Chapter 334 The Real World
Di Mobai was very angry, because although the servant was worried about him right now, it was more because he was going to be implicated, and suddenly his expression became ugly. When the time came, his complexion suddenly became as ugly as that black pot.

"Why do you want to fight against me? Get out... I don't want to see you, get out..." The female liar, the child liar, kept thinking about Tao Yaoyao, and she was good enough to that female liar this year Yes, but that female liar always...always treats Emperor Yaojiu well, and he knows that that female liar likes Emperor Yaojiu much more than himself, and he still can't get Emperor Yaojiu to please him. Where there, you can hold that woman's hand, and the benefits you get are much better.

Di Mobai's expression became ugly, and the anger in his heart could not be extinguished, because he hated Tao Yaoyao, why did it have to be like this?Why is everyone being nice to Emperor Yaojiu? I... I am obviously very good too, but why as long as I have Emperor Yaojiu, I am nothing compared to God Yaojiu. Di Mobai's people are getting uglier and uglier , the servant had already gone out, Tao Yaoyao walked in and saw the mess of the room, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"Di Mobai, what are you doing? Prodigal child, these clothes are very expensive, do you know that one piece costs tens of thousands?" This prodigal child is really a prodigal. Yaoyao sighed, bent down and began to pick it up, thinking in her heart why this brat was provoked by others, otherwise why did she suddenly cut her clothes?
Di Mobai looked at Tao Yaoyao angrily, but he couldn't believe that he saw a bag not far away from Tao Yaoyao, he was taken aback for a moment and then walked over, when he saw a gift in it Wei Wei was taken aback, took it out to have a look, and found that it was a certain hat, suddenly Wei Wei was taken aback, and looked at Tao Yaoyao.

"Is this for me? It's not bad," Tao Yaoyao looked at Di Mobai when she heard this, and she couldn't help being slightly taken aback when she saw what the bear boy was holding in his hand. She wanted to tell Di Mobai in front of her that it was not for him, but for Emperor Yaojiu, but seeing Di Mobai's smile, Tao Yaoyao couldn't tell, so she looked at the other person's expression, He nodded his head wrongly, acquiescing that this thing was given by himself.

In fact, this Tao Yaoyao is more or less guilty, but at this moment, Emperor Mobai is very happy. This shows that the woman in front of him is not so annoying. At first, she thought that she just cared about Emperor Yaojiu, but..." Don't pick this one from now on. It's too ugly, and it's too cute. You should choose something nicer to send to me in the future, can't send Emperor Yaojiu to me first, otherwise I'm not good, hehe... o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)”

Seeing Di Mobai's arrogant personality, Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched. In fact, she really wanted to tell the person in front of her that you are less of a stinky fart. Yao knew that this was going too far, so she fell silent.

Di Mobai was happy after taking the things, and Tao Yaoyao cleaned up the room for the other party. After this year, Tao Yaoyao can be regarded as the nanny of these two children. Although it is not in name, many people in the Di family Knowing that Tao Yaoyao is very good to Di Mobai and Di Yaojiu, and these two children also like Tao Yaoyao very much, under such circumstances, they naturally became playmates of the two children.

"By the way, where are you going these days?" Mo Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao and asked, and found that Tao Yaoyao was very busy these days, and sometimes she was in a daze, as if I was thinking about something very important, but I couldn't find the clue, and my expression was heavy and unhappy.

Hearing Di Mobai's voice, Tao Yaoyao sighed, and looked at Di Mobai, "I don't know what to say? At first I thought that one thing was just a memory, but these days , but it always feels like it’s not just a memory, but if it’s not a memory, isn’t it a hallucination? I’m just thinking about these things, "

Tao Yaoyao has been thinking about this matter all the time, is this a memory or a hallucination, but if it is a hallucination, will she feel very painful after that car crash?But if it weren't for this memory, the memory would also feel that many things were wrong.

