Chapter 291 The Real World
When Tao Yaoyao was lying on the bed, she got up to get the role-playing game hidden by Nei Tao's mother. For some reason, she always felt that there was something that made her have to go there?
Want to go to that world to see clearly, want to see clearly what is inside?Tao Yaoyao swallowed and looked at the helmet in her hand. After seeing the helmet, she directly put it on. After putting it on, she quickly lay down and entered the game.

Still the same blood color, still the same person, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw the person sitting not far away, "Who are you?" When the man heard this, he looked at her mockingly, that The look seemed to say, are you kidding me?
Tao Yaoyao didn't like this look very much, because this look made her feel the pain in her chest, that person came over, "Why are you crying?"

"I don't know, I just feel like I've lost something very important. I don't know why I'm crying? Ah...that's weird, what's going on?" When I saw the other party, my heart ached for no reason, and it hurt so badly.

When he heard this, the man smiled, silver hair, with a look of vicissitudes, "Do you know? I have no appearance, and no body. My body can be of any shape, and It can be in any form, which form do you like best?"

Tao Yaoyao stared at the man in a daze when she heard this, and soon saw that the man's silver hair gradually turned black, and he was wearing a blood-red long dress, which was all enchanting, a little Familiar... but can't remember.

"What do you think I should be?" The man asked Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao shook her head, she didn't know... really didn't know, Tao Yaoyao was crying there.

"Who are you? Have I forgotten something?" Soon Tao Yaoyao opened her eyes, but this mother Tao was angry, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, and saw Tao mother give the game helmet to smashed.

"I told you, when you have nothing to do, don't play with such things, now you look," Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, then rubbed her forehead, and then fell directly on the bed and fainted past.

Tao Yaoyao went to the hospital, and Tao's mother sighed when she looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Why is this child not worried? At this time, the doctor said, let her play with such things less, so as not to cause harm to her body." Not good, but look... this is all secretly playing, "

Tao Yaoyao's body is too weak, the doctor told Tao's mother not to let Tao Yaoyao play, it is something that consumes energy, and Tao Yaoyao is mentally weak, Tao Yaoyao is afraid of Tao Yaoyao, so she is sleeping for a commemoration .

"Okay, don't worry about it, this child will grow up and know how to cherish himself," Tao's father said, and Tao's mother began to cry, talking about Tao Yaoyao.

At this moment, Tao Yaoyao had a dream in a dream, dreaming of herself, sitting not far away, "Why are you sitting here?"

"Because of the price," Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and looked at the other party in a puzzled way. She had the same appearance and expression, but she was much more mature than herself.

, "What price? What are you talking about?" Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being slightly taken aback when she looked at the person who was similar to herself, "Do you know what's going on? I feel like I'm missing a piece,"

"I am your loss and your price, you have to find a way to get me back, because someone is waiting for you," Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and became puzzled.

"Who is waiting for me? Who..." Who is waiting for me, and who is whispering there, Tao Yaoyao doesn't know, and doesn't know many things, "Can you make it clear..."

"I don't know. You can only find it by yourself. No one can help you. You must find it by yourself..." The voice became farther and farther away. Tao Yaoyao couldn't hear anything, and gradually Gradually, I felt that the sound was so far away that I couldn't catch it.

When Tao Yaoyao opened her eyes, she found herself in the hospital. The familiar way of waking up made Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being slightly taken aback, as if she remembered the same thing last time, "Mom..."

When she saw Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao was taken aback for a moment, and soon this Tao mother woke up, and when she saw Tao Yaoyao, she slapped her across the face, "Do you know how to cherish yourself? You know? You are already weak, what exactly do you have to do to be obedient?"

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she was slightly taken aback, "Mom, I'm sorry," she knew that her mother was worried about herself, and she only went in because she felt that she had something to look for.

"You can't scare mom anymore. You've been in a coma for three days, but you scared me," Mother Tao said while hugging Tao Yaoyao. Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being slightly taken aback when she heard that she had been in a coma for three days.

"Have I been in a coma for three days?" Then I have slept for a long time, but now in these three days, I only feel it for a moment. Because of this incident, Tao Yaoyao was forbidden to use many things. Right now Even the phone was confiscated.

Regarding this point, Tao Yaoyao sighed, went to talk to her father, and then got back her mobile phone. After getting her mobile phone back, she received a call, saying that the K Group asked her to be interviewed. Hearing this, Tao Yaoyao was immediately overjoyed.

"Dad...Dad...Look, I'm going to the K Group for an interview, that's great..." Tao Yaoyao went to tell this Tao Papa, and Tao Papa nodded when he heard this.

"Xiaoyao is really amazing," Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when her hair was rubbed, and she always felt the familiar feeling came back, and someone said this to herself.

"Xiaoyao is very powerful, but cousin can come by himself, Xiaoyao just needs to be obedient." Who is talking to me?Why do I always feel that strange people are talking to me strangely?
Tao Yaoyao didn't understand, what did she lose?What kind of memory, or maybe it's just a dream, is it a dream I had in seven years?

Is it just my dream?Tao Yaoyao had doubts and doubts, if it was just a dream, why would she feel so nostalgic and sad.

"What's the matter with you girl?" Tao Yaoyao shook her head when she heard this, "She said there's nothing wrong, but look at yourself crying, you girl... did you encounter something that caused you to cry?" Dad said?"

"No, it's just a feeling. I'm so happy all of a sudden, I can't help but want to cry, daddy..." He hugged Tao's father as he said, "I feel very happy," but why is that faint disappointment always in mind?
Tao Yaoyao felt that sadness, she couldn't forget it no matter what, she was full of doubts, what happened to her?I always feel sad for these things, when did it happen, and how did I forget it?Where is the memory puzzle?How can I get it back?

(End of this chapter)

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