Chapter 30

"Haha...Xiao Yao'er, you really don't have the appetite, go down, I'm scaring you," he pinched Tao Yaoyao's face as he spoke, but that sentence that scares you has very little weight.

Tao Yaoyao said that Dongfang Baijue forced her to kill her just now, but at this moment she can only cry without tears, and she is in a state of ashes. When will this cheating day end.

"Take it down and check to see if there is really a problem," Dongfang Bai said after Tao Yaoyao went down, throwing the magnolia fragrance to the black-clothed man in the dark. Look, how Li Jinyue wants to harm him.

After hearing the news from the dark guard, Dongfang Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, and then walked out of his room. When he came to the woman's room, Dongfang Bai's footsteps stopped for a while.

Soon he opened the door and walked in. When he saw that heartless woman, after being frightened by Dongfang Bai, she had already slept soundly, hugging the small pillow so sweetly, as if in a dream nothing average.

The face rubbed against the pillow for a few times, and then gave a gracious expression. It looked very cute, with an indescribable softness. Did the little face rub against the pillow and shut the mouth, as if tasting something? ?
Seeing Dongfang Bai for a moment, he couldn't bear to look away.Soon Dongfang Bai was sitting next to Tao Yaoyao, his hand lightly stroked Tao Yaoyao's cheek, and when he looked at Yaozhi's face, Dongfang Bai couldn't tell what it was like.

In front of her, she was as exquisite as a demon, beautiful as a picture, but she had a heartless appearance. She said she was infatuated, but she was extremely unfeeling towards her old master. She betrayed Li Jinyue without hesitation, and said she was unfeeling, but she was helping herself.

Seeing that Yaozhi's face looked like the sleeping baby at the moment, Dongfang's white eyes softened a little, and his hand unconsciously touched Tao Yaoyao's cheek, maybe she is the one The most real thing is that you don't have a doggy appearance, and you don't have a flattering smile, but you are so pleasing to the eye. Who are you?
Dongfang Bai didn't know what to do?That's right, he was confused for the first time, and soon his hand was placed on Tao Yaoyao's neck, and he only needed a light force to cut off Ruyu's neck.

It's just surprisingly true, he suddenly couldn't bear to do it, that heartless smile often flashed in his mind, and he often heard that heartless voice in his ears, the words I like you, the words confession, let Dongfang Bai felt a little throbbing in his heart.

like?Is it true or not?Dongfang Bai doesn't know at this moment, rather than saying he doesn't know, it's better to say he doesn't want to find out, his life is like that beast in the abyss, biting and being bitten, eating people and being eaten.

Such a tragic life, how strange is the word like, looking at the clean person, thinking of his dirty heart, he curled his lips and smiled.

"Xiao Yaoer, if you dare to betray me, I will make you into a puppet, peel off your skin, and put it on another person, so Xiaoyaoer, please don't be dissatisfied."

As he spoke, he looked at Tao Yaoyao with a smile, the woman in front of him was the first woman he was reluctant to kill, since that was the case, he would keep it, anyway, he is a great demon cultist, so he is afraid that he can't afford to support a woman.

Of course, if the woman in front of him has a different heart, he will also let Qing Yaoyao know, what is the means of life being worse than death? !It was clearly like a lover's murmur, but at this moment it was like the devil's voice of a life-threatening ghost, which made people feel chilling.

Looking at her back, Tao Yaoyao said that the pervert just now definitely didn't lie to herself, she wanted to peel off her whole body, Ma Ma, I want to go home, the world is too dangerous, woo woo/(ㄒo ㄒ )/~~
In fact, after Dongfang Bai came in, Tao Yaoyao didn't sleep at all, but lay down the corpse for fear that Dongfang Bai would know that she was awake. She never thought that she would pretend to be asleep but hear Dongfang Bai's horrifying confession. Women are not blessed.

On the second day, poor Tao Yaoyao waited for the dark circles to serve ghosts and animals, and was even laughed at by Dongfang Bai, "Hmph, even pigs are more useful than you,"

One sentence made Tao Yaoyao raise her head subconsciously, and then she retorted, "How is it possible?" She absolutely refused to admit that pigs are more useful than herself, even though she is dying, she is much more useful.

"Hehe... I don't admit it, at least pigs can make people hungry, what about you?" Dongfang Bai choked on that sentence, looking at the smiling and contemptuous gaze, Tao Yaoyao couldn't spit out the blood in Tao Yaoyao's stomach You can swallow it back, peaty cheating.

Tao Yaoyao will never admit that she is not as useful as a pig, and she will never compare herself to a pig, that would be too much of a shame, woo woo... Why is this villain so venomous?Mr. System... Can you change Ma Ma?

"Come here, give this seat a hug," said and hugged Tao Yaoyao, and then said with disgust, "It's so ugly, you don't sleep in the middle of the night, did you run off to do something bad?"

One sentence made Tao Yaoyao apologize and said, "Sir, how dare I..." But the eyes were covered in the next second, and then a cold voice said, "Hurry up and sleep, don't let me see your ugliness Face,"

Tao Yaoyao was taken aback for a few words, and suddenly she was taken aback. Seriously, what's the matter with this awkward voice?Why did she realize that this BOSS gentleman has an arrogant side, he clearly cares about her, but he doesn't say it out, and even despises him, eh... If every BOSS gentleman has his own hidden attributes.

Tao Yaoyao said that the world changed when she woke up, she was sitting in the coquettish sedan chair, watching the shouts in front of her, Tao Yaoyao was shocked, her heart was cold and cold, "Kill the devil and get rid of the demon girl, kill the devil Exorcist, "

When listening to these shouts, Tao Yaoyao said ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ What the hell, this is the same as a concert, the fans below screamed desperately, but those shouts are exciting, and the shouts in front of me However, the cannon fodder said that I want to go home.

"Don't be afraid," Dongfang Bai patted Tao Yaoyao's body lightly and said when he felt the person in his arms waking up.

Those words are extremely domineering, despising all human beings, as if he was a god at that moment, look at that expression is just right, how domineering, how powerful, if in modern times there are absolutely thousands of people kneeling down, look at Tao Yaoyao Eyes are red and heart is full, why is this the BOSS-jun, the cool-looking BOSS-jun in the early stage, but it's a pity that Mao will be abused into a dog in the later stage?
"It's unreasonable, everyone, let's go up and destroy the prestige of this devil." When they heard Dongfang Bai's words, everyone was angry, and they rushed to Dongfang Bai one by one and slashed at Dongfang Bai with their knives.

But at this moment, when Tao Yaoyao saw this, she shrank back subconsciously and pulled Dongfang Bai's clothes, "Your Highness has more enemies than you, why don't you withdraw..."

(End of this chapter)

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