Chapter 317 The Real World
"Di Jiu, what's the matter with you? If you have nothing to do, what are you going to do to provoke Dongfang Bai?" What are you going to do to provoke that madman?Well now, if he hadn't come back to save others by himself, he should have been shot to death by now.

However, Tao Yaoyao also has complicated thoughts. She never thought that Dongfang Bai actually had thoughts of admiration for herself. It was not a very ordinary love, but a real one. Said that he fell into the sink, and after seeing the other person's expression and Mo Yan, he couldn't help but feel complicated.

Tao Yaoyao looked at the injured one, Di Jiu immediately lifted him up, and then walked not far away, Di Jiu looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, "Why are you back?"

Di Jiu thought he was going to die just now, but he didn't expect that Tao Yaoyao came back, which more or less made Di Jiu feel very...complicated, and also very relieved. When he heard this, Tao Yaoyao immediately felt happy up.

"You've woken up. I thought something happened to you and you won't be able to wake up again. Fortunately, you're awake. I'll tell Dijiu. You mustn't die, or I won't be polite to you," Tao said. Yaoyao knew clearly that Di Jiu was serious, that bastard... this is also a nephew after all, and he's making such a black move right now.

After hearing the ins and outs, Tao Yaoyao's thoughts became more complicated. She didn't expect that there was a walkie-talkie there, and because the frequency was not the same, there would be no problem of someone talking on the walkie-talkie there, and it was only at this moment that it was overheard.

At the beginning, he suspected that someone was eavesdropping, but he didn't expect that the eavesdropping thing was at such a quiet distance. Now that he had heard everything, Tao Yaoyao's words made Di Jiu couldn't help but smile.

"Uncle Mo Baitang won't let Uncle Yao Jiutang go, you must never think about it, don't let Uncle Yao Jiu come here, otherwise it will be very dangerous." Uncle Mo Baitang didn't know what he was going to do at the beginning, But no matter what to do, it is a very dangerous thing.

When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao knew even if Di Jiu didn't remind her, "I know, that network, Dongfang Bai tried everything to catch Di Yao Jiu, although I forgot Many things, but I still remember the bits and pieces, "

Especially the closer you get to Dongfang Bai, the clearer those memories are, maybe it's because Dongfang Bai has something he wants in him that makes his memories so clear.

Di Jiu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, and then passed out. At this moment, Dongfang Bai went to find Tao Yaoyao, but when he came to the sink, he found that there were pieces of blood-stained clothes in it, but he had already When it had disappeared without a trace, I couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"Xiaoyao..." As he said that, he was about to find someone, but he was stopped immediately. At this time, Dongfang Bai regained consciousness. When he looked at the clothes, "Why did this happen? I didn't tell you not to Are you hurt? What are you talking about?"

"Young master, we don't know, that's how we came here, but don't worry, young master, no one saw the woman fall, maybe it's just a piece of clothing inside,"

When he heard this, Dongfang Bai was taken aback for a moment, and soon thought of what someone said to him on the walkie-talkie, his eyes turned cold immediately, and he walked to the innermost floor, but when he got there, he It was discovered that Di Jiu had already fled away.

After seeing this, Dongfang Bai was not angry, but smiled instead, and couldn't help swallowing when he saw the people following behind him, wondering if the young master was stimulated, otherwise how could he still laugh at this time ?
Tao Yaoyao was caught today, and Emperor Yaojiu has been looking for Tao Yaoyao for a few days, and all the Internet investigations in the world have been searched, but... one day, brother, many places will be cut off from the Internet, and not only Not only was the power cut off, but many mobile phone models were also swallowed, leaving no clues at all.

Du Sisi looked at the person on the TV, "Is there really no movement from Xiaoyao? One day there was a sudden power outage, and I felt something was wrong, but when I came back, Xiaoyao disappeared. You can't invade any Internet? Why can't I find Xiaoyao?"

Du Sisi looked at Emperor Yaojiu, and Emperor Yaojiu looked at Du Sisi, "They are not in the network," not within the scope of the network, "You and I are looking for Dongfang Bai right now, please appease this girl." Xiaoyao's parents,"

Du Sisi saw Emperor Yaojiu now entirely because Tao Yaoyao's parents, who could have been discharged from the hospital because Tao Yaoyao disappeared, were directly lying in the hospital again. At this time, Tao Tao also came Yes, but the police couldn't find anyone at all.

In fact, not to mention that the police couldn't find anyone, even this Emperor Yaojiu couldn't find him. Those people knew his weakness, so they cut off the network and electricity, and isolated everything. Yao Jiu knew something was wrong.

But there is no way to come out, even if she does, there is no way to monitor Tao Yaoyao, and there is no way to find Tao Yaoyao at all. Du Sisi pursed her lips when she heard this, "Why on earth is Xiaoyao being targeted by those people?" , what are you?"

Tao Yaoyao said something to Du Sisi, but it was only a few things, Du Sisi didn't understand it at all, and... When Du Sisi heard it, Tao Yaoyao didn't know it at all. There was no way to explain it clearly, and now when she saw Emperor Yaojiu, Du Sisi wanted to make it clear.

"During those seven years, she said that she also forgot where she went, but she said that she owed debts. I want to know where you are?" Du Sisi thought about what Tao Yaoyao went through.Because she and Tao Yaoyao are very good friends, she doesn't want Tao Yaoyao to suffer any harm, and she doesn't want these things to become the source of Tao Yaoyao's suffering in the future.

"I don't know, but I won't hurt Xiaoyao, you just have to do it." Soon Emperor Yaojiu disappeared. Seeing the disappeared Emperor Yaojiu, Du Sisi couldn't help but lick her lips. Pursing his lips, his expression carried that sigh.

She wondered what the hell was going on?That's why Tao Yaoyao disappeared unexpectedly. Immediately after Di Yaojiu disappeared, he fell silent, shrinking there, and saw a paragraph of text, "I want to see someone, come from the deep sea, K..."

When Di Yaojiu saw this word, he opened his eyes, and it really came from him, but he came prepared, but Di Yaojiu knew clearly in his heart that Dongfang Bai was counting on him, and there was no one under the deep sea. network and power facilities, I want to see Tao Yaoyao, but I can only find a container.

But once he was busy finding the container and going down himself, it would be difficult to get out, because there was no place for him to run in the deep sea, but Emperor Yaojiu knew it well, it was impossible for him to give up on Taoyao Yaoyao, I will definitely go and Tao Yaoyao said, " can rest assured that I will go back,"

It's time to put an end to all of this. From the beginning to the end, that man chased me for a long time. Wherever we went, the other party was chasing after us. He didn't care about all this at first, but at this moment, Emperor Yao Jiu knew that this matter must be resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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