When she heard this, she couldn't help but say nothing, but at this moment Tao Yaoyao shook her head, because she thought that Di Mobai probably didn't understand, but in fact Dong Bai really didn't understand, now Tao Yaoyao's words, Let yourself very confused, what exactly are you talking about?
Why do I feel that many places are a little strange?And especially when saying these words, I always feel a little confused, "You don't understand, well, let's not talk about this, let me ask you, what is going on? Why do you want to cut these clothes?" or else I'd be pissed."

Tao Yaoyao felt that this brat had to teach him a good lesson, otherwise he would always do these things in the future, which would be a very bad thing, especially these clothes, although they were not his own money, but Emperor Mobai did not The act of cutting off the clothes made Tao Yaoyao feel that this was an excessively vented cruelty, and there was an uneasy violent factor hidden in it.

But soon the corners of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched, and she scolded herself secretly, because the emperor Mobai in front of him, to be honest, he really had this kind of factor when he grew up, and he had seen it before, and at this moment the emperor Hearing this, Mo Bai was immediately a little angry, looked at Tao Yaoyao and snorted coldly, Xiao Aojiao ignored Tao Yaoyao.

"Humph, it's not your own fault. If it wasn't your own fault, I wouldn't have cut these clothes, heh heh..." After saying that, she snorted coldly, and the corners of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched when she heard it. He looked at Di Mobai nervously, "That clothes... why did you give it to Emperor Yaojiu?" Then suddenly a sentence came out, the voice was a little soft, so small that Tao Yaoyao almost couldn't hear it clearly up.

"So you were asking about the clothes, why did you give them to Emperor Yaojiu? Even if we are good friends, shouldn't I also give them to you now? You little brat is really fussy, why don't you just cut them off because of this?" Take off those clothes?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Di Mobai in shock, Di Mobai didn't have a life, but he admitted that he did it because of something.

Tao Yaoyao looked at Emperor Mobai, and felt that many times, there are many things that need to be clarified, "I want to know why you hate Emperor Yaojiu? Little Jiuren is very good, although he doesn't like to talk, but he is very talkative. Cute, why don't you like him? Although you were beaten because of Xiao Jiu, you can't blame Xiao Jiu entirely," Tao Yaoyao knew clearly that the second uncle Di Mobai's beating had nothing to do with Emperor Yao Jiu has nothing to do with it at all, it's just a reason for being involved, and now Di Mobai is suffering because of this Emperor Yaojiu, but Emperor Yaojiu has never done anything to apologize to the person in front of him.

Tao Yaoyao wanted to resolve all this, Tao Yaoyao felt that if this hatred could be changed, there might be many changes in the future, Tao Yaoyao quickly smiled, in this world of memories, she was still thinking about this I want to change everything in front of me.

But at this moment, when Di Mobai heard this, his face suddenly turned cold, "What do you mean? Is it all my fault?" With anger and tear stains, he began to cry very quickly, almost in a state of collapse.

"I know that all of you like Emperor Yaojiu, think that I am nothing compared to him, think that I am a very useless person, and you are the same, you have always liked Emperor Yaojiu the most, you are all bad guys I hate you, get out..." After speaking, she began to push people away, but Tao Yaoyao didn't leave, and looked at Di Mobai.

"It's true that I like Emperor Yaojiu, but I'm not bad to you, Dimobai... It's because you always thought that you were beaten because of Emperor Yaojiu, so you always hated Emperor Yaojiu, but Emperor Yaojiu passed He was bullied by everyone since he was a child, and he lived a tragic life just like you, but Emperor Yaojiu didn't say anything, he was always cute and distressing, "

Tao Yaoyao clearly remembered that when she first met Di Yaojiu, she also remembered a lot of things about Di Yaojiu being bullied. But he didn't tell anyone, he didn't complain about these things, and he didn't tell himself about these things. Such a well-behaved child makes people feel distressed.

And at this moment, regarding the matter between Di Yaojiu and Di Mobai, Di Mobai, who was harmed by Diyaojiu, was beaten, but this matter has nothing to do with Diyaojiu at all. It is the second uncle's own fault. The blame is on Emperor Yaojiu, it is just a child, a six-year-old child, even if he is smart on weekdays, there is no way to change the fact that the other party is a child, why should a child be involved in other people's hatred for no reason, And this Emperor Mobai was still growing up, and because of this incident, the Emperor Demon was mobilized nine times to kill him.

