Chapter 308 The Real World
"Little Yaoer..." The taxi stopped at some point. The person standing in front of the eyeliner car was Dongfang Bai. Get out of the car by yourself.

Dongfang Bai reached out to hold Tao Yaoyao's hand, Tao Yaoyao looked at her palm, the temperature was so suitable and familiar, "Little Yaoer..."

"Do we really know each other?" Is he really the person in the memory?The appearance, voice and temperament are so similar, Dongfang Bai smiled and hugged him when he heard this, and gave the money directly to the taxi driver.

When the driver saw it, he immediately took the one hundred yuan and left. It turned out that the young couple quarreled and cried so hard. After they left, Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Of course it's me, you Don’t you think of a lot of things about us? Let me tell you, in the future, I will go to Jiangnan outside the Great Wall and show you the prosperity of the world, have you forgotten it?”

Tao Yaoyao shook her head when she heard this, "No, I remembered something just now," when this person called just now, she remembered and thought about many things, although it was intermittent, but But he was caught by himself.

Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao when he heard this, "If that's the case, why don't you believe me? Look... what does he remind you of?"

These words made Tao Yaoyao slightly taken aback, Emperor Yao Jiu really didn't let herself think about anything?Right now, Dongfang Bai reminded me a lot, but even so... Tao Yaoyao didn't know what to do for a while, she believed in Emperor Yaojiu, but the evidence of Dongfang Bai in front of her made her have to believe it .

"You didn't think about it, so you know it very clearly, because he is not the one you love, so you won't think about it, he stole my things, and that's why you have those illusions,"

Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, is it really just an illusion?But if it was an illusion, why did I cry?Can……

"I don't know, don't ask me, I don't know..." She didn't know, she didn't know which person's words were true and which person's words were false, maybe they were all fake, maybe they were all true ?
But Tao Yaoyao was confused, "Why on earth did I come back to this world? Abandoning you?" If my memory is not lost, why did I come back?

"Because of home, in that world you used to feel fear because you were afraid that you were not a human being. After you found out that you were actually a human being, you desperately wanted to come back. I don't blame you, because I am the same, but we were all killed. Trapped, it was you who brought me back,"

"I brought you back?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Dongfang Bai and said, brought someone back by herself?Dongfang Bai nodded and stretched out his hand to rub Tao Yaoyao's beautiful hair, then pinched that forehead.

Tao Yaoyao raised her head and looked at Dongfang Bai, with her own familiarity on her eyes, she stretched out her hand to cover half of the other's cheek, "Dongfang Bai... my lord..."

When she thought of the leader, her heart ached. Although the memory was intermittent, she knew that the man was very bad and always liked to bully her, but he knelt down for her.

Kneeling down, letting go of all dignity, she knew how narcissistic and arrogant the man was, but she knelt down for herself, "Okay, don't cry, it's just a game, we're all here,"

Tao Yaoyao touched her cheek and realized that she was crying, "I just feel very sad, why do we have this kind of game? And why do we go into it?"

"I'll tell you about this later, Xiao Yaoer, listen to me now, and don't talk about these things when you go back, Xiao have to trust me, that person has bad intentions for you, and I will find a way to deal with it," Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao and said.

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she was startled, "What are you going to do?" She felt a dull pain when she thought that something would happen to Emperor Yaojiu, and Dongfang Bai's expression was hurt when she heard this.

"Do you have him in your heart? Even if he hurts you a lot, you still have him, little monster... You have been forgotten. It was he who pushed your taboo and made you lose our memory. You and I said, if... you can, you will kill him physically and mentally, "

"Destroyed physically and mentally?" Tao Yaoyao was startled when she heard this, and soon there were those pictures in her mind, those very bad pictures.

"Don't be so high-sounding as you said, I regret that I believed you in the end. If I could, I would kill you physically and mentally. I won't hurt him now, and I won't..."

"Headache..." Tao Yaoyao clutched her head and began to ache. Dongfang Bai's eyes were complicated when he saw it, and he stretched out his hand to hug Tao Yaoyao. Tao Yaoyao felt like her head was about to split open.

"It hurts..." Tao Yaoyao felt a headache, Dongfang Bai looked worried, and didn't want the other party to think too much, so he pressed the light in his hand on that head, and soon Tao Yaoyao calmed down.

"It's okay, don't think too much," Dongfang Bai's words made Tao Yaoyao look at her, she seemed to hear herself talking, her voice was full of anger and anger, and she said the sentence "death to body and mind" in deep disappointment if.

Could it be that he and Di Yaojiu really fell in love and killed each other?Tao Yaoyao was confused, "Little Yaoer, don't think too much, you should trust me, that man thought about killing you, you should trust me,"

Tao Yaoyao didn't know how to distinguish all these things. That man... Di Yaojiu had murderous intentions towards her. She clearly remembered that he almost strangled her to death, but she also remembered that the other party's tenderness .

"Let me think about it," she needs to think about it carefully, to think about what is true?What is fake again?
Dongfang Bai knew that he shouldn't be too hasty at the moment, if the ratio was too much, the chain would bounce back and he couldn't control it, so he sent Tao Yaoyao away after he calmed down.

"That girl is the person that thing likes?" An electronic page was reflected on the phone, and an old man was sitting inside, and this person was Dongfang Bai's father at this moment.

"Well, she's what that man likes," maybe because he's been with Di Yaojiu for a long time, and now he's identifying her as a man. Hearing this, the old man looked at the departing Tao Yaoyao.

"It's nothing more than that," although she looks good, but it's just good. For the old man, Tao Yaoyao is still not close at the moment, but she never thought that a person like her can seduce that thing, so they 20 years have been the same as doing nothing.

"We should have done this if we knew that a woman could have solved it earlier, otherwise we wouldn't have wasted 20 years," K entered the virtual world 20 years ago, and all the values ​​of his body stopped, just like Tao Yaoyao. No matter how old or how old, this K is also Dongfang Bai. He will be forty, but he is only twenty.

Dongfang Bai smiled when he heard this, "Father was joking, she and that man are not just related to each other." He was very jealous of that man, at least this woman chose that man in front of her at home , It's a pity... I wanted to have that man, so I escaped alone in the end, but fate will still bring a pair of lovers together.

Tao Yaoyao and Di Yaojiu, a pair of lovers, finally met under the obsession of Emperor Yaojiu. In this real world, they came to look for her. Dongfang Bai's eyes flashed, Tao Yaoyao might This is what I would most like to see.

There is a ball of light in Dongfang Bai's hand, which is all the memory of that girl, and he has condensed it through untold hardships, which is why he wakes up later than the two of them, is not a waste of effort.

(End of this chapter)

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