Chapter 383 The Real World
The seven aunts and eight aunts who want to get engaged will come. To be honest, Tao Yaoyao has been in a coma for seven years. During these seven years, many people thought that Tao Yaoyao would not be able to wake up. They came here, but lost a wealthy son-in-law, but when they heard that the other party was older than this mother Tao, they couldn't help but shook their heads, thinking that Tao Yaoyao was now climbing the dragon and the phoenix.

On the day of the engagement, many of Tao Yaoyao's sisters came. To be honest, the relationship between the sisters is not very close now. Tao Yaoyao, a cousin or something, can't get close at all. She has lived with her parents since she was a child. Tao Yaoyao, who only came into contact with her cousin during the holidays, naturally it is impossible to cultivate a deep sisterly relationship with her. At most, there is a little affection, but it will not be very strong after all, and now this Tao Tao is walking in front of Tao Yaoyao.

"Sister, you're getting engaged, but I haven't even met my brother-in-law," Tao Tao looked at Tao Yaoyao distressedly and said, feeling that being a younger brother is too unimportant, look at when this is going to happen now , was about to get engaged, but he hadn't met his sister's fiancé, so he immediately felt very bad, especially when he heard that her fiancé's eldest sister was twenty, and now his sister married a 40-year-old old man, he It's not good to think about it.

The woman sitting next to Tao Yaoyao, whose appearance is somewhat similar to Tao Yaoyao, was knocking melon seeds, looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Of course my cousin dare not bring it out, she is more than [-] years older , so you can do it, cousin, "Tao Chenchen doesn't like Tao Yaoyao very much, and Tao Yaoyao's family is doing well in Tao Yaoyao's family right now. After living for so long, but I also know my cousin more or less, so my family is better off by me, and I have slept with him for seven years. Now I am marrying someone who is more than [-] years older than me, and I suddenly feel balanced in my heart. up.

Tao Yaoyao doesn't care that Tao Chenchen has never kissed these sisters since she was a child, and now she is even more lazy to talk to them, and feels that it would be too embarrassing to talk to them. Tao Yaoyao is putting on makeup here, and someone saw Emperor Yao Jiu Coming here, Emperor Yaojiu's appearance is nothing to say, with a tall and straight body and a handsome appearance, many women are straightening their hair. When they walk in front of Tao Yaoyao, they bend down and follow her. Tao Yaoyao said something, Tao Yaoyao smiled when she heard it, raised her eyebrows and looked at Emperor Yaojiu, and told Emperor Yaojiu with her eyes, this is what you said.

"Okay, I'll go out later," said Emperor Yaojiu, rubbing Tao Yaoyao's hair, and then went out to prepare for his engagement banquet. To be honest, there is a good thing to say. Right now, Tao Yaoyao's fiancé's The matter made many people think that Tao Yaoyao married only because of money, especially the people in his own family. When they heard the age of the groom, they secretly looked down on Tao Yaoyao, thinking that Tao Yaoyao was like a dragon and a phoenix. , but there is also jealousy, the Emperor's family... that is a big family, even if they are older, many people like it, but today, after Emperor Yaojiu's attendance, many people were shocked.

What about people who are over [-] years old and approaching [-] years old?But at the moment, no matter how you look at him, he is a young man in his twenties, and he looks handsome even if some aunts see it, they can't help but look at it more, and at this moment, when Tao Chenchen saw Emperor Yaojiu, "That didn't happen just now!" Is it your youngest son?" But this kind of intimacy doesn't look like it, and I want a boyfriend and girlfriend, but at this time, Tao Yaoyao is about to get engaged, is this relationship really good?
"Little son?" Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, "You are wrong, he is my fiancé," Tao Yaoyao smiled and said, really a bit dumbfounded, Emperor Yaojiu has been lying down for more than [-] years, Now it's no wonder that some people misunderstood, but it doesn't matter... It's other people's business whether they misunderstand or not. Right now, it's good for me to know. Tao Yaoyao got up and walked out with a bouquet. Tao Chenchen widened her eyes when she heard this. Is that Tao Yaoyao's fiancé?Isn't he fat and big ears?Why is such a handsome person?If such a person is not to mention forty, she will marry even if she is sixty.

