Chapter 358 The Real World
"Let's catch up quickly, but are you sure Ah Jiu is in there?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Dongfang Baidao, now that Emperor Yao Jiu didn't seem to be on top, feeling very uneasy.

Regarding Tao Yaoyao's question, Dongfang Bai smiled coldly and said, "Do you think I'm lying to you? Don't worry, I won't favor you, let alone... why do you think I'm lying to you right now? "

Tao Yaoyao smiled and felt right, Xiaobai was a pawn on her body, Dongfang Bai couldn't deceive herself right now, the car followed slowly, but suddenly something fell down not far away , Dongfang Bai backed up immediately, and the electric pole hit the ground.

After Tao Yaoyao and Dongfang Bai saw all this, they looked at each other, "It seems that someone has discovered it, be careful..." Now that both of them have been discovered, they got out of the car immediately, and Tao Yaoyao Yaoyao started to chase after getting off the car, and Dongfang Bai did the same.

But after a few steps, Dongfang Bai disappeared, Tao Yaoyao cursed secretly, "I didn't expect there to be a little beauty here, catch me," Tao Yaoyao hesitated for a second when she heard the lantern , right now, is he running or being caught without a fight?
Soon Tao Yaoyao chose to be caught without a fight and was arrested. After being arrested, Tao Yaoyao looked at the person who grabbed her, and quickly stuffed into the car. At this moment, Dongfang Bai, who was not far away, Holding a locator, Shou watched Tao Yaoyao get into the car with a smile on his lips.

"As expected, you are still the one I like the most," Tao Yaoyao didn't choose the best right now, it seems that the position of Emperor Yaojiu has been taken down, that doesn't matter, Tao Yaoyao still has Xiaobai on her body, as long as Xiaobai Now, the other party will definitely come to the door.

Dongfang Bai sat in a black BMW that was driving not far away, and then sat on the passenger seat and smoked a cigarette. At this moment, when Dijiu saw it, "Xiaoyao?"

When he heard this, Dongfang Bai smiled and said, "Does your aunt who cares so much about her have ulterior motives for her? This is not acceptable. Let your father know, and you will be miserable,"

"I'm not joking with you, what about Xiaoyao and my uncle? I don't know, Uncle Mobai, how much resentment you have towards my family, but my family has never done anything to you. It was your father who did it from the beginning to the end. Yes, it has nothing to do with my family, we don’t care about you harming my uncle and me, I just hope that Uncle Mo Bai, you don’t make the same mistakes again and again, what about Xiaoyao?”

As long as Di Jiu got the ins and outs from his father, Di Jiu felt strange about his cousin's inexplicable resentment, because it had nothing to do with them at all. Look at this emperor nine.

"Just to see what's wrong with your family?" Dongfang Bai's words made people look angry, and Di Jiu wanted to kick him, but he still knew that he was his elder, so he could only sulk aside.

After seeing that the movement on the locator was far away, Di Jiu said, "Turn right ahead and outflank the shortcut, so it's not easy to be found." It was easy to be discovered that someone was following, and Di Jiu was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

"Hurry up and leave, why are you waiting for something to happen to your little aunt? Let's go..." Dongfang Bai said, he is too lazy to be with this person right now, and he only came to find Di Jiu because he thought that this kid should be more reliable than others in his work It's a little more, but it still feels a little unreliable at the moment.

Hearing this, Di Jiu looked at Dongfang Bai and immediately started driving. While driving, Di Jiu listened to what Dongfang Bai said all the time. Dongfang Bai was still smoking. Di Jiu looked at the picture on the perspective mirror. people.

"Uncle Mo Baitang, are you in a hurry?" Otherwise, why would you get in the car and smoke several cigarettes right now, and... don't know why?When I got closer, I realized that Dongfang Bai gave off should I put it, a faint feeling of loneliness.

In fact, Tao Yaoyao also discovered this feeling when she traveled through time and space. Compared with the autistic Emperor Yaojiu, the young Emperor Mobai was obviously a child who was anxious to let everyone know him. People who are afraid of contact.

At this moment, Emperor Yaojiu also felt it, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and saw that Dongfang Bai couldn't help frowning when he heard it, "You start driving."

Di Jiu didn't speak when he heard this, but was driving, and Dongfang Bai stopped the car after driving for a while, Di Jiu didn't listen and stopped immediately, Dongfang Bai was still smoking.

He looked at his electronic watch, and after a while, he asked the other party to take the truck. After a while, Dongfang Bai asked Di Jiu to get off the car, and then he was given by the meteorite, "Take this thing , look at this, if Xiaoyao and I don't come out for half an hour, you leave immediately, remember to leave..."

Tao Yaoyao was arrested and boarded the car without a fight, and several big men looked at her, "This little girl is really knowledgeable about current affairs, but it's okay... resisting will only hurt you,"


"Why did you kidnap me?" Tao Yaoyao looked at these people and said, "I don't have any money, I'm poor, and I'm not smart or pretty, there seems to be no reason to kidnap me, you got the wrong person,"

Because Tao Yaoyao was captured without a fight, and she is not tied up at the moment, and at this moment these people smiled when they heard it, "This is our boss's problem, and it has nothing to do with us, but you little girl is also very courageous, look ... At this time, he is still unbelievably calm," he was indeed very calm.

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she smiled and said, "If you don't kill me, why should I be afraid? And... I also want to know who your master is?" Pay a price.

Those people were slightly taken aback when they heard Tao Yaoyao's words, but they didn't say much. They just felt that this woman was quite powerful, and she didn't have any fear at the moment. seat, waited for the car to drive for a while and then stopped, Tao Yaoyao knew that these people had no destination, but went shopping.

Just like when they were following just now, Tao Yaoyao quickly understood that this was probably to catch the people behind her, but Dongfang Bai suffered a loss once, and now she won't suffer a second time, otherwise... ...He is neither K nor Dongfang Bai.

After the car stopped, someone got into the car after a while, and shook his head to indicate that no one was driving behind him. This went back and forth several times, and when he finally stopped, someone would pretend to buy something. Go out and check to see if anyone is following, and leave when there is no one.

Because such a time-consuming walking and posting was originally very short, it took five hours now. Tao Yaoyao said that she is lucky not to get motion sickness, if she gets motion sickness, she really wants to vomit at these people right now.

(End of this chapter)

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