General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 275 The End of the Game

Chapter 275 The End of the Game
Tao Yaoyao waited for a long time but didn't wait for Sam to come back. She couldn't help but frowned, and planned to go out to find someone. Now that no one came back, it was more or less worrying. Tao Yaoyao went out to look for someone, and saw When Sam came back with Jasmine on his back, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"What's the matter?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Jasmine and asked, when Sam told the story, Tao Yaoyao sighed and took Jasmine back, He started to clean Jasmine's wound.

"Go away...all go away..." Soon Jasmine was having a nightmare, as if she had been frightened in the dream, Sam immediately ran in, hugged Jasmine, Jasmine slightly opened her eyes, and looked at everything around her slightly. I was taken aback.

"Who are you?" Seeing Sam hugging him, Jasmine yelled, and Sam immediately let go of Jasmine, looking at Jasmine with anticipation and caution.

"It's brother, Jasmine is brother, brother... don't you remember? Brother..." Jasmine was only 12 years old when she was sent away, but a 12-year-old child can remember things, and the same is true for Jasmine in front of her.

When I heard this, I looked at Sam, and suddenly burst into tears, "They all said that my brother escaped from the arena, and the young master was furious when he found out about this, and threw me out, woo I'm so sad, the young master said he liked me and treated me differently, but why did he treat me like this, woo woo..."

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she looked away in a sensible manner, and Carl came over, "Did something happen to my sister?" Why is there a girl crying inside?

"It's okay, I just think it's a bit strange that this person came, I have to investigate." It's a bit of a coincidence that this person came here, it's Sam's sister, but is it too coincidental to come out?

Tao Yaoyao felt that she watched too many brain dramas, and immediately used brain dramas to think about the train of thought, thinking that Jasmine might be a spy sent by the enemy, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence, and...

"Karl, let's pack our things, go to Ked and tell us that we are going to run away." If you don't run away, just wait for death. When he heard this, Karl nodded, started to pack his bags, and then looked for Ked.

When Kede heard this, he frowned, thinking that there were so many things, why did this Sam bring back a younger sister for no reason, and at this moment, this Sam comforted Jasmine.

"Brother, won't you abandon me in the future?" Jasmine cried, and Sam nodded. Naturally, she would not abandon this sister, not to mention that her own sister is different from Na Hezhan's scumbag sister.

"I won't abandon you, Jasmine, don't worry, now my brother has the ability to protect you, we will be together forever," Jasmine nodded upon hearing this, and saw Tao Yaoyao walking in.

"Clean up quickly, let's leave..." When Jasmine heard this, she was slightly taken aback, and looked at Tao Yaoyao. She had seen Tao Yaoyao in all major newspapers. Above, it is said that Rong Jiu is fascinated by him, but he doesn't think there is anything special about him.

But take a good look first, she has not forgotten what the eldest son said, and at this moment Sam also nodded, went to clean up, and left with Jasmine on his back. It was hunted by Tao Yaoyao a few days ago, it was disobedient at first, but after being beaten by Tao Yaoyao, it became obedient and became her own mount.

Jasmine looked at Tao Yaoyao, who was sitting on the little wolf's body, "Brother... what is your relationship with this woman?" Sam who heard this looked at Tao Yaoyao, what's the relationship?
He really didn't know. Seeing his brother's expression, Jasmine knew that this brother probably fell in love with this woman, and he hated it when he thought about it. Why do women like this woman? The eldest son is ruthless to him, but this woman can... Why is it so unfair to get Mr. Rong's love?
And right now, even his elder brother is thinking about this woman, thinking about it, he feels that the whole person is not good, Tao Yaoyao ignored Jasmine, what to say to that Sam, and after a few people came to this inn, he stayed. It's a pity that there are only two rooms for each person.

Because of the problem in this room, right now Tao Yaoyao is going to sleep with Jasmine, and Jasmine sleeps with Tao Yaoyao, but she has a bad temper, "Hmph..."

"..." Tao Yaoyao felt that she didn't mess with this woman, but forget it, if she wants to occupy the bed by herself, let her go alone, and there is no need to fight for it right now, so she just found a place to lie down and planned to lie down. fall asleep.

But when she was sleeping, Tao Yaoyao touched the dagger she saw. Although the inn didn't seem to have any problems, Tao Yaoyao felt that there was something wrong with the room, and she felt that someone was spying on her in the dark. It's getting stronger.

Tao Yaoyao closed her eyes, and with the passage of time, Tao Yaoyao could feel that peeping became more intense, suddenly there was movement at the door, and the next second Tao Yaoyao got up directly, and the dagger in her hand stabbed out.

"Ahh..." Jasmine was terrified. When she stood up, she saw the woman lying on the ground with bloodstains on her neck. After seeing this, she said, ", this woman has killed people indiscriminately, brother... I don't want to sleep with her..."

Sam also came out, and seeing the people on the ground, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback after seeing the blood, and Jasmine said, "Brother, this woman is a lunatic, she killed people for no reason..."

"My sister is not, don't spitting blood at others," this woman just came here for a day, and she pointed fingers at her sister, and her attitude was very bad. If it wasn't because her brother was Sam, she would be too lazy to talk to her.

Tao Yaoyao didn't pay attention at all, knelt down and touched the woman's cheek, then lifted off a thin layer of mask, after seeing this, Sam was slightly taken aback, "What is's human skin... ...It seems that this man is a flower picker, using a woman's face to pretend to be a woman, and robbing people in this way."

Tao Yaoyao nodded when she heard this, and Jasmine was slightly taken aback when she heard it, and didn't say more, hmph...but it was just a coincidence, if she guessed what was so great, she would fight and kill.

"What should we do now? This place doesn't look safe. If you don't leave, it's easy to cause trouble." Just now, I acted too recklessly, and I must have attracted people, especially Jasmine's voice, as if I was almost afraid that others would not hear her. Same.

Hearing this, Sam nodded, but suddenly Carl grabbed his clothes, "'s too late, look...the people around, they...they are so strange..."

Every room has been opened, but the person is a bit strange, and the walking posture is a bit weird. After seeing this, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback. No matter how you look at it, this posture is a bit similar to a walking corpse.

"Ahhh..." Jasmine screamed in fright, Tao Yaoyao frowned, and the people around became even more excited.

"Stop screaming," Tao Yaoyao couldn't help frowning and said, "Didn't you see that the movement attracted these things? Go into the room... Hurry up..." Although she was not afraid of these ghost things, she looked at them Even if you're not afraid right now, you have to figure out what it is before you can do it, otherwise... you don't even know what the other party is?How can we act now?
The memory of the walking corpse is beheading, but in this world of magic, I just don’t know if it can be used, and this walking corpse should not be able to, even if it is bitten, it will become a walking corpse, right?

Tao Yaoyao began to start thinking mode, thinking about those walking corpses, what is the most suitable plan to use, "Let's run..." The final plan is to run, even if the three of them are powerful, but this ghost Too many came out, and the few of them brought oil bottles, but there was no way to win, and they could only run now.

(End of this chapter)

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