Chapter 33

When everyone looked at the corpses on the ground, they swallowed their saliva one by one, and started to run away without saying a word. The demon leader Dongfang Bai's martial arts were unfathomable, and the demon girl was very weird. Everyone expressed numbness It's horrible, I'm going home.

The corners of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched as she watched the crowd run away, but she also swallowed when she looked at the corpse on the ground. She had always known that Dongfang Bai killed people without blinking an eye. Although she knew that there was data in front of her, the bloody The blood and corpses are still quite scary. She loves horror movies, but she doesn't say that she loves the living to become the dead.

After seeing Dongfang Bai die for the first time, she realized that this person in front of her was a complete devil. The vicious trembling made her tremble with fear. Fortunately, she didn't intend to kill Dongfang Bai, otherwise she would You can wipe your neck with a knife.

"Hey, what kind of palm did you show me just now?" Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, her hair was sprinkled like ink on the sedan chair, and her bright red makeup was so enchanting and seductive.

Seeing Tao Yaoyao swallowing at the side, she said that she was not tempted, but swallowed in fright. The unspoken words just now were, if you don’t take me, I will kill you. Looking at the seductive person Looking at her, Tao Yaoyao said, can we resist?
In the next second, Tao Yaoyao took out the electric shock baton from the system with a smile, and sent it to Dongfang Bai, "My lord, that's not some thunderbolt and lightning palm, it's made by this thing, you Just click here and you can knock people out,"

Tao Yaoyao said that if a fox pretends to be a tiger, he must have a tiger. Now that the tiger is talking first, if he doesn't know what is going on, he may be the one who will be slaughtered in the next second. What's more, although Dongfang Bai didn't say anything, he just Those squinted eyes told Tao Yaoyao if she dared to speak and kill you.

"Oh, feelings are this gadget?" Dongfang Bai looked at the so-called electric shock rod, and then pressed it. When he didn't find any abnormality, he wanted to touch it with his hand, but he swept the peach in the next second. Yaoyao suddenly smiled.

"Does Xiao Yaoer really want me to give it a try?" Seeing that sneaky little look, Dongfang Bai suddenly had an evil thought, and then squinted at Tao Yaoyao and said.

Tao Yaoyao just recovered from the joy of Dongfang Bai's trick, she immediately looked at Dongfang Bai with wide eyes, swallowed, and smiled like a dog.

"My lord, my servant and my servant are like a mirror to my lord, and the sun and the moon are my heart. My love for my lord is boundless, my lord, how can you be so suspicious of my servant?"

As he said that, he ran to Dongfang Bai's feet, hugged Dongfang Bai's feet tightly, desperately holding down tears to prevent Dongfang Bai from thinking of doing something wrong, woooo/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ She was excited just now A little bit.

Is it just wrong?Is this wrong?When she saw that Dongfang Bai was about to touch the place where the electric shock was, she got a little excited, so there was a mistake.

Cough cough... The above thoughts just now are absolutely not my own, absolutely not because I want revenge in my heart, and I never think that he is stupid, so I beg you, my lord, don't have such dangerous thoughts.

"Xiao Yaoer, don't worry, it won't hurt, I will grasp the strength well," Dongfang Bai said when he saw the puppy hugging him like a dog, what's the matter with this comfortable sense of disobedience?

Facing the woman's confession, Dongfang Bai sighed, this girl is still shameless over there, she likes to talk nonsense when she is afraid, and she doesn't blush when she tells lies, why does she like herself?
Returning to the mountain without a edge, he really felt that the world was united, this girl ran to the absolute number one, but at this moment he didn't expose her, on the contrary, he enjoyed it, after all, there are few pleasures in the world like this woman in front of him, but he just gave it to himself. It's a novelty, so it's natural to keep it and play with it slowly. How can he be willing to throw away this cute pet like a puppy?

Then I took the electric shock rod and shook it in front of Tao Yaoyao. Tao Yaoyao shook her head desperately in fright. The heart of the egg is as black as ink.

I just had a little twisted thoughts, do you want to scare yourself like this, woo woo/(ㄒo ㄒ)/~~, "My lord, listen to the servants, this thing can only be used three times, and once it is used, it will be less , Sir, you can’t just use this humble body of a servant just for the sake of it, my lord, hum..."

Saying that it was all tears, I shrank back desperately, trying to escape from the palm of this pervert, woo system Jun Mama, I want to go home, stop playing with this pervert.

Why is this BOSS so heartbreaking, and Tao Yaoyao's words at this moment made Dongfang Bai smile, and then nodded seriously, "It is indeed a waste, Xiao Yaoer, don't be afraid, I scared you, "

Before Tao Yaoyao had time to be happy, her whole body was electrocuted. When Tao Yaoyao was electrocuted, she said that next time she must not trust this bastard again, and give herself a candy for a second After slapping, whining turned around for Mao.

"Smelly girl, let go..." The fear of death and the pain all over her body made Tao Yaoyao say, let's die together, my lord, and soon fell on Dongfang Bai, both of them twitched like an electric shock .

Did she tell Dongfang Bai that this electricity can be contagious, this bastard is going to play himself to death, she suffers all by herself, that's too deceitful, so let's live and die together, sir.

"Let go of you stinky girl," the feeling of electric shock all over his body made Dongfang Bai uncomfortable, and he stretched out his hand to push the woman away, but at this moment, the woman was crawling on him like an octopus, and that little thing was also caught by him. Pressed between the bodies of the two.

"Don't die alone, it's so lonely," Tao Yaoyao looked at Dongfang Bai with teary eyes, expressing that she was absolutely forced not to relax, and pulled Dongfang Bai desperately, woo/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~It's better to be happy than to be happy together Le, she doesn't want to suffer alone.

"Damn it, let it go, didn't you say you like me? Is this what you like?" Dongfang Bai looked at the woman who was stunned by the electric shock, and said very unhappily. The feeling of electric shock has passed, but the residual electric shock still made me The two were paralyzed.

Looking at the woman in front of him who keeps saying that she loves her, and when she is about to drag him into the water whenever she is in danger, Dongfang Bai feels like killing her and forgetting about it.

"Whoever said that love can't live and die together, I love to live and die together," Tao Yaoyao said even if she was dizzy, she never forgot the lie, and directly refuted, Dongfang Bai was angry Laugh and get angry.

"Smelly girl...what are you doing...let go," the electric shock came from all over her body in the next second, because Tao Yaoyao didn't know when, she foolishly took the electric shock rod and put it on Dongfang Bai's body, then There was a vengeful look in his eyes.

"Hehe...see if I don't electrocute you to death," Tao Yaoyao is the kind of person who has revenge. When she sees the electric shock baton, she is dizzy and dazed. The only thought is to be good. If the damned man dares to shock himself with an electric shock rod, then he will also shock him to death, and shock him to death.

Dongfang Bai's horsepower was the smallest, and Tao Yaoyao's horsepower was absolutely at the maximum, otherwise Tao Yaoyao would have fainted at the beginning, but it's a pity that Tao Yaoyao forgot at this moment, she was pressed on Dongfang Bai, and the electric shock rod hit her. Press, she screamed, "w(?Д?)w ah..." I rely on (‵o′)convex/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~, this absolutely beats my own rhythm.

(End of this chapter)

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