Chapter 381 The Real World
Emperor Yaojiu of the Di family woke up after being in a coma for about 20 years, and after waking up at this moment, he divided up the family business, and the son of Emperor Mobai who had been missing for 20 years also appeared, (that is, Dongfang Bai) Dongfang Bai looks It is more or less doubtful to be as young as Emperor Yaojiu all the time, but now he is naturally said to be a son, and suddenly he has lost a generation.

Tao Yaoyao cleaned up all the things in the room, Emperor Yaojiu cleaned out all the things he didn't like, and after redecorating, when he looked at Tao Yaoyao, "I told my uncle, in a few days Let's get married, and then get married..." Because I have been in the online world for too long, and almost all of them are ancient patterns, and many habits have not been changed yet.

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she was slightly taken aback, looked at Emperor Yaojiu, her cheeks blushed slightly and nodded, leaning against Emperor Yaojiu's arms, sitting outside basking in the sun, Tao Yaoyao has a beautiful Good boyfriend, right now she feels that she can eat and be lazy. For this kind of life, Tao Yaoyao said that she doesn't dislike it at all. Rice worms... can find a gold master to make rice worms, which is also a great skill.

"You can get married if you want, but I told you that if you want to be sorry for me in the future, I will kick you in a hurry," Gu Lingpo crawled into Emperor Yaojiu's arms and said, Yao Jiu smiled when she heard this, and rubbed Tao Yaoyao's beautiful hair. This girl always threw herself on him, and sometimes he couldn't help but eat it all up, but thinking of the words of Tao's father, he Don't dare to cross the thunder pool.

"Shameless..." When Di Xinai saw these two people, he couldn't help snorting coldly. Di Yaojiu's villa was originally his own, but he didn't expect that Di Yaojiu would occupy the magpie's nest. Right now there is anger in my heart, especially when seeing the two of them getting tired of being together, Di Xinai's face becomes even more ugly, shameless... He has been asleep for so many years, if his father had not died early, he would have never expected to wake up To come is ungrateful.

When Di Yaojiu heard this, he glanced at Di Xinai coldly. Di Xinai shivered from the gaze and dared not speak anymore. At this moment, Di Yaojiu looked back coldly. It's just his own property, and there is no one else to take care of it right now, let alone...he is not a bad person, he thinks that the other party is his brother, and he should give all the property to the other party after he has suffered from him for many years. Yao Jiu thought it was impossible to do it.

After watching Di Xinai leave, Tao Yaoyao said, "It seems that there are quite a few people who want you to be unable to wake up." , the money will always be in the Emperor's house, let Di Jiu's father take the money to make money, and the money that Di Yao Jiu wants back at this moment is only the amount from 20 years ago, and the rest is just some shares, so Right now, she doesn't feel that Emperor Yaojiu is going too far.

After Dixinai returned to the room, she saw her elder brother not far away. Before, her elder brother's leg was broken and he couldn't walk. My father planned to let me accept many things about the K Group, but now he doesn't After Di Jiu took over, Di Jiu looked at Di Xinai lightly, and then went to find Di Yao Jiu and Tao Yaoyao with something in his arms. He didn't have much affection for this sister, and he knew it well. Her legs and feet, and her younger sister was probably happy when her legs and feet were broken, because most of the money in the Di family belonged to her.

But now Tangjiu Yaojiu and Tangshu Mobai are back. Although Tangshu Mobai was expelled from the Emperor’s family 20 years ago, Tangtang Mobai’s property is still Uncle Mobai’s. Change, so it's no wonder that my younger sister feels better about the sudden return of Yaojiutang uncle Mo Baitang, who snatched everything that was originally thought to be hers. However, Di Jiu ignored all this and went to find My uncle Yao Jiutang, in this big family, money is always the most emotionally divisive, but most of the time, Jean is willing to let him divide his feelings.

Di Yaojiu saw that Di Yaojiu was looking for him, so he followed Dijiu into the room. Tao Yaoyao couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth when she saw that the two were mysterious, thinking about what Di Yaojiu said to herself a few days ago. "I'll give you a big surprise in a few days," Tao Yaoyao held her cheeks and waited for the word "surprise". Naturally, the things that Emperor Yaojiu gave her were very pleasant surprises.

