General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 271 The End of the Game

Chapter 271 The End of the Game
Tao Yaoyao chose to meet Rong Jiu, so naturally she had to prepare a lot, Sam looked at Tao Yaoyao. "We can leave, these people are ungrateful one by one,"

Sam was angry, those people were ungrateful, if Tao Yaoyao hadn't saved them in the first place, did they think they could escape from the arena?Now when something happens, they will push the responsibility to Tao Yaoyao one by one.

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she looked at Sam and smiled, "I know you're angry, but it's okay, anyway, people's hearts are something I've moved a lot from the beginning and I know a lot, so I don't care too much, wait If you see more, you will do the same with me."

People's hearts are something that has been guessed from the beginning, so it doesn't matter. Whether these people are ungrateful or unjust, it has nothing to do with me. I have never stayed because of those people, but because of this Sam in front of me.

Sam became even more angry when he heard this, " heartless girl, they have bullied you like this, and you still say such things, I really don't know what to say about you, you Can't this girl have a little bit of heart?" Can't she have some tricks of her own?Really made myself anxious to death.

Tao Yaoyao, who heard this, smiled, "I have my own mind, don't day I will be like this with you..." Tao Yaoyao said in Sam's ear, and when Sam heard it, she could bear it. He couldn't help frowning.

"Is this really good?" If you do this, it seems a little inappropriate, but after looking at Tao Yaoyao, she sighed, "Forget it, I will do as you say, but you have to be careful."

"I know, what's more...Even if Rong Jiu is angry, she probably thinks that I'm a liar, and if she really does something to me, I won't just stand there stupidly, don't worry..." Tao Yaoyao smiled and said But in his heart, he didn't think that Rong Jiu would hurt him, maybe... it was the subconscious that Di Yao Jiu gave him, making him think that he wouldn't.

Tao Yaoyao went to see Rong Jiu the next day, Rong Jiu was sitting on a stool not far away, with tea next to her, and at the moment, people from the tenth district were on the other side, "Young Master Rong, come here up,"

When Rong Jiu heard this, the movements in his hands paused, nodded and said, "Bring it in..." Soon the door was opened, and Tao Yaoyao walked in from outside the door. When she saw Tao Yaoyao , Rong Jiu was slightly taken aback, his expression changed from complicated to cold.

"I'm here, Mr. Rong can keep his promise and let them go," Tao Yaoyao looked at Mr. Rong and said, Mr. Rong smiled after hearing this, and looked at the people in the ten districts.

"I never said that I would let them go, or when did I give you the wrong impression, I just said you wouldn't come and kill them, but I didn't say that I wouldn't kill them if you came," Rong Jiu said with a smile After hearing this, Tao Yaoyao looked at Rong Jiu with wide eyes, with a look of disbelief.

"You...Rong Jiu, you backtracked," Tao Yaoyao felt that this man really made her angry. When she heard this, Rong Jiu smiled, got up and walked in front of Tao Yaoyao, pinched Tao Yaoyao jaw.

"I backtracked, you made a mistake, Xiaoyao, I said at the beginning, don't lie to me, but you lied to me..." The last words were said close to Tao Yaoyao, "You said you liked me, but you lied to me,"

When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao felt her heart tighten up, feeling a little uncomfortable, she pursed her lips and said nothing, she had lied to him, but the deception was not emotional, but something else.

"So you have to pay the price." Rong Jiu directly pushed Tao Yaoyao to the ground, looked at the people in the tenth district and said, "All of you should die..." Tao Yaoyao looked at the people around, and was quickly caught Blood splashed all over his body.

At that moment, Tao Yaoyao realized that she had never had the initiative in this game, yes... the initiative is not with her, she has her own memories and feelings, but the initiative is still not with her .

More and more people fell down, Tao Yaoyao looked at it from unbelievable at the beginning, to numb at the end, raised her head and looked at Rong Jiu who was not far away, "Yes, I lied to you, But I'll lie to you one more time."

As he said that, he took the knife and stabbed himself in the abdomen. When Rong Jiu saw that scene without even thinking about it, he immediately grabbed it, but Tao Yaoyao stabbed him in the next second, "Don't move... you guys His son is in my hands."

Rong Jiu took a stab and smeared anesthetic on his head, making Rong Jiu unable to move at the moment. After everyone heard this, they saw Tao Yaoyao and Rong Jiu.

"Open the door and let everyone go out," those people hesitated when they heard this, Rong Jiu looked at Tao Yaoyao coldly, the blood from the wound was still dripping.

"Do you think this can threaten me?" Rong Jiu stared at Tao Yaoyao and said, but Tao Yaoyao approached Rong Jiu's ear and whispered softly.

"It's ok, as long as you still care about me and don't want me to die, Rong Jiu is your weakness, if you don't open the door I will die, you are seriously injured, you can't protect me," Tao Yaoyao's words made Rong Jiu feel absurd Well, this woman stabbed me, so I don't need to care about her life at all.

But Rong Jiu became nervous again, afraid that after he passed out, this Tao Yaoyao would really be swallowed alive by his own people, he was struggling, let this woman die, but he quickly thought, no... …

If this woman died, wouldn't he be fooled for nothing, "Open the door..." Is it because she is not reconciled that she might die in someone else's hands, or is she afraid that Tao Yaoyao will die?Rong Jiu himself didn't know.

But they called to open the door, and everyone in District [-] left, Tao Yaoyao also took people away, Rong Jiu was led by Tao Yaoyao on horseback, the people behind him wanted to chase, but they were quickly blocked, while retreating, Tao Yaoyao did not retreat with Gong Yan and others, but took Rong Jiu to retreat to another place.

"Where is the person?" Gong Yan was slightly taken aback when he didn't see Tao Yaoyao, "Where is Rong Jiu and that woman?" Rong Jiu is a very good hostage. meat, but now the person disappeared out of thin air.

"I don't know, that woman took Rong Jiu away, damn it..." Sure enough, the woman couldn't believe it, one of them said, He Zhan didn't make a sound when he heard this, he saw Tao Yaoyao leave, but He didn't say it because...he felt that Tao Yaoyao didn't owe anyone at all, so there was no need to stay for these people.

Sam didn't wait until Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao took Rong Jiu to run not far away, and when she got there, she put Rong Jiu down, and sighed when she saw the wound and the unconscious Rong Jiu , "I just said, your weakness is clearly visible, fool..."

He began to bandage up Rong Jiu, the wound was deep and he had hit hard, but Tao Yaoyao had no choice, "If you get angry, get angry, anyway, after these days, you will remember that Rong not an emperor and demon Nine... I'm sorry, but you said that this is my last chance, I can't give up, I know who K is, I can't give up, I want to know who I am, but I don't have enough authority, I I can only do this, sorry..." She has insufficient authority, so she can only use K. If she can't seize this opportunity, K may not enter the game anymore.

She must seize the energy from Ke this time, even if she pays a huge price for it, because this is what she chose, "Goodbye..."

After riding the horse to look at Rong Jiu, he rode his horse and whipped away, hiding not far away, and only left when he saw another person leading Rong Jiu away. Maybe Rong Jiu will see you for the last time, because Goodbye, you are Emperor Yao Nine.

(End of this chapter)

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