Chapter 368 The Real World
Tao Yaoyao received a message at night, and Chen Han went to find himself, "Chen Han... are you okay," Tao Yaoyao called, and right now he didn't know what kind of tricks this Samsara was going to play.

Although Tao Yaoyao now knew that it was Chen Han's message, she still called to make sure. She didn't blame herself for being paranoid or suspicious. During this time, she had to guard against it. At this moment, Chen Han was hearing the message on the phone. The voice was slightly taken aback.

Samsara looked at Chen Han, and Chen Han said, "I'm fine, but I'm going to go abroad in two days, Xiaoyao, I want to see you before going abroad, maybe this is the last meeting in this life, I'm going to get married,"

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, she clearly knew in her heart that the matter of Chen Han's marriage had been delayed for a long time, and Tao Yaoyao also knew Chen Han's thoughts about her.

Now she nodded, "Okay, you can make an appointment," Tao Yaoyao nodded and said, it doesn't matter if they meet right now.

"Xiaoyao... Do you have a good relationship with Emperor Yaojiu? Does he treat you very well?" Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and nodded.

"En, very good," Tao Yaoyao hung up the phone after making an appointment with Chen Han, Emperor Yaojiu stretched out his arms to hug Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao looked at Emperor Yaojiu.

"What's the matter, did you eat something wrong? Let me tell you, Chen Han and I have been together since we were young, but if we say we like it, then it's not your turn, Ah Jiu." We have been together since we were young, and the relationship has never changed from childhood sweetheart to this love, it has always been just a brother and sister relationship, now that the other party is looking for me, I naturally want to see him.

However, I also talked to Shen Hanjie for a while. After hearing this, Emperor Yaojiu's expression improved a lot. He doesn't like people spying on his Xiaoyao, no matter who it is. She doesn't like everyone treating Xiaoyao like that. I don't want to shift Xiaoyao's attention to others.

Seeing the expression of Emperor Yaojiu, Tao Yaoyao shook her head and started to get the clothes. When she was taking the clothes, she was slightly taken aback, thinking of what Chen Han said, "Emperor Yaojiu" wait now, when will Chen Han Do you know Emperor Yao Nine?
It seems that I have never told Chen Han about the Emperor Yaojiu. Even if I did, it was only to Du Sisi. Could it be that Du Sisi told the other party?

Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but shook her head and didn't think about it anymore. After getting dressed, she went out directly, "Xiao Yao, are you going out? At this time, I don't recommend going out," Dongfang Bai saw Tao Yao The queen said coldly.

It is very unsafe for Tao Yaoyao to go out at this time, so he does not recommend Tao Yaoyao to go out at this time, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, looked at Dongfang Bai and said, "There is something wrong, I will be back in a while ,"

The relationship between Chen Han and himself, it is impossible for him not to see the other party right now. When Dongfang Bai heard this, he nodded and didn't ask any more questions. At this moment, after Tao Yaoyao left, he went directly to see Chen Han. culvert.

Dongfang Bai also drove behind him. Right now, he was still very concerned about Tao Yaoyao's affairs, not to mention that Tao Yaoyao still had Xiaobai on her body. When Tao Yaoyao went to see Chen Han, she suddenly received an a phone call.

"Xiaoyao..." Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard the call, and the person who called at this moment was Du Sisi, after receiving the call.

"What's the matter with Sisi?" Du Sisi contacted herself at this time, which made Tao Yaoyao a little uneasy, and she didn't know what happened?When hearing this, Du Sisi said.

"Xiaoyao...Chen Han asked me to tell you that he is going abroad." After hearing the call, Tao Yaoyao stopped the car. Now that Chen Han told herself that he was going abroad, why did he come again now? ?
"Sisi, did you tell Chen Han about Ah Jiu?" Tao Yaoyao wanted to confirm one thing, but Du Sisi was slightly taken aback when she heard this.

"No, I haven't said anything about Emperor Yaojiu," Emperor Yaojiu's identity is strange, how could he talk about it everywhere, even if his uncle and aunt didn't say anything, but what is Xiaoyao asking now?
"Did something happen to Xiaoyao?" When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she smiled and took a sip of the mineral water beside her.

"Nothing, Sisi... Be careful these days, if nothing happens, I'll send you a location, you come to my place for a while," Tao Yaoyao knew clearly at the moment that something happened to Chen Han, Tao Yaoyao took a deep breath.

"Did something big happen to Xiaoyao? Otherwise, you wouldn't have said these things, Xiaoyao... Is there something wrong with Chen Han?" Du Sisi was very worried, one was someone she liked, although... He is going to marry someone else, but he still likes it. One is his good sister, and she doesn't want anything to happen to them.

"Don't think too much, I just think I'm busy these days, and my parents are boring, so I want you to accompany me, Sisi, you know about Ah Jiu, I'm afraid that my parents will find out when I encounter some things, so I just asked Si Si for your help," Tao Yaoyao knew very well that there are many things that need to be dealt with right now, and if they are not handled well, something like Chen Han will definitely happen again.

"That man obviously doesn't want you to go, what are you going to do?" A voice came from the car window, and she saw Dongfang Bai standing not far away. When she saw Dongfang Bai, Tao Yaoyao smiled and said.

"Even if this is the case, I still want to go. Since people do things for me, I have no reason to ignore them." Tao Yaoyao can't ignore this matter right now. She has no love for Chen Han, but she has been with him for many years. Feelings.

Dongfang Bai couldn't help frowning when he heard this, but he didn't say much, "I'll accompany you, if something happens to you later, Xiao Bai will also suffer."

"Thank you, Emperor Mobai," Tao Yaoyao looked at Dongfang Bai and said, she knew very well that Dongfang Bai cared about her, that's why she said she wanted to accompany her, otherwise she wouldn't have followed secretly along the way. Own.

"Thank you? You girl, don't be polite to me. If I'm polite, I feel bad about myself," Dongfang Bai said with a smile. The relationship with Tao Yaoyao, how should I put it, he entered the game, and many memories are What is blocked is just remembering some intermittent memories. When I came into contact with Tao Yaoyao, what should I say... I like it bit by bit.

On Du Sisi's side, she felt uneasy. Although Tao Yaoyao spoke vaguely, Du Sisi still felt uneasy at the moment, thinking that something must happen. Du Sisi took a deep breath. tone.

No matter what, it is impossible for me to just sit back and watch, I must find out what happened to Xiaoyao and Ah Han?Soon Du Sisi also went out with her clothes, and called Chen Han when she was going out.

"Chen Han...something happened to me, where are you now?" He began to cry as he spoke, Chen Han was slightly taken aback when he heard Du Sisi cry.

"What's wrong with you? What happened?" What should Chen Han say to Du Sisi?The two of them were childhood sweethearts, he was Tao Yaoyao and Du Sisi, the three of them almost grew up together, now they love Tao Yaoyao, but they also have feelings for Du Sisi, of course this is the feeling of friends.

"Something happened to me, where are you Chen Han..." Du Sisi began to track Chen Han with the tracking tool. This was the last time that Emperor Yaojiu taught her. When she was missing, she asked Du Sisi to do things. Now Du Sisi has learned it, and at this moment she is using it on Chen Han.

Because she felt that something must have happened to Chen Han and Tao Yaoyao?She wanted to meet Chen Han, and wanted to know what happened between Chen Han and Tao Yaoyao?And why should I ask myself if I have told Chen Han about the Emperor Yaojiu?Did Chen Han do something that shouldn't be done?Du Sisi felt uneasy, she gritted her teeth with firm gaze, she should find out by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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