Chapter 379 The Real World
As for his little padded jacket, being snatched by Di Yaojiu right now, Papa Tao felt very angry and very angry. He always looked at Di Yaojiu with that coldness in his eyes. Di Yaojiu sat not far away, with a Modesty, not domineering at all, Mom Tao pushed Dad Tao on the side to tell him not to act too much. How can such a good person be killed by her husband.

There is a saying that is very good, daughter daughter, the husband brought back is also liked by the mother-in-law, and the father-in-law is so annoying no matter how he looks at the other party, so when Dad Tao saw this Emperor Yaojiu, he thought This bastard, no matter how I look at it, I hate it so much. I always feel that this bastard is here to steal a woman from me. The woman I have raised for many years will be offered by this bastard. Thinking about it, I am annoyed very.

Mother Tao's gaze made Father Tao snort, "No matter what you think about my woman? I can tell you, before you get married, if you try to mess with me, I will cripple you, can play as soon as possible Forget it, if you let me know that you are a brat and play with my woman, I will strangle you right now," Father Tao said with a look on his face, his daughter has been sleeping for seven years, and now no one is so sophisticated, and she is still with her. This rich man is good, now he is really going to Cinderella.

The corner of Mom Tao’s mouth twitched, who was always saying that Emperor Yaojiu was good at the beginning?Right now, just watching this Emperor Yaojiu pressing on your daughter for a while, you have such a big opinion. Father Tao liked Emperor Yaojiu very much at first, thinking that this young man is very good, and his talent can be passed by. But when he saw this brat taking advantage of his daughter's unconsciousness just now, Papa Tao immediately became furious. He dared to do this without being married, and he wished he could beat this bastard to death.

On the contrary, Di Yaojiu looked at Tao's father without any anger and said, "Uncle is right, it's my fault, but I don't have any hypocrisy in my heart for Xiaoyao, and I don't think so." He really likes Tao. Yaoyao's, I have liked each other since a long time ago, from the deep love at the beginning until the end without regret, he has always shown more sincerity than anyone else in liking each other, he hopes to get this Daddy Tao and Mother Tao's blessing, after all, I am a woman who has robbed others, so it doesn't matter if I get a little angry.

Father Tao taught Emperor Yaojiu a lesson for a long time. Tao Yaoyao was lying in her room when she heard movement, and quickly looked at Dongfang Bai sitting not far away. When she saw Dongfang Bai, she was slightly taken aback, "Look at you This way, I really want to marry Emperor Yaojiu," Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, his tone was a bit...indescribable, with a touch of indescribable sadness, Tao Yaoyao didn't know where this sadness came from.

"Dongfang Bai, you don't look like you anymore. What's wrong with you, you suddenly became sentimental?" Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw the Demon Emperor Ninth Empress, "The matter between me and Ah Jiu has been going on for many years, and ... I promised him in the game that I would get married when the matter was understood, but at that time I escaped and left Ajiu alone in the game. Right now, I just want to have a good time with Ajiu, "That time Tao Yaoyao left Emperor Yaojiu behind, even now she still feels a little distressed.

Especially when Ah Jiu forgot about Ah Jiu after he released the game later, Tao Yaoyao felt sorry for Emperor Yao Jiu. Dongfang Bai, who heard this, looked at Tao Yaoyao, looked at Tao Yaoyao At that time, she walked over suddenly, Tao Yaoyao was sitting on the bed, suddenly she was slightly stunned by someone pressing the back of her head, and soon her mouth was kissed, the soft touch made Tao Yaoyao's eyes widen, her mind went blank , After regaining consciousness, he immediately slapped him, his face blushing, and he didn't know whether it was caused by anger or embarrassment.