At first, Tao Yaoyao thought it was a mistaken killing, but at this moment, Tao Yaoyao knew very clearly that when Di Mobai attacked back then, he completely wanted the life of Emperor Yaojiu. After knowing this, Tao Yaoyao Yao is naturally not well. When he heard this, Di Mobai's face turned ugly, and he looked at Tao Yaoyao almost wishing to eat Tao Yaoyao alive. A child of about ten years old would actually show Looking at it like this is really scary.

"What do you know? You don't know anything at all? If you are always being compared to this and hurt you because of this, how would you feel? Tell me? Don't you hate? Why don't I You can hate Emperor Yaojiu, just because you like Emperor Yaojiu, so you prefer Emperor Yaojiu, am I wrong? You are partial to Emperor Yaojiu," Di Mobai's words made Tao Yaoyao silent for a while Quickly nodded and looked at him.

"You're right. I'm partial to Emperor Yaojiu. If there's nothing else, I'll go first." Now that the words have come to this point, Tao Yaoyao has no reason to stay. Among the people, Tao Yaoyao chose Emperor Yaojiu, which is the same no matter which world it is in. Right now, Tao Yaoyao just turns around and leaves, so there is no way to change Di Mobai's thoughts, so that's good... so as not to be entangled , Just leave, it’s true that I like Di Mobai, but if I really want to choose now, it’s not impossible to lose him.

When Di Mobai saw Tao Yaoyao leaving, he gritted his teeth, this time he didn't cry, and there was no one to stop him. After Tao Yaoyao walked out the door, he sighed and felt that It's a bit of a crime, after looking around now, I plan to go to see Emperor Yaojiu first, and I also made up my mind to focus on Emperor Yaojiu these days.

No one knows about the quarrel between Di Mobai and Tao Yaoyao, only Tao Yaoyao and Di Mobai know, when Tao Yaoyao went to Di Yaojiu, Di Yaojiu was sitting and doing things, and saw Tao Yaoyao Yaoyao walked in, she was slightly taken aback when she saw Tao Yaoyao, and went straight up, holding something for Tao Yaoyao to drink, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being slightly taken aback when she saw the drink, in fact, she likes Thank you, Emperor Yaojiu, because every time this Emperor Yaojiu, even though it is a very small matter, always reveals that warmth, which is why I like it.

"Have you quarreled with your cousin?" Emperor Yaojiu talked to Tao Yaoyao a lot after this year, and Tao Yaoyao smiled when she heard this, and looked at the meaty bun's face, she couldn't help it. Stop pinching the other person's cheek cheaply, and when pinching, there is still that smile, it feels really good, it is so smooth and tender, it is really a little cutie.

"Don't try to run away from love too much, it's okay for me to quarrel with him every now and then." Hearing this, Di Yaojiu nodded, and Tao Yaoyao hugged Di Yaojiu, "Xiao Jiu, what do you like?" In the future, do you believe in things like the Internet or not? If you like it, you can develop these things in the future, and then Xiaojiu will definitely be the best."

Emperor Yaoyao was slightly taken aback by Tao Yaoyao's words. After looking at Tao Yaoyao, he nodded firmly. After seeing the other party nodding, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but smile, thinking that this child is really cute, but That's fine, at least he is like this right now, so I like him, but I don't know how Di Yaojiu is doing in the real world?Sometimes I really want to wake up, but I don't know how to wake up?
In the following days, Tao Yaoyao did not have any contact with Di Mobai. When Di Mobai saw Tao Yaoyao, he just looked at her with very unkind eyes, and then turned to leave. Tao Yaoyao's eyes let Tao Yaoyao know that this child must hate herself to death in her heart, and also intends to find an opportunity to kill her murderous intent, which made the corner of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitch ╮(╯▽╰)╭小She can't understand her arrogant temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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