Chapter 340 The Real World
Tao Yaoyao's skills are pretty good against the other gangsters, she clapped her hands after clearing up the people, and planned to take Xiao Bai away, but unexpectedly, Xiao Bai ran not far away, holding Di Mobai's hand.

"Brother Xiaobai misses you so much (╯▽╰)..." As he spoke, he hugged Di Mobai's thigh. Tao Yaoyao turned around and looked at Xiaobai. That smile said.

"Mom, let's stay with brother for a while, he really seems to be closer to brother," said Tao Yaoyao and refused to let go of her hand. Tao Yaoyao walked over to break away the other's hand, but the little girl hugged her again.

Tao Yaoyao desperately tugged at her, Xiao Bai desperately hugged her, don't look at this little girl who is small, but she is definitely as strong as an adult, Di Mobai silently grabbed the railing of W( ̄_ ̄)W, Lest you be dragged down.

"You unfilial daughter, I've been kind enough to save people, you have to let me go, or I will take care of you," Tao Yaoyao gritted her teeth, this Xiaobai really didn't stop.

"Mom, don't you don't want me, I like my brother very much, woo... Mom... o(╥﹏╥)o, please don't be like this, I really love my brother very much," said with tears in her eyes , crying so pitifully.

Dongfang Bai felt that he was a bit overwhelmed. Looking at the little girl who looked exactly like him, pear blossoms were crying like rain, and she was still hugging his thigh, he felt that the sense of disobedience was a bit cheating.

"No, his father abandoned me, why should I have a good relationship with his son, let me go quickly..." Tao Yaoyao immediately pulled her back, if she didn't know the real situation, the two of them would still He's really an actor, even Di Mobai was deceived.

"Zizi..." Suddenly there was a sound, Di Mobai's pants were torn, Di Mobai's face was dark, Tao Yaoyao raised her head to look at Di Mobai, Di Mobai's eyes were like Looking at the big and small living treasures like the dark ice.

"Mom, you are too much. Even if you don't like brother, you can't tear brother's pants. Brother...don't be sad. Xiaobai will take off your pants for you, brother..." Xiaobai really took off his pants down.

Di Mobai looked at Xiaobai and gritted his teeth, "No need." Who wants Xiaodouding's pants and Mo Dan, are the mother and daughter here to save him, or to play with him?

Right now the trousers are torn, exposing the white thighs, Xiaobai wiped his nose, Tao Yaoyao gave the tissue to Xiaobai, "Wipe the nosebleed..." Xiaobai took it, sucked the nosebleed, looked at it Looking at Di Mobai's thighs, but after feeling that gaze, he silently lowered his head and hid behind Tao Yaoyao like a shrinking turtle.

"Hehe...don't be angry, I'll find you some pants for a day, it's still early, no one will come out, otherwise I'll drag the clothes for you," Tao Yaoyao immediately took off her coat, and when Di Mobai saw Tao Yao Yao, looking at Xiaobai.

"...-_-||" He didn't know if he should kick Tao Yaoyao and Xiaobai to death, but now he just felt that his whole body was very uncomfortable, "No need,"

This pair of mother and daughter were born to restrain themselves. Di Mobai looked at Tao Yaoyao, then turned and left directly. Nosebleed? '

Xiaobai then said, "This is the setting. I set it up exactly the same as a human. Don't worry, it was just data hypnosis. It's too similar, but the master's thighs are really white."

Xiaobai said with emotion, when he followed Di Mobai and his mind was ignorant, he didn't know many things at all, and because in the virtual world, he couldn't see many things clearly, but now after coming to this world, Xiaobai felt... a feast for the eyes.

Tao Yaoyao couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth when she saw this complexion, she felt that Di Mobai who was not far away was pitiful, why did she just fall in love with this little witch, but she was still lustful Female.

Tao Yaoyao walked to Di Mobai's side. It was useless for five years to kill Di Mobai. Di Mobai looked even more handsome and charming. Five years made a small boy grow into a big boy Yes, even though he is still a child, no one will despise him under his appearance.

In the past five years, Di Mobai has changed, Xiao Jiu has also changed, but he himself has not changed. Looking at this Di Mobai shook his head, Di Mobai looked at Tao Yaoyao coldly, and found that The woman has been watching her all the way.

"How many lovers are you my father? And you actually gave birth to a daughter without telling my father, aren't you afraid of my father's anger?" Di Mobai looked at Tao Yaoyao and said.

"..." What I did by myself, I have to carry it by myself, Tao Yaoyao's eyes turned red slightly, looking at Di Mobai's expression with traces of tears, Di Mobai couldn't help frowning, after a few years I used to cry a lot before, but I stopped crying later.

In fact, Di Mobai knew very well that his crying was nothing more than arousing pity, and he seemed to be only crying to that person, but time flies... The memory of that person is also a little fuzzy, but after seeing this After Tao Yaoyao, for some reason, the feeling gradually became clear again.

"You can't tell your father about this. It was an accident. I don't want to go to the emperor's house now. I just want to live alone with the child in peace. You see, we are also friends in need, and I saved you. , don’t tell your father, you don’t want to have an extra sister for no reason, right…”

Tao Yaoyao looked at Di Mobai and said, the corners of Di Mobai's mouth twitched, she really didn't want to have another younger sister for no reason, but she also didn't want to listen to the nonsense of this person in front of her, and... it seemed that few words of this woman were true .

Di Mobai looked at Tao Yaoyao contemptuously, and then ran not far away to buy pants. Di Mobai felt that his embarrassment was caused by these two people, but it happened that the big and the young had no self-consciousness. Especially Xiaobai.

He always looked at himself with a silly smile, hugged his thigh and called himself in a rough voice, "Brother...Xiaobai likes you the most, because Xiaobai likes brother so much, even his name is Xiaobai,"

"..." This is not something worth mentioning, and for this half-sister, Di Mobai said that he really has a lot of feelings, but he doesn't think darkly that he can't think of the person in front of him.

"Let go, don't cry, brother, brother, I didn't admit it," Di Mobai said coldly, thinking that if he hit someone else's little girl, he could make the other party shut up and not make intimate calls.

"Okay, Dabai..." Xiaobai immediately changed his name, and Tao Yaoyao almost burst out when he heard it not far away, looked at Emperor Mobai and Xiaobai, and couldn't help laughing.

"Xiaobai plus Bai...haha...not bad, not bad," Tao Yaoyao laughed out loud, and Di Mobai's expression turned ugly.

"Don't laugh, if you're laughing, don't blame me for being impolite," but there was no way to scare Tao Yaoyao, Xiaobai at the side was still calling Dabai, "Don't call Dabai,"

"He is Xiaobai, you are Dabai, obviously very good," Xiaobai said with a sad face, hearing this, Di Mobai's face became even darker and ugly, wishing to strangle the person in front of him who called him Dabai.

"Call me brother," don't call Dabai, Dabai is so ugly that I get goosebumps when I hear it.

(End of this chapter)

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