Chapter 348 The Real World
Not long after Di Yaojiu had left, he felt movement behind him, and immediately ran back without saying a word, as if he was afraid that something would happen to Tao Yaoyao. When he came downstairs, he saw the TV upstairs It hasn't stopped yet.

"What are you doing now, you will die if you go up now, go find a place to turn off the power," Di Yaojiu said while holding Di Mobai, Di Mobai nodded and immediately went to find a place to turn off the power, and after a long search, the two of them Found it, and ran to find Tao Yaoyao and Xiao Bai immediately after finding it.

Tao Yaoyao's whole body was shrouded in that light, she was slightly taken aback when she saw this, her body felt a slight pain, she vaguely heard someone say, "Xiaobai..."

"It hurts, it hurts..." Tao Yaoyao heard someone screaming for pain, opened her eyes and saw Xiao Bai not far away, she almost felt distracted, and immediately ran over to hug her.

At this moment, Di Mobai and the others also went up quickly, looking at Tao Yaoyao and Xiao Bai, Tao Yaoyao turned to look at Emperor Yaojiu, and at this moment Di Mobai walked over, stretching out his hand as if wanting to touch Touched Xiaobai, but passed through Xiaobai.

"Brother..." Di Mobai nodded immediately. Tao Yaoyao was not feeling well right now. Di Yaojiu looked at her, but Tao Yaoyao shook her head lightly, expressing that there was nothing wrong with her, but Emperor Yaojiu looked at her. But don't believe it.

"Brother... I really like you, brother, even if no one in the world likes you, I think you are not as good as God Yaojiu, but in my mind, brother is the best, so don't be too sad, brother, I lied to you Can you forgive me for your matter?" It was rare for Xiaobai to stop making a fuss, Tao Yaoyao hugged Xiaobai and looked at Di Mobai.

Di Mobai nodded, "Of course, you are my sister, why would I be angry with you, look...I am not here to save you, don't let anything happen to you, what do you want? I Find it for you,"

Hearing this, Xiaobai smiled, "There is nothing Xiaobai wants here, the source of life that Xiaobai wants is not here," Tao Yaoyao opened her eyes wide when she heard this, and looked at Di Mobai , Di Mobai nodded immediately.

"I'll go and let you go," he said and stood up, but the next second he turned around and saw the figures of the two gradually disappearing, and Emperor Yaojiu stretched out his hand to grab Tao Yaoyao.

"Di Mobai...Di Mobai..." Tao Yaoyao's voice could no longer be heard by Di Mobai, and Tao Yaoyao wondered for a moment, could this be the beginning of the whole thing, Di Mo Bai's plan...

"Xiaobai...Xiaobai..." Di Mobai was taken aback when he saw the person disappear, but he only saw the streamer when he rushed over. Yaoyao said the network.

"Xiaoyao..." That's right, have you returned to the Internet world? If you have returned to the Internet world, when will you come back?When can I see her again?She said that she has always liked herself, like... I feel that there is an indescribable feeling in my heart.

Tao Yaoyao was forcibly sent away by some kind of energy after Xiaobai was distracted, "Xiaoyao..." When she opened her eyes, she found herself in the game room. He looked at her in surprise, and was slightly taken aback when he saw Xiao Bai who was pregnant.

"Prepare for me to recuperate," Tao Yaoyao took Xiaobai into her body without saying a word, and then let Di Jiu take her to recuperate. The only way she can save Xiaobai is to put her spirit Give Xiaobai forcibly, just in this way can let Xiaobai live a few more days.

But even so, if there is no source of life, Xiaobai will quickly weaken, and it will almost be considered dead by then. She is not the mother of this source of life, and has no ability to repair herself. Right now, she can only rely on the mother to survive.

Tao Yaoyao was lying on the recuperation bed. Although Emperor Jiu didn't know the situation, he quickly began to recuperate Tao Yaoyao. Tao Yaoyao was injured during the crossing. , got injured all over his body, right now he has no ability to go out to save Xiaobai.

Right now, I can only take care of my body first, and then I can think of a way to save people. Tao Yaoyao fell into a deep sleep, and Di Jiu was slightly taken aback when he saw it. When he looked at Tao Yaoyao, he actually talked a lot want to ask.

Where did you go?Why did it suddenly disappear in the game cabin?Then why did it suddenly appear?He felt that Tao Yaoyao was hiding many things from him, but right now he knew that he couldn't ask because Tao Yaoyao was too weak.

Tao Yaoyao fell into chaos, and saw the small light weakening bit by bit. After seeing this, Tao Yaoyao stretched out her hands to hug the other party, and the light became like Xiaobai, snuggling up against each other. In Tao Yaoyao's arms.

When the two were cuddling together, there was a soft light covering the two of them, Xiaobai's expression was much better, and there was no tendency to dissipate, Tao Yaoyao had the aura left by the Emperor Yaojiu, even if he went The Internet is not the body, but the soul remains the same.

Tao Yaoyao was obedient to Xiaobai with the breath dyed on her body, and Xiaobai immediately absorbed it, but even so, it was a drop in the bucket, not enough at all, but even so, it could only protect people little by little.

Tao Yaoyao was saving Xiao Bai bit by bit, the emperor was slightly taken aback when he knew that Tao Yaoyao had returned, and immediately ran over, "What happened?"

"I don't know, Xiaoyao's body is very weak, and her spirit is also abnormally weak. Now I'm repairing her. I won't know anything until Xiaoyao wakes up." And he witnessed it with his own eyes. , the child in his arms, that child looks like a phantom, but the appearance of Di Jiu will not be mistaken, it is the appearance of Tangshu Mobai.

But how could that child have the appearance of Uncle Mo Baitang, and why did he disappear in the next second? He wanted to know what happened to Tao Yaoyao during the period of disappearance?
I also really want to know, what happened to Tao Yaoyao?But Tao Yaoyao was in a coma, so she had no way to investigate, because... only by waiting for Tao Yaoyao to wake up, would it be possible to learn the ins and outs from the other party.

When Tao Yaoyao was in a coma, she had a dream. In the dream, Xiaobai followed Di Mobai's memory. When Di Mobai robbed this son, Xiaobai, he was discovered by Emperor Yaojiu.

She couldn't hear the sound but just saw the pantomime, looked at the angry Emperor Yaojiu, and Di Mobai's expression was distorted, and finally stabbed Emperor Yaojiu with the knife, and gave him two or three knives, his eyes were fierce Suddenly there was a child behind her, and that child was Di Jiu. Di Jiu ran away in fear, but was accidentally thrown down. His whole body was paralyzed and a hole was broken in his head. She looked at Di Yao Jiu holding Xiaobai looked surprised.

But he didn't know why he was angry again, and angrily started to track down the mother body, but the mother body was not there, he knew somehow that he was in the Internet world, and then ran the Internet, suddenly Tao Yaoyao saw a figure, that figure Wearing brown clothes, "It's you..."

Tao Yaoyao woke up suddenly, Emperor Yaojiu heard Tao Yaoyao's movement and hurried over, "You woke up, do you feel uncomfortable? Xiaoyao..."

"Di Jiu?" Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, looked at Di Jiu and shook her head, "Where is Di Mobai?" He is used to calling Di Mobai Di Mobai, and now he should not be called Dongfang Bai when he returns.

"I don't know, did you discover something?" Di Jiu looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, Tao Yaoyao shook her head and leaned weakly aside.

"No, I'm just a little dizzy. I want to lie down for a while. Di Jiu sent me a message, saying...Xiaobai is back, when will Dabai arrive..."

(End of this chapter)

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