Chapter 366 The Real World
When Emperor Yaojiu was looking for it, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he quickly said, "Something happened, someone moved Xiaoyao's parents." Hearing this, Dongfang Bai was slightly taken aback,
"I'm stalking people, go..."

After talking, he started to get up, took his mobile phone to chase after the person, and at this moment, Dongfang Bai immediately followed without saying a word, Di Jiu looked at the two and was slightly taken aback, he hesitated whether to go to Tao Yaoyao.

But after entering Tao Yaoyao's room, she saw that Tao Yaoyao was already standing outside the door, her expression turned cold, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help rubbing her forehead, "Where did they go? something happened,"

"I just went out to chase," Tao Yaoyao immediately followed out after hearing this, and after Di Jiu saw it, he followed Tao Yaoyao's hand. Started the car.

"Xiaoyao, don't worry, Uncle Yao Jiutang and Uncle Mobai have gone after him, there will be no outsiders," Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but pursed her lips when she heard this, but said nothing in her heart , right now I just hope that nothing will happen to my parents.

"Sisi..." Tao Yaoyao made a phone call, driving while calling, but at this moment, Du Sisi was slightly taken aback after receiving Tao Yaoyao's call.

"Sisi, something happened to my parents. Be careful yourself. I won't be contacting you these days," Du Sisi couldn't help being slightly taken aback when she heard Tao Yaoyao's words, and soon saw Tao Yaoyao Hang up the phone.

"Xiaoyao, what are you talking about? What happened to uncles and aunts? Xiaoyao..." But now Tao Yaoyao had already hung up the phone, and after seeing the hung up phone, she couldn't help but sip mouth.

"Damn it, what should I do now," what should I do now...Du Sisi couldn't find someone to help for a while, and Tao Yaoyao was chasing after her in a car at the moment.

Di Yaojiu and Dongfang Bai are also looking for someone. Both drive the fastest, but they both have their own cheats, so they are not afraid of accidents. Tao Yaoyao is thinking about her parents. , his expression gradually turned cruel.

Tao Yaoyao placed an alarm on her parents and at the door of her home, but now she didn't expect an accident, and when she thought about it, her face immediately turned ugly.

"Front," Di Yaojiu and the others were much faster, seeing the car in front of them, they started to drive past, and hit the car directly. After the car was knocked down, Dongfang Bai couldn't help but threw himself forward. .

"Aren't you afraid of hurting your father-in-law and mother-in-law?" Di Yaojiu didn't speak at all. After hitting the car, he jumped out of the car and went to open the door. After opening the door, someone was holding a gun Facing the two of them, but the person holding the gun was already dying. After seeing it, Di Yaojiu let go and shot the other party. His attack was ruthless and merciless.

I have been in this virtual world for too long, and now after I come out, I will not calculate everything in this world at all, even if it is killing people, after killing people, I will drag the people inside out. Although Yaoyao's parents were injured, they were fine.

"Don't worry, I've already calculated it," Di Yaojiu said. This Dongfang Bai thought he was talking to him, but he didn't expect a car to come behind him. When he saw the people getting on and off the car, he knew it was for Tao. Yaoyao explained.

Tao Yaoyao nodded when she heard this. Compared to her parents being arrested, it is really nothing to be hurt right now. Big trouble.

After carrying him into the car, Tao Yaoyao watched her parents pursed her lips, her eyes gradually turned red, "Bastard... whoever dares to touch me, if I don't kill him, I won't kill him." It's called Tao Yaoyao,"

She plotted against Xiaobai and herself many years ago, and now she is implicating her innocent parents. Tao Yaoyao is completely furious now. If she doesn't find out and kill her in this reincarnation, the pressure in her heart will not be relieved at all.

"Xiaoyao...don't get too excited, it will hurt people," Tao Yaoyao looked at the parents lying behind her when she heard this, took a deep breath and nodded, Dongfang Bai The corner of his mouth twitched while driving.

Seeing Tao Yaoyao got into the car with Di Yaojiu and others, she couldn't help curling her lips, feeling like she was alone, when she thought of Xiao Bai, her expression gradually softened, he still has Xiao Bai.

