Chapter 320 The Real World
"Xiaoyao..." The submarine was halfway through, and Di Jiu suddenly saw Tao Yaoyao open his eyes, with a cold look in his eyes. At that moment, Di Jiu was slightly taken aback, and Tao Yaoyao threw him Go behind the road.

"Xiaoyao, what are you going to do?" Seeing Tao Yaoyao's eyes swept away the cold expression, Di Jiu couldn't help shivering, this woman was like a different person, she didn't have the slightest feeling just now .

Tao Yaoyao was doing a good job, her eyes flashed, and the series of data codes appeared, and then she started to operate the submarine, "Are you going back? But Uncle Yao Jiutang said he won't let you go back,"

"Shut up, before I throw you into the water, let alone... now my words are orders, why is that man sleeping on me," said and went back quickly, good you Emperor Yaojiu, you actually Dare to play this with yourself, see if you don't clean up.

Tao Yaoyao drove the submarine back. The closer Tao Yaoyao got to Dongfang Bai these days, the more memories she would get. Everything in the memory became clearer and clearer. After being knocked out just now, those memories became more like The tide flooded into my mind.

After thinking of those things, Tao Yaoyao's expression turned cold. She probably guessed a little bit about what K was going to do, and it was precisely because of her guess that she was worried. Dealing with myself, and foolishly delivering it to my door.

When Tao Yaoyao and others hurried back, they saw the broken glass, the building at the beginning floated up bit by bit, and the bloody color attracted sharks. After seeing all the mess, Tao Yaoyao I couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

In the depths of the sea, Tao Yaoyao looked at everything around her, "Emperor Yaojiu..." She was looking for Emperor Yaojiu, and soon saw that tattered robot not far away, she couldn't help it Slightly stunned, he began to pinch the person up.

"Uncle Yaojiutang..." Di Jiu was also slightly taken aback, and soon saw that this person was caught up, but there was no movement. After seeing this, Tao Yaoyao looked not far away, and I saw that Dongfang Bai was also sitting in the submarine.

At this moment, the submarine is made of glass on the tenth floor. After seeing this, Tao Yaoyao looked cold, "K..." Dongfang Bai who was not far away was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

"It seems that Xiaoyao remembered it, doesn't matter anymore," Dongfang Bai said with a smile. When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she immediately started to bump into the submarine.

"What are you doing? We hit that thing, we will definitely die," Tao Yaoyao was quickly caught, struggling desperately, watching Dongfang Bai's submarine getting further and further away.

"Bastard," Tao Yaoyao's expression turned cold, and she directly punched him. Di Jiu didn't resist. Tao Yaoyao's fist stopped halfway, and she didn't speak but hugged the robot.

"Actually, it's my fault. I knew it from the beginning, but... it's my fault," Tao Yaoyao said, with a sad expression on her face, tears streaming down her face. Leng.

"Aren't you, have you always wanted to see Uncle Yao Jiu? I'll take you there," Di Jiu said, "We know that Uncle Yao Jiu is still lying at home, so maybe there is still hope."

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she looked at Dongfang Bai in a daze, and Dongfang Bai smiled, "Let's go quickly," Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao, comforting Tao Yaoyao with a very serious expression. .

"En," Tao Yaoyao nodded, her expression was not too nervous, but her eyes were still distorted, Di Jiu looked at Tao Yaoyao.

"Have you recovered your memory? Remembered a lot of things?" Di Jiu said when looking at Tao Yaoyao, the look had indeed recovered his memory, "What's going on? Why did Uncle Mo Baitang treat Yao Jiu? Uncle is chasing after him?"

"I don't know. In fact... I was in a car accident seven years ago. Maybe it was because I fell into the game cabin. My soul entered the game. When I was ignorant, I became the number one hundred of Dongfang Bai and others." , because it was an accident when I went in, so I can keep a lot of memories, but they can't..."

Tao Yaoyao had original memories after entering, and at that time, the program code happened to give those people inside some memories, making them mistakenly think that they were human, and then went to their own tasks.

And the task is Emperor Yaojiu, and because Emperor Yaojiu doesn't know, for some reason, as long as he enters the game, he will lose his memory, and if K doesn't want to lose his memory, he can only save his memory with the help of her.

But in the following strategies, because of her rejection, System K was gradually rejected, because after being rejected, K was unwilling to give up such a good opportunity, and followed her into this world.

When Di Jiu heard this, Di Jiu was slightly taken aback, looked at Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao said solemnly, "Later, I recovered my memory, and I always wanted to find the way back, and in the last game, I found it, so I planned to use K to bring myself back to the real world, and only then did I know that K is also a human being just like me, but I was an accident, but he was the one who signed a contract with the program."

Because of being signed a contract, K is restricted in many things, but he is not restricted, because he is just an unexpected visitor and has his own thinking, so many times he can follow his own ideas arbitrarily. Activities, but K didn’t have any, so I figured out a way to use a strategy code to come out. The first 99 were all failures, and the last one started to be effective when I went to that world because of my own accident. The program appears, and the capture is performed.

"So, Uncle Mo Baitang is really capable, but...why did that program sign a contract with Uncle Mo Baitang?" It was the first time I heard that it was possible to sign a contract with the network, which was really strange.

"Because in that world, Ah Jiu is considered a different kind. He has his own thinking and ideas, which makes the program reject him, thinking that he is a virus. It just so happens that the appearance of K allows the program to find a chance to get rid of him, so it is logical. The two teamed up and started to capture, "

In the previous ten years, Emperor Yaojiu fled in a state of embarrassment, but even though he was in a state of embarrassment, he did not let those people touch him. Then, for some unknown reason, Emperor Yaojiu suddenly saw a role-playing game, probably because it was The emperor's family had a kindness, so they took the initiative to enter the game, and after Dongfang Bai knew about it, he immediately threw the newborn number [-] into it himself.

"It turns out that's the case, but... Uncle Yao Jiutang is familiar with role-playing, so it's not surprising, because the founder of this development is himself. Maybe it's his subconscious ignorance that made him choose to enter to experience life. , but unexpectedly was used by Dongfang Bai."

The founder of role-playing is not myself, I just picked up this game, and then pieced it together again to form a role-playing game, so strictly speaking, this is Emperor Yaojiu's.

This is why, in the early days, Emperor Yaojiu was in the game life, and the major networks were highly damaged, and became a virus that the program wanted to get rid of. Later, after running role-playing games, he began to fall into a deep sleep. The arrest plan, of course...Dongfang Bai and the others, at first, just thought that they had driven Di Yaojiu to a dead end, so they would let the other party run into the role-playing game without hesitation to get people to attack them.

(End of this chapter)

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