"Mom..." Xiaobai lives with Dongfang Bai, and now Xiaobai will find Tao Yaoyao as his mother at every turn, and Tao Yaoyao is used to it, so Xiaobai is not to blame. Xiaobai sits in Taoyao Yao's lap, " brother is a little weird recently," Xiao Bai couldn't help sighing at the thought of Dongfang Bai's recent strangeness, "Mom, do you think my brother doesn't like me? How about I This has changed..."

She felt that Dongfang Bai didn't like her company. After looking at Tao Yaoyao, she had an idea in her heart, so she changed her appearance into Tao Yaoyao's. "Brother should like such a face," she said. Smiling, the corners of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched when she saw it. In fact, it is impossible for Dongfang Bai to fall in love with Xiaobai. One... Xiaobai's age is a bit young, two... Xiaobai's appearance is completely perfect It was the appearance of Dongfang Bai when he was a child. Dongfang Bai was abnormal, so he would have that impulsiveness in his face, so now Xiaobai plans to change his strategy and use Tao Yaoyao's face, but Tao Yaoyao wants to tell her, not only It's appearance, and age.

"You say Dongfang Bai is a bit strange? Take it with you to have a look," Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but frowned. Dongfang Bai said that there is a hidden danger. If Tao Yaoyao said who is the person most afraid of right now, it is Dongfang Bai was afraid that when she had nothing to do, Dongfang Bai would get hit twice, and then find trouble with Emperor Yaojiu and herself. In order to prevent this hidden danger, Tao Yaoyao did not pay less attention to Dongfang Bai.

After hearing Tao Yaoyao's words, Xiaobai nodded, thinking in his heart, he went to see if there was no big deal, but at this moment, after Tao Yaoyao went to Dongfang Bai's room, he saw that Dongfang Bai was inputting some After seeing this, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, "What are you doing?" Tao Yaoyao sat aside, Dongfang Bai hadn't heard of it and looked at Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao knew that Dongfang Bai was letting herself I'll talk about it later.

After Tao Yaoyao waited for a while, Dongfang Bai stopped what he was doing, then sat on the stool and turned around, "I'm making a website, the website of wish, Xiaobai showed me some memories, Samsara is actually right. They need human energy, but Samsara made a mistake. He chose the source of human life, but he didn’t know that what they need is faith. I made a website just to collect these. This website It can solve a lot of things for people.”

What Dongfangbai is doing right now is to make this website good, and then handle some things for many people, and let Xiaobai go to that person to extract what he needs. Of course, this is subject to his consent. It cannot be extracted, and this reincarnation has no results that have been approved before, so... what he extracts are just useless, there is no way for him to keep his soul alive, so he finds Emperor Yaojiu and Xiaobai To the origin of the source of life.

Tao Yaoyao widened her eyes when she heard this, and Dongfang Bai couldn't help but smiled and said, "Looking at your look, I probably don't know, but... Di Yaojiu may have already noticed it, These days, I have been doing my own preparations, "Xiaobai and Emperor Yaojiu's bodies are similar to similar mountain gods, and they both need to live by human hearts, but they are different from mountain gods, because they came from From another world.

Because they are afraid that they will harm the people of this world when they come here, they signed a contract from the beginning, they cannot take the initiative to hurt human beings, twitch the things on the other party, and come to live, but the other party is voluntary, but at this moment Dongfang Bai It is to choose the method of making the other party voluntary, to find energy for Xiaobai to eat.

"Would someone like you have something to do?" Tao Yaoyao couldn't help frowning when she heard this, she really didn't know about it, so she went back to ask Emperor Yaojiu.

"A small amount won't have much impact, that's why I'm going to prepare the website right now. The more people there are, the less damage will be done. What's more...everyone takes what they need," it is true that everyone takes what they need, and right now Dongfang Bai doesn't hurt People's lives, but they also need to be paid for. After all, he is not a holy father who is in a hurry and can contribute everything to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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