After Tao Yaoyao and others returned to the emperor's house, Tao Yaoyao took her parents out of the car, and then found the family doctor to start treating Tao's father and mother.

"Xiaoyao... what's wrong with us?" When Mother Tao woke up, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback when she saw her daughter, "Where did you go a few days ago? Mom called you and you didn't catch?"

"I had something to do a few days ago, mom, I'm not here, mom..." Tao Yaoyao smiled, and Tao mother nodded. Today, I don't know who I met with my husband. The head of the family dragged out, and after looking at her daughter, Mother Tao sighed, knowing that the other party didn't want to talk and didn't ask anymore.

Tao Yaoyao walked out the door and saw Emperor Yaojiu, "Don't worry too much, nothing will happen," Tao Yaoyao nodded at Emperor Yaojiu's words, and Tao Yaoyao stretched out her arms to hold Emperor Yaoyao Nine.

While holding Emperor Yaojiu, Tao Yaoyao was depressed, "Thank you, Ah Jiu, if it wasn't for you, my parents might have been taken away," Tao Yaoyao said when she received the news At that time, I didn't have the quick reaction of Emperor Yaojiu. If it wasn't for Emperor Yaojiu, my parents would be arrested right now.

"Ah Jiu, I'm worried about Taotao, I'm planning to bring Taotao here too," this emperor's house is safer than other places, Samsara has done something to his parents, and now he will definitely do something to Taotao, hearing this When talking, Di Yaojiu nodded.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. I will send someone to bring your brother back," Tao Yaoyao nodded when she heard this. After experiencing fever and other problems, he crawled on his mother's bed and fell asleep.

And when she woke up the next day, Tao Yaoyao found that her parents were gone, she was startled and immediately started looking for someone, but she didn't expect that after opening the door, she saw Di Yaojiu running in the living room. Mom drank tea and was taken aback for a moment.

"Xiaoyao, this is your boyfriend, you girl, why don't you tell me," Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and looked at Emperor Yaojiu, who was smiling. Facing Papa Peach's question, Papa Peach...that easy-going attitude made Papa Peach nod his head.

"Mom was joking, I didn't intend to tell you, but these days are too busy, this is Ah Jiu..." Tao Yaoyao smiled and said, and she was not shy because of this matter. Can't help sighing.

She is satisfied with Tao Yaoyao's boyfriend Emperor Yaojiu, but Chen Han sighed at the thought of this. Chen Han has waited for Tao Yaoyao for many years, but...the two have no fate after all, and her daughter is only a few months old. He was hooked by the boy Emperor Yaojiu, and right now it can only be said to be fate.

Mother Tao actually didn't know that the young man in her eyes was several years older than her, and Emperor Yaojiu seemed to be around 22, so he pulled Tao Yaoyao and said, "This young man will Isn't it too young? How many years younger than you,"

"...Mom, he's a bit older than me, he just looks smaller," Tao Yaoyao twitched the corners of her mouth. Right now, Emperor Yaojiu is more than 20 years older than herself. Right now, she doesn't admit that she is older than Emperor Yaojiu, because she It is really more than enough to be the nine daughters of the emperor and demon.

"No way, it looks really small. You are 25 this year, he is younger than you no matter what, but forget just like it," Mom Tao looked at this and chatted happily with Dad Tao Emperor Demon Nine Daoes.

It seems that my old man likes this young man quite a lot, otherwise why would he look relieved right now, this Chen Han...I have no choice but to support him, but speaking of it, I haven't seen this young man Chen Han these days, I don't know if something happened?But after seeing Tao Yaoyao's expression, she didn't say she was jealous, her daughter had no intention of being with others, so it's better to keep the two of them from interacting less, so as not to cause trouble.

When Tao Yaoyao sat aside and watched Di Yaojiu talking to her father, the corner of her mouth slightly hooked, and she breathed a sigh of relief. At first, she was still afraid that her father would not like Emperor Yaojiu, even though she and Emperor Yaojiu has reached the point where he will not marry unless he is a king, but he still hopes that his parents can bless him.

(End of this chapter)

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