Chapter 342 The Real World
A few people sat in front of the tea machine, Xiaobai went to pour milk tea for Di Mobai, "Brother, drink tea, this tea is delicious, I like it the most,"

Tao Yaoyao said a few words, I really want to say that you are a virtual little girl, is it really okay to know these things?But... Right now, Xiaobai can be regarded as a goblin, and he does many things like a goblin.

"Where is Xiaobai from us?" Tao Yaoyao said coldly when she saw that Xiaobai had Di Mobai, and everyone else was like the air. Xiaobai then noticed that Tao Yaoyao also went to serve tea immediately, and then Poured a cup for Tao Yaoyao Emperor Yao Jiudu.

Xiaobai was sitting obediently next to Di Mobai with a cup in his hand. His little appearance looked extraordinarily cute, making people feel distressed and lovable. Di Yaojiu looked at the child without turning his eyes.

Because Di Yaojiu felt that this child was almost exactly the same as his cousin, Xiaobai saw Di Yaojiu looking at him and showed that smile, "Brother, my mother really likes you, she... wants to grow up with you." After that, I will let you be her wishful husband, "

"Spray..." Tao Yaoyao and Di Mobai Di Yaojiu all sprayed out mouthfuls of milk tea, all on Xiaobai's face, Xiaobai cried and left with an aggrieved face.

"You are going too far. What people say is true. My mother has been coveting Ah Jiu for many years. She has always planned to wait for Ah Jiu to grow up, and then abduct her home. You are going too far... woo woo... brother ...Wipe it for me..." Xiaobai went to beg Di Mobai to be safe, but Tao Yaoyao took a towel and wiped it desperately, "It hurts, it hurts... Mommy hurts..."

"It hurts, and you talk nonsense to me when it hurts." Although I have evil thoughts, I am not as nasty as Xiaobai said. It is true that I like Emperor Yaojiu, but there is a reason for it, but right now Xiaobai When these bastards made a fuss, he suddenly became a different person inside and out.

Di Yaojiu was embarrassed. Although he was young, he knew a lot about good things. Mr. Ruyi knew more about what he meant. Seeing Tao Yaoyao's expression a little uncomfortable, Di Mobai heheed coldly.

"Being my little mother, and now you still want to be my cousin, don't you think too much?" Di Mobai's words directly made the corners of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitch. She has always known that Di Mobai is a poisonous snake. , even more so now.

"I like Xiaojiu. What's the joy with you? Your father deceived the ignorant girl and didn't allow me to find a second spring. Why should I be a widow? Huh... Xiaobai and I are really hard-fated. Xiaobai was born without love." I met my father, and now I just want to find a father for Xiaobai."

"..." Di Yaojiu felt that Tao Yaoyao really couldn't give birth to a daughter as old as Xiaobai, was very strange, the child in front of him said in a tone that she was Xiaoyao's daughter, let alone said that it was her fault.

"Mommy...don't cry, mom, I'm heartbroken when you cry. I'm going to have a new dad soon, and I'm going to ask for Ah Jiu, mom..." If Tao Yaoyao and Xiaobai are in a big show , that right now is the rhythm that makes the audience bewildered.

Di Mobai felt that what he said was a bit interfering, and he felt even more guilty when he heard the two crying. Di Yaojiu looked at the two, calmly drank milk tea, and cried for a while Only then did people return to normal.

When Xiaobai hugged her, Tao Yaoyao said, "The next time you dare to talk nonsense, you will not be allowed to see Di Mobai, do you understand?" '

'Understood, he will be obedient, and he is a matchmaker. Mom, you like Xiaojiu. Didn't I help my mother chase Xiaojiu?Mom, why are you upset? '

"I'm glad I'm a woolen yarn. Haven't you seen Xiaojiu's current appearance as Xiaodouding? My mother will have a psychological shadow if I do it. I can't do it. This is a cub."

"A mother with a heart but no guts..." Xiao Bai complained, and Tao Yaoyao glanced at her.

"I want you to care," then pushed Xiaobai away, Di Mobai would not dare to talk nonsense, he was crying a few years ago, and it was the same, and then the woman looked helpless, but now Di Mobai felt that he suddenly felt a little bit I understand how that woman feels.

Immediately, I felt a little worried, and when a group of people went to eat afterwards, Xiaobai walked to Di Mobai's side begging for a hug, and Di Mobai turned and left without even looking at Xiaobai, leaving behind a tearless noob.

Tao Yaoyao didn't bother to talk to these bastards, so she went directly with Emperor Yaojiu. When Emperor Yaojiu looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Hey... Xiaojiu, don't think too much, Xiaobai was just joking, I really didn't That thought,"

Di Yaojiu didn't speak, but still walked, "Are you angry?" Tao Yaoyao was a little afraid that Di Yaojiu would get angry. Although she had thoughts, she definitely hadn't messed with it.

"Isn't that your daughter?" Di Yaojiu said only when Tao Yaoyao was uneasy, his voice was so small that only Tao Yaoyao and Di Yaojiu could hear it, and Di Mobai and Xiao Bai was entangled, unable to pay attention to the two of them at all.

"Well, she is a female ghost, she is always nympho, she likes this handsome person, so don't talk to her," Tao Yaoyao said, after hearing this, although Emperor Yaojiu knew it from the beginning, but After hearing Tao Yaoyao's confession, she felt even more relieved.

"I know," Emperor Yaojiu's I know, Tao Yaoyao stared blankly at Emperor Yaojiu for some reason, and Emperor Yaojiu turned around and looked at Tao Yaoyao with a smile.

Di Yaojiu laughed that Di Mobai was two years old, now Di Mobai is 15 years old, and Di Yaojiu is also 13 years old. It has been more than five years since he left. In the past five years, many changes have taken place. It will be the sixth year in two days.

"I know, you don't have a child, what Xiaobai said, I'll talk about it when I grow up," said Tao Yaoyao before turning around to leave, and she looked at Di Yaojiu who was not far away with a slight expression on her face. of redness.

Di Yaojiu has been mature since he was a child. Although he doesn't know much about men and women, he understands it well. At least for Di Yaojiu, he doesn't dislike Tao Yaoyao, and he likes it very much. .

When he was young, the other party came to him by accident, asked him for candy, and then spent more than a year with him, all of that was in his mind, he often knew many things clearly, he actually liked her quite a lot, although he didn't I don't know if it's someone else's relationship between men and women, but if he really wants you to marry when he grows up, he thinks she is pretty good.

Tao Yaoyao was a little dazed when she heard this, Xiaobai beside her was thrown, and now she ran to Tao Yaoyao to ask for comfort, Tao Yaoyao squatted down, "Be good, don't cry,"

"..." Ma Dan, you are so gentle to me all of a sudden, do you have some conspiracy?Xiaobai shivered, Tao Yaoyao used to be lukewarm to him, but now he suddenly hugged him gently, Xiaobai felt a stormy feeling.

And Xiaobai also wanted to know, did he do something wrong?Only by angering the person in front of her did Tao Yaoyao suddenly become so gentle. There is a saying that if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. She would rather Tao Yaoyao trample herself than frighten herself like this.

"Mom... have you taken your medicine?" Xiaobai asked tremblingly, Tao Yaoyao immediately turned cold, looked at Xiaobai with a cold expression, o(一︿一+)o she was in a good mood to warm her , This guy is tearing things apart, hum...he just turned around and left, blinding his own warmth for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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