Chapter 336 The Real World
Tao Yaoyao definitely felt very tragic about herself, she finally chose this brat, but in the end she almost ran into it with herself. That's all.

Tao Yaoyao felt severe pain all over her body, her body was almost squeezed, and when she heard the crying of Emperor Yaojiu and the unbelievable gaze of Emperor Mobai, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, actually... ...Di Mobai is not bad, can he leave now?

Tao Yaoyao is actually not that great. Under the circumstances at that time, Di Mobai was rescued probably because, after this year, although the bear child always makes himself very angry, Tao Yaoyao often has no way to do it. Denied, this Emperor Mobai actually likes it quite a bit.

Of course, if Di Mobai didn't fight with this Emperor Yaojiu, he would like it even more, but at this moment, after Tao Yaoyao opened her eyes, she found herself lying in the wilderness, and couldn't help but coughed and looked at it. After walking around, Wei Wei froze for a moment, stretched out her hand and saw that her hands and feet were in good condition and couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey..." It's really a memory in my memory. If it weren't for this fictional memory, Tao Yaoyao would have said that under the high-voltage electricity, she would have become a dregs long ago. How can she still be intact now, Tao Yaoyao Yao smiled triumphantly.

"Don't look, you were really almost killed by high voltage electricity, I saved you, you are so stupid, this is not a memory, it is the real past," just when Tao Yaoyao thought she was still alive When I didn't remember it, I didn't expect someone to speak, so I couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"Who are you?" The child's voice was very immature. To the voice just now, it was a child, and soon something floated out of Tao Yaoyao's body, and at this moment, the light became a child's in the next second. Mo Yan, Tao Yaoyao was a little surprised at this moment.

"Di Mobai... No... You are not Di Mobai, you are the source of life!?" Tao Yaoyao soon knew what was in front of her eyes?Isn't this the source of life?When hearing this, the child smiled and looked at Tao Yaoyao.

"It seems that you are not stupid, you know who I am, but I am not called the source of life, I have a name, Xiaobai..." I have been with Di Mobai for many years, and I already have the truth of Di Mobai in me, At the beginning, she didn't have her own sanity, but after too many things happened, she gradually had it, just like Emperor Yaojiu.

"I don't want to argue with you about whether I'm stupid or not, I just want to know what's going on?" What's going on with all this in front of me, and it looks very awkward, just like seeing Di Mobai, Well, at least Di Mobai is not as bad as this person.

"The thing is like this. After you entered the game room, you encountered a lot of things. A sudden telegram almost killed you, but because of my existence, it didn't kill you. You teleported out, of course you would have died if I wasn't there at the time, and it's the same when you fell into the pool later, "

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she was slightly taken aback, "Then what are you talking about in the past? I don't know about it. I survived because of you. If you said it wasn't a memory, it wasn't a memory. What is all this? what?"

If it is too much to say that it is not a memory, then what is all this now?Tao Yaoyao looked at Xiaobai with some doubts, wondering why Xiaobai got all this from Xiaobai?But at this moment, Xiaobai looked at Tao Yaoyao after hearing it.

"Actually, the matter is very simple, but something happened. In order to save you, I had to take emergency measures, but unexpectedly, the accident brought you to this age. This is five years after you left and fell into the pool." , Many things have changed right now, but if you want to go back, you still need to wait for a while, I don’t have much energy in me, and don’t I want to find the reason? Right now, I can just stay for a few more days, "

After hearing this, Tao Yaoyao looked at Xiaobai, "Then if I say that I want to go to the time when Emperor Yaojiu is sleeping, can you take me there? And... you are the source of life The child body, the mother body is on Emperor Yaojiu, is the Emperor Yaojiu who is being caught by Dongfang Bai the real person?"

It's okay if it's me, but if it's not me, I've been flirting with Xiao Yaojiu for a long time, and now thinking of the "Emperor Yaojiu" Tao Yaoyao who I don't know and love, I feel like dying.

"That's Emperor Yaojiu, which Emperor Yaojiu you think of, but it's still a bit off. I'm a descendant of the source of life, so I can tell you for sure that Emperor Yaojiu is the source of life. But it's also the little doll you know, "

In the previous life, we should start with the incident of Di Yaojiu. After Di Yaojiu's accident, Yaojiu's father immediately rescued Di Yaojiu. After the source of life entered Di Yaojiu's body, he immediately chose to follow him. Emperor Yaojiu fused, and then entered the other party's body, so that the other party could live, but because they were too familiar with the Internet, after the fusion, the source of life took the lead at first.

So he entered this network, and Di Yaojiu lost his memory at that time, and his original reaction to the source of life was not too strange, he just felt that he was a member of this network, and he had never doubted it for many years, but at this moment He was also accepted by Di Mobai, but not absorbed.

That's why Tao Yaoyao was snatched away later, but because Tao Yaoyao was not the one she was familiar with, she never chose to help Tao Yaoyao, which is why Tao Yaoyao has never been able to use her life source of.

But at this moment Tao Yaoyao twitched the corners of her mouth after hearing this, and looked at Xiaobai, "In other words, you still want to rebel now, right?" Yuan Xiaobai, Xiaobai couldn't help swallowing after being seen, looked at this tyy
"Of course I won't rebel. I like you so much. How could I leave..." Xiaobai doesn't like Tao Yaoyao, but likes Di Mobai more. Mo Bai, because at the moment Tao Yaoyao snatched him, he also snatched the initiative, so he couldn't love to hug Di Mobai's thigh at all.

After thinking of all this, she immediately felt that she was in a bad mood. She was clearly a handsome guy, so why did she get out of the hands of this witch? Tao Yaoyao smiled when she heard this and looked at Xiaobai, with a kind expression on her face. .

"Then tell me, what are you? You have been with Di Mobai for so long, you should know what Di Mobai is going to do, whether he wants to destroy the world, or use you to control the world,"

Tao Yaoyao feels that these two are very suitable for this Emperor Mobai's attributes, okay...Although Emperor Yaojiu's attributes are similar, but no matter how you look at it right now, it is Di Mobai who is doing it. When I heard this, Xiaobai looked Looking at Tao Yaoyao, he looked at Tao Yaoyao with a strange look.

"So you think so, but the master doesn't have such a plan. I can tell you that the master's plan is more ambitious and more dreamy. It's not what you think..."

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she looked at Xiaobai with suspicion in her eyes, then hehehe said, "Call me stupid, he is your master, Xiaobai, you really love your master, believe it or not I'm It's just that man-made destroyed you, so that you can't be here anymore, "

Tao Yaoyao said coldly, Xiaobai in front of her has something to hide from herself, to be honest, every time she was in danger, although Xiaobai saved her, Tao Yaoyao is not a fool, she knows Xiaobai well, I'm afraid it's because I'm dead, and it won't be easy, so I saved myself, and I'm grateful... But for Xiaobai, who has other men in his heart, he can't take any action , Maybe this guy is going to push him even further, so he said very coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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