General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 280 The End of the Game

Chapter 280 The End of the Game
"Sister... It's my sister who came back," Carl immediately became happy when he saw Tao Yaoyao, and ran quickly. Tao Yaoyao also smiled when she saw Carl, and put away her previous expression.

"I knew you would come back, why are you late?" Could it be that he was caught by something, and Sam also came out. Tao Yaoyao felt embarrassed when she heard this, but she was really caught by Rong Jiu's clingy person The thing got stuck.

And it's still a kind of entanglement. I can leave now because she is angry. That Rong Jiu didn't force me to stay. After thinking about this, I sighed in my heart. Emperor Yao Jiu's character is indeed ever-changing , but no matter how it changes, this change remains the same, that is... overbearing.

"It's something that happened to me, but it's been dealt with now," Tao Yaoyao said, and soon saw Jasmine not far away, her eyes gradually turned cold, she didn't forget that this woman was planning on her own affairs.

Jasmine didn't expect Tao Yaoyao to come back, and she came back alive, her expression turned ugly, "Pa..." Tao Yaoyao went up and slapped Jasmine involuntarily.

Jasmine was slightly taken aback after being beaten, and immediately began to cry, "Crying? Let me tell you, your brother has no right to control you right now, but if you are messing with me, even if your brother is here, I will kill you with a knife." killed you,"

Tao Yaoyao said coldly, she will not let her go right now, Jasmine who heard this said looked at Sam, Sam fell silent, and stabbed Tao Yaoyao, almost killing someone else, and now she is being It’s just a slap, it’s a very cost-effective thing, but it’s a pity that Jasmine doesn’t think so.

As far as Jasmine was concerned, this Sam really betrayed her, and she said that she would protect herself from being hurt, but now she didn't care about being beaten, so don't blame her if that's the case.

Tao Yaoyao didn't pay much attention to Jasmine's matter, her goal was Sam, and Sam walked up to Tao Yaoyao, "I didn't expect such a thing to happen, sorry..."

"I said, you don't need to say sorry to me, because from the beginning we are us, your sister Jasmine is Jasmine, don't confuse the two," Tao Yaoyao made a clear distinction, Sam is Sam, and she is herself , do not need to be confused.And the same is true for Jasmine right now.

When he heard this, Sam smiled bitterly, and then sat aside, "You came back late because of him, right? Haven't you let go yet?"

After hearing this, Tao Yaoyao looked at Sam, and Sam's eyes made Tao Yaoyao nod, "I cut the rope, he was seriously injured for me, I can't leave it alone, I feel like taking him to heal his wounds, I'll leave when he gets better."

"You can't let it go?" Sam looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, Tao Yaoyao looked at Sam when she heard this, she knew that Sam doubted her relationship with Rong Jiu, from the beginning to now.

"What counts as letting go? Have you forgotten what it means to let go, or do you not care about letting go? If you say these are letting go, I probably don't have one," Tao Yaoyao replied directly, and Sam fell silent upon hearing this.

"Then when do you want to let go?" When can you let go of that man completely, "From the beginning, we were the first to meet, but fell in love with Bie, I have been thinking about you Why did you fall in love with Rong Jiu? I can't figure it out, when did your relationship start? Did I miss something?"

Sam held Tao Yaoyao's hand and said, Tao Yaoyao looked at Sam when she heard this, and opened her mouth, "I don't know, it's just that the time came inadvertently, but... didn't you also say, at least for now we is impossible,"

Right now, this identity is impossible, but in the next world, after she escapes, she will go to other places with Emperor Yaojiu everywhere, and they can go anywhere, and then they can be together.

Sam, who heard this, mistakenly thought that Tao Yaoyao had listened to his own words, "I will wait for you, wait for you to give up that man, wait for you to let him go..."

"Okay," Tao Yaoyao nodded and said, it wasn't the first time she lied, she was used to it, and people could tell the truth from the fake, Tao Yaoyao, Sam and the others tidied up and left.

Because Tao Yaoyao made it clear to Rong Jiu, Rong Jiu didn't go mad to arrest Tao Yaoyao, but revoked the arrest warrant. This silly brother with a smile.

"Did something happen to Xiaojiu? Are they all dead?" No, the news that my informant gave me was that Tao Yaoyao was alive and well, and now she is not dead, so why did she give up?

"It's okay, I just have some happy things, big brother, I'll leave first," said and left with a smile, it's really good now, the girl said to let herself wait.

But two years, 360 days a year, it's really long, twelve hours a day, and it's continuous. After thinking about it, Rong Jiu felt a little bit hard, but... she quickly smiled.

"Brother, I still have something to do." He went to decorate his room first, and when the woman came back, she would definitely like it. Hearing that girls like things are very strange, I have to find someone to learn from.

"..." He just disappeared for two days, why does this brother feel that his whole person has changed, what happened in the middle?Rong Yao wondered if he should investigate.

At night, Rong Yao took out the communicator, "Tell me about what happened a few days ago?" It must have something to do with that woman, and soon a person appeared in it, and at this moment this person is Jasmine .

Jasmine nodded, "A few days ago, that woman disappeared for two days and came back..." She told the situation of the four of them, especially Tao Yaoyao, who explained everything in detail.

When he heard this, Rong Yao knew that his idiot brother really got on good terms with this woman again, "Damn it," what kind of magic did that woman use?Let my younger brother be so determined, didn't the stabbing last time not be deep?
It's not deep enough. If it was me, if a woman pointed a knife at me, I would kill her without saying a word, but my younger brother is not only being pointed at with a knife, but also stabbed with a knife. But still so determined, how can this prevent Rong Yao from thinking that the other party is stupid.

"My lord, what do you think I'm going to do? That too much, even my elder brother has been bewitched. You don't know, lord, woo... That woman hit me, but my elder brother didn't stop me..." As he spoke, he began to cry.

Rong Yao was distracted and had no time to talk to her at all, but he also knew that this woman had to be steady, otherwise the other party would not be fine with what he explained, but he really didn't like Jasmine in his heart, and he couldn't dote on her at first It's just when the other party is a plaything like a puppy.

"I know, so when I catch it, I will avenge you, but you have to look at them obediently, wait for the opportunity, and I will make a move," and you must not let your stupid brother find out, otherwise This action cannot be carried out.

"Well, I'll be waiting for you, Eldest Son," Jasmine cried, but she didn't see that Tao Yaoyao was already standing not far behind her. She saw everything in her eyes and turned her head to look at Sam. He looked like a smile but not a smile, but he didn't say much.

"Go back," Sam didn't bother to expose it. This sister was taken by others for four years. It was my fault. I missed her for four years, so I let others take advantage of it and instilled bad ideas. .

(End of this chapter)

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