Chapter 371 The Real World
Tao Yaoyao took Du Sisi back to Di's house, and went to find Di Jiu's father. When she was looking for Di Jiu's father, "I will settle the matter as soon as possible, and I won't cause you too much trouble," Tao Yaoyao knows very well that the grievances between herself and this reincarnation and others have now involved Emperor Jiu's father and others, and she is more or less apologetic. people involved.

When he heard this, Di Jiu's father looked at Tao Yaoyao, "You are considered a member of the Di family regarding the matter between Yao Jiu and you, not to mention...whether it is Yao Jiu or this Mo Bai, it is a matter of Tao Yaoyao. People from the Emperor's family, if they are really involved, it is you who are involved, don't worry... I can't do anything about your affairs, but since I have entered the gate of the Emperor's family, I will not let others hurt them. The only thing I can do,'

Di Jiu's father felt a sense of guilt towards Di Yao Jiu, and towards Tao should I say it right now, this is his younger brother and sister anyway, and if it is said who was really involved, Tao Yaoyao is probably the only one who is involved right now. The one who is involved is the most innocent person, because many things are obviously aimed at the emperor's family right now, he has no way to intervene in the matter of Tao Yaoyao and others, but now Tao Yaoyao sent People, but they will find ways to protect them.

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, nodded and bid farewell to Dijiu's father, Tao's mother was sitting in this room, wiping Du Sisi's sweat, when she saw Tao Yaoyao came back, "Little Yao... Did something happen to you? Xiao Yao... Mom always felt that you have changed a lot since you woke up," Mother Tao looked at Tao Yaoyao and said.

Tao Yaoyao is her own daughter. Mother Tao can clearly feel Tao Yaoyao's changes. This change is not in the depths of her heart, but a bit by bit change, an unconscious change, which makes her feel distressed , There are many things, she knows that she has no way to force her to ask, but she still can't help but want to hear, want to know what happened to her daughter outside, and wonder if it is dangerous?Because... this is not the first time.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Sisi is unlucky. She met a robber and was injured right now. Mom, don't worry, everything will be fine." Yes, everything will be fine, and I will never allow it Others came to hurt and destroy this family. When she heard this, Mother Tao looked at Tao Yaoyao, her firm eyes were filled with coldness. When did it start, getting farther and farther away from myself, so far away that I couldn't even touch it, when did it start?

"You child, be careful in the future." Mother Tao doesn't want to get too involved with the matters of Emperor Yaojiu, Du Sisi, Chen Han and others. Mother Tao believes that Tao Yaoyao can handle it by herself , but... "Don't let yourself encounter too many dangers, mom, no matter what you do, as long as you keep your nature, Xiaoyao... just don't do bad things, that way no matter what you do, mom will Supporting you behind, because you are my child, my mother believes in you and believes that you will handle it well,"

"Mom..." After Tao Yaoyao heard this, she threw herself into Mama Tao's arms and hugged Mama Tao tightly. She became frightened without even knowing it. Tao Yaoyao was walking out of the room when she saw Emperor Yaojiu. After seeing Emperor Yaojiu, she stretched out her hand to hug him. Emperor Yaojiu was slightly taken aback, but quickly hugged him Around Tao Yaoyao's waist, Tao Yaoyao raised her head to look at Emperor Yaojiu, in her clear eyes, there was a reflection of Emperor Yaojiu's figure, Emperor Yaojiu was slightly taken aback when she saw it, her eyes were as clear as water, you can He could clearly see his own face, as well as his affection.

"Ah Jiu, let's save Xiaobai." Tao Yaoyao didn't ask Emperor Yao Nine Doctors to save Xiaobai at first, but she actually had a purpose. Tao Yaoyao knew very well that the reason for her cooperation with Dongfang Bai was This Xiaobai is among them, so right now she despicably uses this Xiaobai's existence to restrain Dongfang Bai. If Dongfang Bai cannot be restrained, no one knows whether he will betray you in the next moment?Because that is Dongfang Bai, he never has absolute friendship, but absolute interests.

When Emperor Yaojiu heard this, he was slightly taken aback, looked at Tao Yaoyao, and after seeing Tao Yaoyao's gaze, couldn't help but sighed, "Okay, you can do whatever you want, but little really think about it, after losing Xiao Bai, how do you control Dongfang Bai? He is not something you can control, "Dongfang Bai has always been the most unpredictable person.

If Xiaobai is not with Tao Yaoyao right now, if Dongfang Bai does something extraordinary, if she is not with Tao Yaoyao at that time, then what will she do?Tao Yaoyao stared at Emperor Yaojiu in surprise for a moment, the corner of her mouth curled up slightly, and kissed Emperor Yaojiu's cheek, with that smile on her face, a smile of absolute confidence .

"You're right. Once this matter is revealed, there will be problems in many cases, but... Ah Jiu... Xiaobai must be healed, and Dongfangbai, I don't want to betray at the moment. I have a way, you believe me," she has a way to make Dongfang Bai not betray her, in fact... Tao Yaoyao sighed, for Dongfang Bai... she has indescribable helplessness, people don't know when , began to have strange feelings, and strange emotions, and this emotion... I don’t know when it started, but she was unwilling to stand opposite Dongfang Bai. If she could, she hoped that she could be with Dongfang Bai cooperate.

Looking at Tao Yaoyao's gaze, Di Yaojiu didn't like it, so he directly pinched Tao Yaoyao's chin, making Tao Yaoyao meet his own eyes, "Xiao Yao, I really don't like your eyes like this. ... You are thinking about others, Xiaoyao, don't think too much, many times, many things will pass quickly," Tao Yaoyao nodded when she heard this.

Dongfang Bai was the happiest to fix Xiaobai. Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao and couldn't help frowning. Why did you change your mind after saving Xiaobai?" Dongfang Bai is not a fool, he knows that Tao Yaoyao is planning to use Xiaobai to blackmail her into submitting, so that she can't do anything that hurts Emperor Yaojiu and herself. Why did you change your mind suddenly? ,

"You're right. I had such an idea at first, but...after thinking about it, I lost that idea," Tao Yaoyao said with a smile, "Because we are partners now, you Give me the sincerity I want, and I should also show my trust in you. We respect each other, Dongfang Bai...don't let me down, and I won't let you down, because once we are disappointed in each other Now, the price is not something we can bear, so we are happy to cooperate,"

Tao Yaoyao stretched out her hand to look at Dongfang Baidao, with that smile on her mouth when she spoke, Dongfang Bai looked at so many Taoyaoyaos, and also stretched out her hand and said, "Happy cooperation," the warmth from that palm made Dongfang Bai With the thought of not wanting to let go, when looking at Tao Yaoyao, Dongfang Bai's eyes were blurred, and suddenly reached out to caress Tao Yaoyao's face, the cold taste made Tao Yaoyao look at Dongfang Bai in a daze. , I don't understand what Dongfang Bai's gaze represents?Why does it feel a little sad?

"Xiaoyao... I'm asking if I were on the same line as Emperor Yaojiu, would you fall in love with me?" Dongfang Bai's words made Tao Yaoyao look at Dongfang Bai with wide eyes. She felt that the other party was playing tricks on her, but when she met the other party's gaze, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, because this gaze... definitely wasn't a gaze intended to play tricks on her, so that she had... I don't know what to say What mood, soon Tao Yaoyao couldn't help smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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