adult, you know what? Could it be that Mr. Rong doesn't understand?"

Mr. Rong's complexion was the same as that of the bottom of the pot. His palms were crackling, and everything in the room was shaking. Karl looked around and found that some were a little cold. He opened the door and looked at it, and then closed it immediately.

My elder sister's temperament has never changed, she loves to fight others so much, look at Mr. Rong's complexion, Tao Yaoyao blinked when she saw Mr. Rong's appearance, "Could it be that Mr. Rong is the first time?" ?”

"Who said that, I have experienced a lot..." Before I finished speaking, Tao Yaoyao got up and pulled the tie and kissed her with her mouth covered. People who are almost beginners can still completely control the audience.

Mr. Rong felt that he was so angry that he couldn't let others control this matter, so he started to counterattack, but he didn't expect that after pushing and hugging, the two fell to the ground. Mr. Rong immediately supported Tao Yaoyao, and let someone fall on him body.

"Are you saying I'm serious? Don't you feel it yourself?" Tao Yaoyao smiled and said, when Mr. Rong looked at Tao Yaoyao when he heard this, he couldn't tell.

Because at the beginning she rejected her and hid from herself, but why did she suddenly change her mind again, making herself flustered, always thinking about her charming appearance talking and laughing with others, that is a kind of experience The feeling of wind and cloud.

This thought made him very uncomfortable. He felt that he missed her in the beginning, and felt very unwilling, and he would be completely led away by her.

"Don't be angry," Tao Yaoyao pinched the lips of Mr. Rong, " make me want to tease you very much." Everyone has the initiative on the other party, but now Tao Yaoyao feels that she has finally regained the initiative, at least this man's ears will turn red when he is teased by him.

Tao Yaoyao felt that she probably found the wrong person, otherwise, she was teased all the time before, but this time she was able to tease him.

When Mr. Rong looked at Tao Yaoyao, he glared fiercely, "Get up..." Angry, this is Tao Yaoyao's feeling, definitely angry, Tao Yaoyao immediately got up and patted herself clothes.

After getting to the side, Young Master Rong became even more upset when he saw Tao Yaoyao's reaction. He sat on the side and began to drink tea. Tao Yaoyao poured tea for the other party, and Young Master Rong drank it cup by cup. I didn't hesitate at all, but my stomach felt uncomfortable after drinking too much.

But at this time, Mr. Rong didn't seem to ask where the toilet was, so he stood up calmly and looked around. When Tao Yaoyao saw Mr. Rong got up, he also followed, and saw that he went into the bathroom.

"..." Well, I was a little stupid, Tao Yaoyao looked at Karl who was standing not far away, waved for Karl to come over, and Karl ran over immediately.

"Sister... are you serious?" Upon hearing this, Tao Yaoyao leaned against the wall, played with her hair, and looked at Carl.

"Why do you ask such a question?" Did Tao Yaoyao feel that she was not serious?Otherwise, why would Karl come to ask himself? When he heard this, Karl pursed his lips.

"Because I figured it out, brother Sam also likes sister, sister, don't you also like brother Sam?" He thinks brother Sam is very good, at least sister seems to like brother Sam too.

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she looked at Karl, couldn't help but smiled and said, "Why do you think so?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Karl and said, she has nothing to do with Sam, if there is no When she found out who Emperor Yao Jiu was, she didn't dare to mess around.

"Because my sister didn't reject you," Carl didn't make up these words, but it was true. Tao Yaoyao didn't refute when she heard this, and just fell silent.

"Let's go back," did not reject it, because I was looking for someone, and I was looking for two people, one was Emperor Yaojiu and the other was K, but unfortunately K never showed up, Mr. Rong... how should I put it, at least come closer When I was there, I felt amazed and strange, but I didn't dare to mess around if I wasn't sure.

But for Sam himself, he has always followed the rules and never overstepped. Perhaps deep down in his heart, he recognized who was who from the very beginning?This is why there is such a difference, at least on Sam's side, he is suspected of pleasing him.

Carl left, Tao Yaoyao turned her head and looked at Mr. Rong standing behind her, she went out with a bad face and left, Tao Yaoyao didn't follow, but stood at the window watching that Mr. Rong went out and left. Go back.

Mr. Rong raised his head and looked at the person standing by the window. His expression didn't change much, and he didn't want to leave any words. Mr. Rong shook his head, feeling that when he met this woman, he became more and more...unlike himself. Yes, a strange feeling that can't be erased.

Tao Yaoyao turned around before she left, and Mr. Rong stood downstairs for a long time before leaving. Tao Yaoyao had a drowsy dream at night.

Which dream is still in the dream? It is her own memory, but it is not her own memory, because Tao Yaoyao doesn't know if she is that girl. The road was hit by a car.

At that time, many people on the bus were killed, and the girl was one of them. The girl's parents arrived, crying and calling for someone to save her daughter. It was a big traffic accident. There were dozens of people who died, which was extremely tragic.

Gonglu and opened his eyes with tears under his eyes, "Sister, why are you crying?" Karl asked Tao Yaoyao to eat, and seeing Tao Yaoyao crying, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"It's just a dream, it's a bit strange," and I also want to find K to find out what's going on?In his previous life, K was also Li Hongwei. He said that the things that fell into his dreams were not woven by him, but the memories that he created in his heart.

But those memories are not in his files. In his files, he came to this world when he was playing a role outside, but in that memory, he was hit by a car and was bloody.

"Sister, what dream scares you so much?" And she kept yelling no, who am I?Isn't sister just sister?Why can't I figure out who I am?

"It's... I forgot, let's go and eat," Tao Yaoyao shook her head and said, it was a dream that made her even more confused about her identity, it was a dream where she couldn't figure out who she was?
"En," Karl nodded, since her sister didn't want to say anything, she didn't have to ask aggressively anymore, Tao Yaoyao got up and changed her clothes, then opened the door of the room and went to eat with Karl.

The turmoil of Tao Yaoyao forcibly kissing Mr. Rong has not yet passed. Immediately when she went out, she was watched by many people. The women's eyes were full of surprise, and there was a tendency to eat them alive. Very calm, very calm to eat.

"If you don't see that woman, you are the one who shamelessly kissed Mr. Rong,"

"If you have the ability, you can also force the kiss. I didn't see that Mr. Rong has spoken. It was him who forced the kiss,"

"..." Mr. Rong said this nonsense with open eyes, and forced the newspaper to change it. Sure enough, Mr. Rong is the only one who can be willful.

(End of this chapter)

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