Chapter 385 Follow-up
Tao Yaoyao has a great affinity for role-playing games, and because she has played in this game before, she likes this game even more now. Tao Yaoyao has been running in the game for two days Di Yaojiu didn't feel bad at first because it was a game given by him, and Tao Yaoyao liked it so much, so he was naturally the happiest, but he became happier later on.

Because Tao Yaoyao's attention is all on this game, this Emperor Yaojiu feels that the whole person is very bad. In role-playing games, many people have their own roles when they enter the role-playing game. Bai didn't reject all of this, he took Xiaobai into the role-playing game, after Dongfang Bai entered, someone was looking for him, and Dongfang Bai felt that the breath was very familiar.

"It turned out to be you, the network manager." The network manager had full control over the network from the very beginning, but right now he has lost a lot of control because of Emperor Yaojiu and Xiaobai. Dongfang Bai didn't expect the network manager to appear in front of him. The network manager looked at Dongfang Bai.

"I'm here to tell you that after you disappeared, the virus suddenly took over the entire network like a madman for some reason, but fortunately, the virus has left now," the network administrator was deeply affected by the virus One person, the virus suddenly went crazy a few days ago, causing him to be very flustered, and in the end he didn't know if something happened, the virus suddenly left this virtual world.

The corners of Dongfang Bai's mouth twitched when he heard this. If he guessed correctly, this virus is Emperor Yaojiu, but now Emperor Yaojiu is engaged, so naturally he doesn't need to mess around after finding Tao Yaoyao. In the case of not messing around, the network manager will naturally think that the other party has gone out.

Tao Yaoyao seldom came to look for Dongfang Bai these days, but Dongfang Bai still knew of Tao Yaoyao's movements. At night, Dongfang Bai sat in the computer and fully supervised those networks. After danger, there will be an alarm immediately, and at this moment, the alarm will be connected to the police station in an instant.

The police station feels that they have received a lot of information these days, especially the crime records, which are even more numerous. Finally, when the superiors went to investigate, they found that it was a webpage called Sky Eye. People, someone will investigate immediately, and then send the information to the police station, but the problem is... Tianyan here will have no way to find out whether it was founded.

"By the way, I came to you this time because I received a frequency, a very strange frequency, which seems a bit similar to a virus. I want to tell you that it may be a relative of the virus," because it feels really It's very similar, I think it's almost like calling, but the network administrator doesn't want to intervene at the moment, as long as the virus is safe and secure, he will just turn a blind eye.

In fact, the manager really wanted to cry, because she couldn't help but turn a blind eye. If she didn't turn a blind eye, she knew that she would also be wiped out by the virus. Hearing this Dongfang Bai was slightly taken aback, and looked at the network manager in front of him, "You said the same message? Could it be reincarnation?" Dongfang Bai couldn't help but frowned and said, that's all... this matter has nothing to do with him anyway, On Xiaobai's side, let Xiaobai pay less attention to it.

But he didn't intend to tell Tao Yaoyao about this, because he always liked to gloat more, and he had nothing to do with Tao Yaoyao's matter at the moment, so he wouldn't ask about it right now. The unlucky one is Emperor Yaojiu, it's fine if it's not Tao Yaoyao, the worst thing is that when Tao Yaoyao is sad, she can go to live in peace by herself.

Of course, Tao Yaoyao didn't know Dongfang Bai's thoughts, but was... Tao Yaoyao looked at the things in the eyes of the sky, and suddenly felt that she was useless. After sighing, she saw that Emperor Yaojiu was not there. Couldn't help being slightly taken aback, Tao Yaoyao got up to look for Emperor Yaojiu, but unexpectedly... she saw Diyaojiu sitting in this room with a helmet on her head and her eyes closed. Empress Yao Nine couldn't help smiling and sat beside Emperor Yao Nine.

Unexpectedly, when Di Yaojiu suddenly opened his eyes, there was a reddened look at the bottom of his eyes, and he was startled immediately, "Ah Jiu..." After Di Yaojiu closed his eyes and opened them, the color of his eyes became normal , Tao Yaoyao was frightened by Emperor Yaojiu's expression just now, "Ah Jiu, what's wrong with you?" Being so frightening for no reason really made herself startled.

"Nothing," Di Yaojiu said with a smile, Tao Yaoyao blinked her eyes, but she didn't ask anymore, but in the following days, Di Yaojiu was a little strange, Tao Yaoyao always played this game at first. When running in role-playing games, Emperor Yaojiu would be a little angry, but right now Emperor Yaojiu is not angry. When sleeping at night, Tao Yaoyao stretched out her hand to touch it, and felt that the people around her were gone, so she got up and heard What is someone talking about?

"No, I have to wait for a while," Di Yaojiu said, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback and walked over, Di Yaojiu turned around after hearing the movement, and saw Tao Yaoyao looking at him worriedly, With doubts on his face, Emperor Yaojiu sighed when he saw Tao Yaoyao like this, and stretched out his hand as if the person who spoke just now was not him, but Tao Yaoyao heard it, and the voice was indeed Ah Jiu's voice.

Di Yaojiu stretched out his arms to hold Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao froze for a moment, "Ajiu, what's wrong with you?" With a sigh of relief, "Ah Jiu..." Tao Yaoyao didn't understand Emperor Yaojiu's expression, what troubled him so much, "Tell me about something,"

"Xiaoyao, do you still remember, do you remember what happened a few days ago?" Tao Yaoyao nodded when she heard this. If there is nothing wrong, I didn't get to the bottom of it.

"I lied to you about what happened to Xiaoyao one day. In fact, I have something to tell you," Di Yaojiu hugged Tao Yaoyao and said, Tao Yaoyao suddenly became serious, and Tao Yaoyao couldn't help it with that tone. Slightly stunned, he looked up at Emperor Yaojiu, wondering what he had to say to him?
While Tao Yaoyao was waiting for the other party's words, Emperor Yaojiu used a tone of reluctance, watching Tao Yaoyao's thousands of words but only one sentence left, "I plan to leave for a while,"

Di Yaojiu opened his mouth and said, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and looked at Emperor Yaojiu, "Don't worry, nothing will happen, after I come back, we will get married."

Tao Yaoyao opened her eyes and said, "If you just left, you wouldn't have hesitated for a long time before telling me, what else is there? I want to know?"

Tao Yaoyao wanted to know what else Di Yaojiu was hiding from her, so Emperor Yaojiu reached out and rubbed Tao Yaoyao's hair, and directly pressed her into his arms, "My family is here to find me, I I want to take Xiaobai away, Xiaoyao... You should also know very clearly that Xiaobai and I are different from you, just like reincarnation, he will die if he consumes too much on the earth, Xiaobai and I You are young, although these things will not happen, and you have found a way to make up for it, but..."

He didn't want her to die, he was unfamiliar with his relatives and clansmen, and he had that uneasiness, but he still wanted to understand the method of extending the human life span that those people said. Now Tao Yaoyao is young, but as those people said, he Younger, she has looked the same for hundreds of years, and her?I don't know when it was buried.

(End of this chapter)

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