Chapter 361 The Real World
The three of them got along delicately, Dongfang Bai on the side looked at Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao met Dongfang Bai's gaze, knowing what the other person meant, she looked at Emperor Yaojiu, and said.

"Ah Jiu, when we are not talking about these things, can you save Xiaobai?" Tao Yaoyao knew that if Emperor Yaojiu didn't save Xiaobai, Xiaobai would die. Of course, there was another person who could use it. , but reincarnation just now has already run away.

Although he drove after him, Di Jiu didn't catch him. Tao Yaoyao also knew that Xiaobai's affairs were the most important. The light was taken out, and when he saw the light, Emperor Yaojiu said coldly.

"I won't save it," Dongfang Bai immediately started to move when he heard this, because he was still driving, and because of Dongfang Bai's actions, Di Jiu almost got into a car accident.

"Uncle Mo Baitang, I'm driving, don't get too excited, if this quarrel continues, the four of us will die," Di Jiu felt very bad about himself, and Di Jiu felt that Dongfang Bai and Emperor Yao Jiu were two Humans are basically incompatible.

When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao also bumped her head, "Di sit down for me, and I'll tell Ah Jiu, don't make trouble for me, or I won't save Xiaobai," Tao said. Yaoyao's words made Dongfang Bai's face turn cold, but Tao Yaoyao didn't evade, but looked at Dongfang Bai coldly.

"If you dare to kill a donkey, I'll kill you," Dongfang Bai's words made Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but take a deep breath, and looked at Dongfang Bai with a smile on his face, but this smile It makes people feel a little cold.

"Do you know that I am killing the donkey? I just want you to know that we are begging Ah Jiu now, but with your attitude, do you think Ah Jiu will help? What's more... I I also want to protect Ah Jiu's safety, I will figure it out," Tao Yaoyao said coldly, although she didn't know why Di Yao Jiu refused.

But Tao Yaoyao still knows very well that no matter why the other party refuses right now, she should ask clearly instead of angering you. After Dongfang Bai heard this, he looked at Tao Yaoyao He didn't speak, just sat in the co-pilot and looked at the Emperor Nine.

"The person ran away? It's really useless," Dongfang Bai's words made Di Jiu couldn't help but smile, what do you mean it's really useless, I don't like the many cars here, and there are too many lanes, so I don't know what the other party's car is running at the moment Where is it, and that car is a Volkswagen, the easiest way to get mixed into this crowd.

"Uncle Mo Baitang, if the three of you hadn't been entangled there, I wouldn't have been lost right now." There was a conflict, and Di Jiu had resentment towards Dongfang Bai to some extent. After the legs and feet recovered, they disappeared completely.

If it wasn't for this Emperor Mobai, his leg would not have been injured. Because of this, the current Emperor Jiu has always hated this, but at this moment, Dongfang Bai didn't speak, and leaned aside.

Tao Yaoyao looked at Emperor Yaojiu, and Emperor Yaojiu's expression was still cold, "I know you were thinking about the incident that I ran out by myself in the first place, I apologize to you for this incident, but... you forgot There are too many things, I can’t tell you clearly in a few words, "

Tao Yaoyao knew that Emperor Yaojiu was angry, angry that she did not keep her promise and left. The anger disappeared just now, and now she should feel that Xiaobai has that Dongfang Bai riding on her body. Tao Yaoyao is holding that The clothes covered their heads.

Dongfang Bai was slightly taken aback when he saw the two on the perspective mirror approaching. Tao Yaoyao kissed Di Yaojiu's lips. This Emperor Yaojiu, when Emperor Yaojiu let go of himself.

"The person I like has always been you, and the person he likes is not me. I asked you to save Xiaobai, and I was his servant. You don't want me to be entangled, do you? Ah Jiu..." Tao Yaoyao's words made Emperor Yaojiu slightly taken aback, and Emperor Yaojiu looked at Tao Yaoyao.

His face was slightly rosy, and he looked extremely charming. He always knew that she was beautiful, no matter whether he was working as Changfeng, or Dongfang Bai was living as Ji Hengxuan.

A lot of feelings are accumulated bit by bit. Before you know it, she has already filled your whole heart. Emperor Yaojiu just doesn't know when it will start, and her heart will be revealed in front of her eyes. This woman is possessed.

When looking at Tao Yaoyao, Emperor Yaojiu sighed and said, "I can save her, but Xiaoyao...I want to know, why did you leave me everywhere? Is it true that going home is all that matters to you?" Is it important?"

Is it true that if she really wants to abandon herself and leave alone, is she really so unimportant in her mind?When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she looked at Emperor Yaojiu in a daze, and felt that many things really needed to be explained clearly.

When he didn't have amnesia before, Emperor Yaojiu also wanted to clarify this matter, but he had amnesia at that time, even though he has forgotten a lot of things now, he still remembers to clarify this matter, so it is true I am very concerned about the fact that I was abandoned by myself that time.

Tao Yaoyao has always known that this misunderstanding needs to be solved, "I'll tell you at night," because they didn't find Samsara, now they all went back home, and the one who returned now is naturally the emperor's house.

When the emperor's father saw his younger brother Di Yaojiu, he was taken aback for a moment, but it was a pity that Di Yaojiu didn't know him at all. At this moment, Di Yaojiu arranged a place for the two of them, originally planning to have two rooms But, after Di Yaojiu finally walked into Tao Yaoyao's room, Di Jiu sighed and didn't stop her.

Dongfang Bai entered the emperor's house, and the emperor is the least welcome right now, "Why did you bring him back?" the emperor looked at his son and said, right now Dongfang Bai is a disaster, and he was going to kill him a few days ago His wife and children, how can they ignore the past now.

"Father has a lot of things, and I won't be able to explain them clearly for a while, but father... I want you to put this matter aside first, and I will explain it clearly to you. Uncle Mo Baitang, go find a room to sleep by yourself."

Dongfang Bai snorted coldly when he heard this, and then left alone. At this moment, Tao Yaoyao was in the room, and Emperor Yaojiu directly hugged Tao Yaoyao's waist, and put Tao Yaoyao on his thigh Tao Yaoyao felt a little embarrassed.

"Well, can you let me go first, and you are like this from time to time, which is very troublesome," it is indeed very troublesome, because this is an incorporeal body, and right now it is sometimes on and off, and I don't know when I will be thrown go down.

"You doubt my ability and think I will throw you?" Di Yaojiu couldn't help but frowned and said, his expression turned cold. Tao Yaoyao twitched her head when she heard it, expressing that she didn't , but couldn't help shaking his head in his heart.

Tao Yaoyao had to say that the Emperor Yaojiu in front of her was really not cuter than when she was a child, "How is it possible... I have no doubts, well, don't be angry," kissed the other party's forehead and said.

"I really have a problem. I planned to go back to you after I snatched something from this K, but in the end I didn't expect that something happened, and you won't forget it? You have been out for a long time, but you were arrested by K It's here, right now you have lost the memory of half a year in this real world, if you think about it carefully, you should be able to remember it, "

Tao Yaoyao looked at Emperor Yaojiu, in this real world Emperor Yaojiu has been here for almost half a year, many things have happened during these six months, now Emperor Yaojiu has forgotten, but Tao Yaoyao has not.

"I've been here for half a year?" Di Yaojiu couldn't help frowning when he heard this. He has been here for half a year, and right now... isn't he just waking up?How could it be half a year?

(End of this chapter)

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