Chapter 364 The Real World
While Emperor Yaojiu was silent, Tao Yaoyao also woke up, and after waking up, she started looking for Emperor Yaojiu, because she was afraid, so after being told by others, she immediately came to the basement. The Ninth Demon Queen immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But the anger was a bit strange, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being slightly taken aback, looked at the Empress Emperor Yaojiu, and when she looked at the person lying not far away, she stretched out her hand and grabbed the hand of Emperor Yaojiu, "Don't I'm afraid, I won't hurt you, trust me, "

Emperor Yaojiu was slightly taken aback when he saw Tao Yaoyao coming, and when he was grabbed by the other party, his expression gradually became less vigilant, and then he was led by Tao Yaoyao to walk not far away, "I was thinking, Your previous memories, I think, are left in the body, but you will know everything after you enter, Ah you trust me??"

Tao Yaoyao looked at Emperor Yaojiu, and now it was up to him to see if Emperor Yaojiu trusted him. Hearing this, Emperor Yaojiu looked at Tao Yaoyao in a daze, and saw Tao Yaoyao's gaze At that time, he couldn't help pursing his lips with a sigh, "I believe,"

If it is said that in this world, even Tao Yaoyao is someone who cannot be trusted, for this Emperor Yaojiu, there is no one who can be trusted. Tao Yaoyao smiled when she heard this, and took the emperor Yao Jiu walked not far away, when Emperor Yao Jiu walked in.

There was an inexplicable memory in his mind, "Do you have any candy?" Someone was telling him about candy, and he couldn't help being slightly taken aback. This familiar voice subconsciously made him look at the peach beside him. Yaoyao,
"What's the matter? Is there something wrong?" Tao Yaoyao looked at God Yaojiu, is there something wrong?Emperor Yaojiu immediately shook his head.Said he had nothing to do.

But I was thinking in my heart, who is the person in that memory?Who speaks where?When Di Yaojiu approached, he had that inexplicable repulsion, but also wanted to get closer.

Tao Yaoyao grabbed Di Yaojiu's hand, "Don't be afraid, follow me..." Tao Yaoyao slowly approached Di Yaojiu's body with this hand. I couldn't help being slightly taken aback, I don't know why... He felt very familiar, and there was a touch of sadness.

When this hand touched that body, Di Yaojiu felt that his whole body...was about to be sucked in, and there were many memories in his mind, "That woman is dead, are about to die, but That woman hasn't come to save you yet?"

"Ajiu, do you know about the Internet? I just hid in the Internet for the first five years," Di Yaojiu felt a headache when he heard this, it hurts... and there are still people talking at this moment.

"... Ah Jiu, I love you, my mother likes you, and has been spying on you secretly all the time," many different memories flooded into my mind.

There is still a lot of sadness, the wound is very painful, he grabbed the console behind him with his whole body, the blood stained the keyboard on it, he didn't want to die, he didn't want to die...

There is a memory in his heart, that is, he does not want to die, and that memory of not wanting to die is the memory of being assassinated by this Emperor Mo Bai, and he was terrified at that time.

The fear is that there is no way to wait for the person in his heart, the fear is...he wants to see her again, wants to ask her clearly, ask her clearly why she hasn't come to him for so many years.

"Why didn't you come to me?" Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, then she looked at Emperor Yaojiu who had her eyes closed, her hands started to move, even though she had been using the best tools for more than [-] years The medicine is recuperating, but there are still big obstacles right now.

At this moment, Emperor Yaojiu opened his eyes, and the feeling of returning to his body was really bad, because of the memory recovery, which made him confused. Hearing this, Tao Yaoyao smiled and said.

"I went to look for you, didn't I go to the Internet world to find you?" After hearing this, Emperor Yaojiu gradually closed his eyes, and went to find himself.

Di Yaojiu had a dream when he was in a coma, a long, long dream. When he was young, he met Tao Yaoyao, and the woman followed him shamelessly, and asked a child for candy.

During that year of getting along, the other party was very gentle, and she always followed me cautiously, letting my heart be unloaded bit by bit. In the end, the love was a mess, but in the end she disappeared without a trace.