Tao Yaoyao ignored Tao Chenchen's thoughts, but went out with a bouquet of flowers, Di Yaojiu was standing not far away, and at this moment when she saw Tao Yaoyao walking out, the smile on the corner of her mouth swayed blindly I know how many people's eyes, Tao Chenchen and others watched from the sidelines, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable, Tao Chenchen is also married now, married to a company's Xiaokai, life is very good, not as good as Taoyao before Damn, she was better than Tao Yaoyao in everything, so she was naturally very happy, but she didn't expect Tao Yaoyao to get engaged, at first she thought it was a sick ghost, or someone with a fat head and big ears.

You must know that Emperor Yaojiu has been in a coma for more than [-] years. At present, few people are optimistic about the other party. With such an appearance, I am afraid that there are not many women in the world who will not be able to climb high, and at the moment when they are engaged, Tao Yaoyao is standing on top, exchanging engagement rings, after exchanging engagement rings, Emperor Yaojiu returned Someone took out a contract, and Di Jiu's father not far away was slightly taken aback when he saw it, but he didn't know what it was?
"Xiaoyao..." Di Yaojiu knelt down on one knee and looked at Tao Yaoyao. Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, but was somewhat surprised, "After you marry me, everything about me will be yours Now, here is my property transfer letter, it is for you as a betrothal gift," Di Yaojiu wants everyone to know that he likes Tao Yaoyao and wants to give everything to Tao Yaoyao. He has always wanted to marry Tao Yaoyao wanted to marry in every world of the game, but every time he failed, he became more annoyed and obsessed, afraid that the wedding would be ruined because of his own problems, and he felt very uncomfortable. Gan Xin was afraid, so he wanted to give everything to Tao Yaoyao.

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, but she wasn't too surprised. Di Jiu's father, not far away, dropped the wine glass in his hand to the ground. Don't know what to say?This... gave all the money to Tao Yaoyao, and even before getting married, he owed the property transfer letter, which made Di Jiu's father suddenly think that this Di Yao Jiu is the kind of person who loves beauties and doesn't love country.

In fact, not to mention Dijiu's father, the other media reporters who came couldn't help but be surprised, wow... This is the first time this drama has happened, who has the courage to give it all to himself For the wife, and she is still only in the engagement stage right now, it is better to know that the money should be grasped by herself.

Father Tao was also slightly taken aback when he heard this, and looked at Di Yaojiu and Tao Yaoyao, he suddenly felt that there was something wrong with that brat's head, even though his daughter was in pain, Emperor Yaojiu would just cut off his own It's okay to be stupid in the back road, but now that Tao Yaoyao kicked him off, the money is still Tao Yaoyao's, and there is no hindrance at all, so this Emperor Yaojiu is really stupid.

Tao Yaoyao looked at this book, and then looked at Emperor Yaojiu, feeling moved in her heart, because Emperor Yaojiu was too cautious about the previous things, from time to time she was afraid that she would not want him and ran away, she could feel this kind of thinking , and now when she saw this contract, Tao Yaoyao didn't know what to say?When he looked at Emperor Yaojiu, he accepted the contract and smiled, "Okay, but if you want to let me down in the future, you will have to live on the street alone."

Emperor Yaojiu of the emperor's family got engaged in XX. In order to get this beauty to smile, he gave all of his net worth to this fiancee. Everyone was stunned by this practice. But Emperor Yaojiu didn't care about all of this, but Carrying his fiancée home, the father-in-law shouldn't think that he is just playing around, trying to persuade Tao Yaoyao every day to let Tao Yaoyao dump him, right?
(End of this chapter)

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