Chapter 306 The Real World
Tao's father and Tao's mother woke up soon, Tao Yaoyao rushed to cry when she saw the two woke up, "Mom and Dad, are you better?"

"Xiaoyao, what's going on with you? We..." Tao's father and Tao's mother just remembered that the hotel caught fire for some reason, and now they are in a coma, but they can't expect... When they woke up, they saw My daughter was more or less surprised.

Isn't the network broken?How did the daughter know that something happened to her?At this time, Tao's father and Tao's mother discovered that the Internet is available now, and Tao's father and Tao's mother talked to Tao Yaoyao.

"It's nothing serious, but Xiaoyao, why are you here? Did someone from the hospital notify you?" Could it be someone from the hospital?Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this.

Only then did I realize that I came to find my parents by myself because of a dream and the help of Emperor Yaojiu, "Well, I received a call saying that something happened to you, so I came..."

Tao Yaoyao nodded and said, she didn't tell about Emperor Yaojiu's matter, when she heard this, Tao's father nodded, because the body was still too weak, Tao's father and Tao's mother were resting now.

After Tao Yaoyao went out, she saw Dongfang Bai standing not far away. She was grateful for Dongfang Bai Taoyao, but thinking of Emperor Yaojiu's reaction, Tao Yaoyao planned to hide a little, so that Emperor Yaojiu would not have another chance. Angry.

"Tao Yaoyao..." Dongfang Bai saw Tao Yaoyao and walked over. Right now, Tao Yaoyao didn't know whether to hide or stay. Emperor Yaojiu would be angry.

"You're here, I've seen people, and I plan to go back," Tao Yaoyao said in embarrassment, when hearing this, Dongfang Bai smiled, and said that he would send Tao Yaoyao back.

"It's hard to get a taxi here, not to mention... your parents also had trouble because of my hotel's problems, let me do my duty," Dongfang Bai said with a smile.

"..." The corners of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched, and she really wanted to tell the other party that this obligation is really unnecessary, and facing Dongfang Bai, who loves to play charades with herself and always gives herself difficult problems, Tao Yaoyao really can't help it. Not willing to get along with each other.

Especially the face of the other party, which always made me feel familiar. Tao Yaoyao sat in the other party's car and fell asleep halfway through the hotel, and when she fell asleep, the car stopped listening.

Dongfang Bai took out a machine from his bosom, and after that press, many devices around him retaliated in an instant. Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao, and stretched out his hand to caress Tao Yaoyao's forehead.

"I just said, you will be found anywhere in the world, the thief should give me something." Dongfang Bai put his hand on Tao Yaoyao's forehead and began to collect it.

It's a pity... After searching for a long time, there was no sign, so I couldn't help but frowned, with a displeased look on my face, "Where did you hide?"

Suddenly there was movement outside, Dongfang Bai looked at it, and then smiled, as expected, he reacted quickly enough, but it didn't matter, he quickly turned on the photoelectric light of the machine in his hand, and started driving again.

As for what Tao Yaoyao was hiding, he took his time in no hurry. Yes, the man in front of him was that K. Since returning to this world, he had been looking for Tao Yaoyao. I have exposed Tao Yaoyao to him, now it is more convenient to find someone.

After finding Tao Yaoyao, he began to plan to guide people into the city, with the purpose of catching Tao Yaoyao. At this moment, Tao Yaoyao woke up in a daze, and saw that she had already arrived at the hotel around her. .

Tao Yaoyao woke up immediately, looked at everything around her, how could she get in there for no reason, it was definitely not falling asleep, when she looked at Dongfang Bai and that harmless face, Tao Yaoyao was the first to For the first time, I felt that the man in front of me was a little scary.

"I still have something to do, thank you this time," Tao Yaoyao didn't show her expression, but she became wary of this man, and got out of the car with a smile.

When I got out of the car, I had a plan in my heart. How did this man faint himself?I looked at my copy and found that there was no problem, so I was relieved.

The reason why she didn't object to Dongfang Bai giving her away was because Tao Yaoyao completely felt that Dongfang Bai couldn't mess with her in broad daylight, but she fainted at the thought of the other party.

Tao Yaoyao didn't know when she became very sensitive, she was very clear about the difference between fainting and sleeping, but at this moment Dongfang Bai certainly didn't know, he was sitting in this car, took a puff of cigarette, and then exhaled That cloud.

Faintly looking at Tao Yaoyao who left not far away, "It seems that I am not wrong, that thing really chased it out, I have been calculating for so many years, and now I am running out, it is also her bad luck."

Dongfang Bai murmured, and sighed at Tao Yaoyao, that woman plotted against him that day, robbed him of his source and left, making it impossible for him to enter the Internet, but right now it is a blessing in disguise, leading that person out .

However, Tao Yaoyao wanted to get back the source of the robbery. Tao Yaoyao didn't know about Dongfang Bai. When she returned to the hotel, she saw Di Yaojiu on Dijiu's body, her expression was cold looking at her.

"That man wants to do something to you," Di Yaojiu said, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and nodded to show that she knew.

"I see, that's right... I want to know what kind of grievances I have with that man. I feel that he is a little familiar," but I can't remember when I met him?

"You are naturally familiar," Di Yaojiu didn't say, but said indifferently about the relationship between the two, "Stay away in the future, he has something that can stop me, I don't want to get too close,"

His skill is the Internet, but Dongfang Bai has something that can disconnect the Internet, so that he can't get in for a while, so that the other party can take advantage of the loopholes.

"En, I see..." Tao Yaoyao nodded, she had suffered a loss before, so she would naturally be on guard now, when she looked at Emperor Yaojiu, Tao Yaoyao sighed.

"Sometimes I think, you must still have something to hide from me, but now I'm thinking, maybe it's not you who hide it from me, but you don't even know what happened to you," because many things if It's just that I tried my best, but the man in front of me didn't know it.

Di Yaojiu didn't speak, and the whole world didn't revolve around him, so Di Yaojiu didn't know what happened to Tao Yaoyao after he left him that time.

Just after he woke up as Rong Jiu, he found that Tao Yaoyao disappeared in that world, and there was no existence of her in the whole world. It took him many years to come to this world and find her. , It's a pity that she also forgot all that, he doesn't know what happened?Let her go so desperately that she didn't leave a word. She promised to come to find her, but she didn't come to find her.

Tao Yaoyao felt Emperor Yaojiu's gaze, the resentment and deep grievance in that gaze, Tao Yaoyao felt a little pain in her heart, and then drank mineral water not far away, not daring to meet that gaze , because she was very guilty and felt unable to face it, what kind of scumbag did she do?
"By the way, I've always wanted to know, can't you get on someone else's body? Why is it always God Nine's? Could it be the legendary tacit understanding?" Tao Yaoyao suddenly said.

Di Yaojiu has always been on the body of this Di Yaojiu. Could it be that the tacit understanding in the legend is only possible with a predetermined body? Di Yaojiu looked at Tao Yaoyao.

"He has a chip in his head. Through the chip, I changed his senses, and then let me occupy myself, but the more he refused, the shorter the time I appeared. Now he accepts, I can appear for a long time,"


"...You think too much," Di Yaojiu rolled his eyes lightly, really thinking too much.

(End of this chapter)

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