General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 267 The End of the Game

Chapter 267 The End of the Game
Sam looked at Tao Yaoyao, his expression became complicated, but Tao Yaoyao naturally didn't feel anything at all, "You seem to have decided that I won't hurt you, so calm,"

"Yes, because I know that Sam will not be cruel to me after all, not to mention that if you are human, it is just a waste of effort to be cruel to me," Tao Yaoyao said, calmly speaking, not at all worried about Sam. Get annoyed by locking yourself up.

"I don't know whether to be happy or sad," Sam looked at Tao Yaoyao and said with bitterness, "Happy is because you are not angry, and sad is because you may not care about me at all, that's why you are so unhappy angry,"

After hearing this, Tao Yaoyao took a look at Sam, and felt that Sam was a little strange, "I'm not angry, not because I don't care, but because I don't think you were the one who started this matter, and I was also at fault, at least... ...I chose to stand on the side of the enemy, and you will not be wrong to be angry,"

Tao Yaoyao is really not angry, maybe she was angry at the beginning, but afterwards she felt that it was unnecessary, because there was no need to be angry at all, since the beginning was just now, the person who started it was not Sam, so why did she blame Sam?
When he heard this, Sam looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Then why did you choose him? Why?" Yes, why did you choose that man? Why did you have to be obsessed with it?

"Maybe it's destined, many things are unclear, Sam... If one day you want to know, then you will be him," so K can know why?Tao Yaoyao didn't speak clearly, which made Sam doubtful.

Sam looked at Tao Yaoyao, "That man is looking for you everywhere, Xiaoyao, I actually want to know, why does he only like you?" Yes, let alone Tao Yaoyao, why does that man only like him ?
Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips when she heard this, "I know, thank you," but what should I do now?Tao Yaoyao sighed, she had an idea in her mind, she didn't plan to contact Rong Jiu, Tao Yaoyao actually didn't know what to do?Yin people want to start action, kill some savages as an example to others.

And Gong Yan and the others wanted to arrest themselves to threaten Young Master Rong to give up this action. If Young Master Rong gave up, he would be besieged by his own people. Tao Yaoyao looked leisurely, "Sister, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking, what can I do to get out of this predicament," what can I do to get out, once Mr. Rong loses his identity as a native of the Yin Kingdom, what will happen?Tao Yaoyao can think of it.

The proud son of heaven fell into the mortal world, and he should be very sad. Although this is just a virtual game, Tao Yaoyao also knows that this is Rong Jiu's life, and it is Rong Jiu's life. Really, really pushing him to that point?

Tao Yaoyao was a little unclear for a while, and there was another reason why Tao Yaoyao was confused, and that was because Rong Jiu's personality was a bit worse than the previous few people.

But looking back and thinking about it, it became clear, because Rong Jiushun was smooth and had never experienced anything. Naturally, there was a big difference from those who had experienced it before. Changfeng had no parents in his early years, and Dongfang Baitian was even worse The same is true of Emperor Qi Jing in the bloody storm, and even though Ji Hengxuan was young, when he was young, when he was hunted down, his xinxing also grew a lot.

But this Rong Jiu is different at this moment, Rong Jiu has too little experience, looks very smart, but on the contrary gives people a feeling of fragility, and it can be seen from the way she handles things, Tao Yaoyao is leaning against the wall, looking at The moonlight outside suddenly had an idea.

Just like what Di Yaojiu said, I need everything about K, and I need to get everything to accomplish my goal. After I have an idea in my mind, "Karl... you say, if my sister accidentally hurts someone who cares about you, Is it too much?"

When he heard this, Karl was slightly taken aback, looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Why did sister say that? Sister, did you think of something?"

"No, my sister just thinks that there are things that should be done." Yes, there are many things that should be done, and what I have to do now is to find a way to deceive K to get what I want.

When Tao Yaoyao was at night, she suddenly had a high fever. After Sam knew about it, he rushed over immediately, "What's going on? Didn't you say you won't do it?"

When hearing this, Gong Yan frowned and said, "We don't know, but she suddenly developed a fever. Now the doctor came to see her and said there is no big problem, just sick."

In fact, it is the acclimatization, but there is no such thing as acclimatization, and the only thing that can be explained at this moment is that the cell is too dark for Tao Yaoyao to bear, but Gong Yan thinks it is impossible. In the arena outside, they They are all those who survived. In that kind of environment, where there are no survivors, will they get sick because of this little thing?

But although Gong Yan felt that it was impossible to get sick, he couldn't refute it, because Tao Yaoyao was indeed ill. Sam looked at Gong Yan, "You all go out, I will stay out..."

Gong Yan pursed her lips when she heard this, apparently she didn't want to go out, but there was no reason to keep it right now, so she could only sigh and said, "Let's go out, and let Sam guard it alone."

After everyone went out, Sam approached Tao Yaoyao, stretched out his hand and grabbed Tao Yaoyao's hand, "Did you make yourself sick on purpose? Tell me..."

Tao Yaoyao opened her eyes and looked at Sam, "No, I'm really sick, and the food here is not good, someone drugged me," Tao Yaoyao said weakly, she was not half false in her words talk.

When Sam heard this, he was slightly taken aback, "Impossible, Gong Yan said, no one will hurt you," Tao Yaoyao smiled and looked at Sam when she heard this, thinking that Sam was a little naive.

"Do you think hatred can be controlled? They think that after I get married with Rong Jiu, I will be Rong Jiu's woman. The hatred for the people of Yin Country is not eliminated by such people, but Rong Jiu and the others did not." method, but I am kept under your noses, do you think you will not do it?" Tao Yaoyao asked back, with a self-deprecating look on her face.

When he heard this, Sam frowned, because he couldn't refute it, if it was true, it would be very dangerous for Tao Yaoyao to stay here, "I will watch you personally, and don't let those Do you really not plan to turn back when people attack you?"

Are you really going to knock your head to death?When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she suddenly got up and hugged Sam's head with her hands. Sam was taken aback for a moment, and Tao Yaoyao's forehead was pressed against his forehead. At that moment, Sam was dumbfounded, not knowing that Tao Yaoyao Why do you want to do this?
After Tao Yaoyao posted it, she began to close her eyes. K had been working on her own system for a long time, and she and K had that feeling. As long as Sam was K, she would definitely be able to feel it. Tao Yaoyao slowly closed her eyes. Closing his eyes, Sam didn't move, and closed his eyes following Tao Yaoyao's movement.

At that moment, Tao Yaoyao's spirit directly integrated into Sam's mind, and after the integration, he touched the familiar feeling, which was really familiar. If Emperor Yaojiu were Tao Yaoyao, "We will all appear by your side, as long as Look with your heart, and we will be found," and now she found it.

(End of this chapter)

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