Chapter 353 The Real World
Di Mobai was thinking about his own affairs, and right now he had too little power, he needed to find someone to take the lead for him, Di Mobai sat in the room and meditated, he must get the source of life, he felt that get.

He was beating the tabletop lightly, and the tabletop had its own rules under the beating of that hand. After waiting for a while, Di Mobai got up to look for his father. More than ten years have passed, and the second uncle of the emperor I am even more interested in this so-called longevity.

"What are you doing here? It's been more than ten years and there's been no progress. What use do I need you?" Second Uncle Di hated his son who was not up to expectations. Di Mobai's expression didn't change at all when he said this. If a person knows a person's virtue from the beginning, even if he goes too far in the future, he won't be disappointed by saying it.

Di Mobai is a person who is chilled and cannot be chilled anymore, so Di Mobai will not have any emotions because of his father's words, but said strangely, "Father, don't worry, I have already found it." , but now this thing is with my uncle, they hid it, and they are doing research on their own, but I have no way to steal it out by myself, "

Di Mobai opened his mouth and said, when he spoke, there was a faint light on his expression, and his whole body was sighing faintly, "It's useless for Dad to be me. If it wasn't for me, the matter of longevity would have been resolved early in the morning."

What Di Mobai said really moved the heavens and the earth, even he couldn't help being moved, but at this moment the Second Uncle Di frowned when he heard this, "Where are you talking about my elder brother? "

When Uncle Di thought of his elder brother, he immediately became angry. After the old man passed away, the distribution of property was very inappropriate, which made Uncle Di feel very resentful. He was very angry from the very beginning. The longevity method I was looking for was actually at my elder brother's place, and I was even more annoyed.

"Bastard, you really have all the good things for the boss," Second Uncle Di completely regarded this so-called source of life as being given to his elder brother by his own father, and the jealousy in his heart suddenly soared.

Di Mobai looked at his father indifferently. If he said the word stupid, he never doubted that his father was not stupid, but he wanted to fight with his uncle all day long. Alright... let him do it himself.

"Father, yes, I think it was given to uncle by grandpa. Dad... What are you going to do when you say that?" He frowned and said, when he heard this, he was even more unworthy for his father. The look on his face irritated the Second Uncle Di right now.

"Dad... Grandpa has been eccentric since he was a child, so I didn't say anything. Right now, he sneakily gave something to the uncle and the others. That's because it was covered to death. Now this Emperor Yaojiu almost succeeded in research, Dad... you Do you want more?" The question "Do you want more?" The question was very crisp, which made the Second Uncle Di's whole person feel happy immediately.

With a backhand, he slapped Di Mobai on the cheek, "What do you mean if you want it? How could I not want it? It was originally mine, and I own half of it. Your grandfather is unkind, so don't blame me for being cruel and merciless. "

It is impossible for Second Uncle Di to give up right now. As he gets older, he becomes more interested in this longevity. Now this technology is impossible, so he wants to get another way from his son. When he heard this Di Mobai nodded immediately.

"Since Dad wants it, I will naturally try my best to get it for you, but Dad... If I do something, this bodyguard will definitely do it too. Dad will trouble you when the time comes." Stealing the source of life will take some time. During this period of time, you must let your father drag people for you.

Uncle Di Er nodded immediately when he heard this. "No problem, but if you can't get it, don't blame me for being ruthless. Even if you are my son, I will beat you to death,"

Second Uncle Di was used to this Di Mobai, so he immediately opened his mouth to speak. Hearing this, Di Mobai nodded, expressing that he would be obedient, but when he left, his eyes were full of cold Killing intent.

Squeezing himself to death, Di Mobai looked at the room coldly, turned around and left, and started to plan his own plan. As for this second uncle Di Mobai, it is still useful for Di Mobai to keep him.

If it wasn't because of its usefulness, Di Mobai held the knife in his hand, and when he looked at the knife, the cold light in his eyes gradually became like ice mist, if he didn't use him to keep him to abuse himself, he would not be an idiot.

Di Mobai soon saw the photo not far away, it was Tao Yaoyao's photo, when he saw this Tao Yaoyao, "You still like Emperor Yaojiu the most, you are alive but you don't tell me , What did you say to me about Xiaobai’s mother? You never told me that I heard your name from Emperor Yaojiu. You are so partial, how is Xiaobai?"

Regarding Tao Yaoyao and Xiaobai, Di Mobai had very complicated thoughts. Xiaobai was the first person who truly accepted herself. Although she loves to make trouble and always speaks to make herself very angry, every time... When he was sleeping, the girl who liked to call him brother gradually made him fall in love with him. He really regarded her as his family.

When he put down the photo in his hand, Di Mobai's eyes turned cold, "If I kill Di Yaojiu, will you run away from the network as Di Yaojiu said? Will Xiaobai follow?"

The tone was very soft, the soft voice passed through the air, but it didn't run out of the room, it gradually dissipated, he thought it should be, that woman likes Emperor Yaojiu so much, if he really takes her veil Yao Jiu, she will definitely run out, but the Internet?Is it true or not?If it's true then it will be, if it's false...

It doesn't matter, if you find the source of life, you can definitely save Xiaobai. Since Xiaobai said you want the source of life, then you can use the source of life to find Xiaobai, and you will definitely be able to save her.

Time passed quickly, Di Mobai spent half a year planning this matter, not because it was difficult, but because he wanted Di Yaojiu to study for a while, even if Di Mobai hated Di Yaojiu, but One thing I have to admit is that Di Yaojiu is indeed ahead of me in this aspect. On the day when I did it, Di Mobai packed up all his things, and then sent them out by express delivery, because he knew that once he did it, Di Mobai would If you can't come back, there is no need to leave these things in the emperor's house.

Second Uncle Di was the happiest about what Di Mobai did. Second Uncle Di looked at Di Mobai and said, "I will lure people away, you find a way to open the door, then take things and leave, but don't make too much trouble , otherwise we can’t collect it well,”

Because once someone dies, it's really troublesome, because if it's just things being stolen, he is also a member of the Emperor's family, and he doesn't need things at all, because he is just taking things from his own family, without any fault.

(End of this chapter)

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