He didn't come back, disappeared for five years, disappeared for decades, and disappeared all the time. When he went to the online world, he was always covering someone, but he couldn't find it all the time.

Tao Yaoyao couldn't help sighing after seeing Emperor Yaojiu fell asleep, and then began to hug him up. At this moment, Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao, "You are so eager to let him enter the body, It’s not because I’m afraid that I’ll come back and make trouble.”

"Is there anything? What's more...he is incorporeal after all. If he is always so exhausted right now, since he has his own body, why not use it?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Dongfang Bai and said, "And you are not like this too Thoughts, could this Ah Jiu be brought here now, "

"Okay, let's stop talking," Tao Yaoyao took Emperor Yaojiu back. She didn't expect that Dongfang Bai would let Emperor Yaojiu return to her body so quickly, but... she also happened to have Follow this plan.

Looking at the pale Emperor Yao Jiu Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but sighed, after hearing the sound of the door opening, Tao Yaoyao looked outside the door and saw Emperor Jiu, "This is Uncle Yao Jiutang The medicine, you will drink it for Uncle Yaojiutang, "

Over the years, Emperor Yaojiu's body has been recuperated by high-quality medicine, otherwise it will be broken. Although... now accessing the Internet, there will be no problems with the body, but... hunger is still there, otherwise Taoyao Neither Yao nor Dongfang Bai will be placed in the hospital while the other will be cared for at home.

Tao Yaoyao nodded when he heard this, and Di Jiu looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Actually, I always thought it was very strange. Seven years ago, a car from the K Group knocked you down and asked you to go After entering the online world, I feel that I am doomed in the dark.”

"You're right, it was originally destined in the dark," Tao Yaoyao smiled and said, she entered the online world seven years ago, but after she went to the future, Tao Yaoyao became more aware , perhaps a lot of things are not destined from the beginning.

She first met Di Yaojiu in the Internet world, when she was No. [-], and when Di Yaojiu first met her, she was still Di Yaojiu, but at that time he was a human kid.

The matter of fate is always unclear, but it will give you unexpected surprises when you don't know it. Di Jiu looked at the two of them and walked out. Tao Yaoyao was taking care of Di Yao Jiu, and Di Yao Nine opened his eyes.

"Xiaoyao... I have been looking for you for a long time, but you have never answered. I will send you a text message every day, wanting you to answer me, but you didn't. I thought you were dead," Di Yaojiu's words made Tao Yao Yao was slightly taken aback.

It soon occurred to him that after he disappeared, Emperor Yaojiu looked for him, and he told the other party that he was in the online world, so he began to look for him in the online world, sending text messages every day.

"I know, I'm sorry... I couldn't return you at that time," Tao Yaoyao said, Emperor Yaojiu shook his head, and grabbed Tao Yaoyao's hand. At first, he was about to die, but his father saved him later.

I gave myself the source of life, and under the influence of the source of life, I could wake up quickly, but... at that time... because... I wanted to find Tao Yaoyao so much, so my soul left my body The body, shuttling through the network.

But because when I entered the network, my memory was not taken with me, so I didn't know at all, what was I looking for?The whole person has been in a daze for 20 years, but fortunately she is here.

"I know, you came to me," Tao Yaoyao crawled into Emperor Yaojiu's arms, and when she didn't speak and listened to the heartbeat, the corner of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched, and Emperor Yaojiu hugged Tao Yaoyao tightly. .

Although the memory fusion was not very smooth, but right now he chose to accept those memories, because...there was her existence in those memories, so he accepted them.

Under the faint warm sun, Tao Yaoyao embraced Emperor Yaoyao, and Emperor Yaoyao embraced Tao Yaoyao's waist, feeling the familiar embrace and smell, which was different from the feeling in the Internet, and it was also the same as hugging Tao Yaoyao when she was incorporeal. Looking at her is different, this kind of feeling...has the indescribable palpitations, which makes people...don't want to let go of her hands for the rest of her life. Got it back.

(End of this chapter)

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