"Dongfang Bai, what are you bastard doing?" Tao Yaoyao felt that the bastard in front of her was baffled, and came to kiss her for no reason. Looking at Tao Yaoyao with that March-like smile, his expression was light and like a spring breeze, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when he saw it, he seldom smiled so chicly at this moment, and rarely had such sunshine at this moment , so that Tao Yaoyao almost thought that the person in front of her was not Dongfang Bai, but someone else's illusion.

"Xiaoyao, tell me, if I hadn't given up on you at the beginning, would you be mine?" Dongfang Bai stretched out his hand and grabbed Tao Yaoyao's hair, and put it on the tip of his nose to sniff. For a moment, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback by the ambiguous look and those tone of voice, her cheeks gradually turned red, and then she couldn't help but look at Dongfang Bai, Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao's eyes expectantly. Tao Yaoyao wanted to get the answer she wanted from Tao Yaoyao's mouth.

"No, Dongfang Bai... In fact, it is impossible for us, no matter when you were Di Mobai, or K, or when you picked up the name Dongfang Bai, because...our Our personalities are very similar, so we won't, maybe... you will think that I fell in love with Di Yaojiu just because I was moved, but I want to tell you that if you are moved, you will be more moved," Tao Yaoyao She doesn't like Dongfang Bai, she told Dongfang Bai in front of her from the very beginning, she doesn't like him, although she has pity, she has never loved him.

I felt sorry for Dongfang Bai's childhood experience, and felt sorry for his growth, that twisted obsession, but this is not liking. The liking between her and Emperor Yaojiu came from little by little accumulation. She is moved, but many emotions have already gradually entered her heart. At the beginning, she was not moved, just because... she did not dare to be moved, she was afraid of being moved. When Emperor Yaojiu was Changfeng, it was Dongfang's leader. At that time, she was tempted, but she thought that the two were impossible. She suppressed her inner feelings. After knowing that all of them were one person, those feelings were piled up.

Under the accumulation of feelings, after going through a series of things, she fell in love with Emperor Yaojiu, seeing Dongfang Bai's expression, Tao Yaoyao reached out and grabbed Dongfang Bai's hand, and pulled her hair out , "What kind of love do you want that can be given wholeheartedly for you? What you need is not like me." At least Xiaobai's dedication moved Dongfang Bai's heart. Even being a younger sister is still love, although family love is different. , but they are all feelings, and what Dongfang Bai wants at this moment is a warmth from others, but she has no way to give it, so it is impossible to be with Dongfang Bai.

When he heard this, Dongfang Bai looked at Tao Yaoyao, with a slight bitterness on the corner of his mouth, "I knew you would say this, you have always had such a personality, and what you say is better than anyone else's." Knives are going to hurt people, Xiaoyao..." Tao Yaoyao looked up and saw Dongfang Bai's eyes, with a faint glaze color, then bent down Tao Yaoyao subconsciously wanted to avoid, but saw that the other party was just kissing He kissed her on the forehead and left, " are right, I prefer others to die for me, so we are really not suitable,"

It is true that he likes Tao Yaoyao, why would he like it?When he was young, he watched Tao Yaoyao fall into the thunder pool for himself, and at that moment he was shocked and happy. His birth had never been liked or cared by anyone, but Tao Yaoyao gave it to him. The feeling of being cherished, the preciousness held in his hands, as if he was a treasure, but Xiaobai...has given him another feeling, that...he is the feeling of being expected, being held Looking forward to the feeling of coming to this world, maybe a lot of things are doomed, looking at Tao Yaoyao, from the very beginning, she was destined not to come to him, in fact...he wanted to tell Tao Yaoyao, she was wrong Yes, she is what he likes, don't tell me if she is suitable or not, it's just because she doesn't love herself, that's all.

Because I don't love, it's inappropriate. If I love, there's no such thing as suitable or inappropriate. Dongfang Bai turned around and left. Over the top, she felt that someone was hugging her, and the next second she was pressed on the bed, her lips were bitten fiercely, and the familiar smell made her go from resisting at the beginning to following the other person's feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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