General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 55 The Princess and the Concubine

Chapter 55 The Princess and the Concubine

Emperor Qi Jing slept very deeply tonight, and there was a stunning woman beside him, and at this moment, after falling into a dream, Emperor Qi Jing saw clouds beside him, he didn't know where to go, the surroundings were full of flowers.

"Royal Father..." A friendly cry came soon, and Emperor Qi Jing saw a four or five-year-old girl not far away, stepping forward and throwing herself into his arms, "Mingyue likes Royal Father the most,"

Seeing that sweet smile, Emperor Qi Jing was slightly taken aback. This was Mingyue when he was a child, and soon the teenage girl was high-spirited, wearing a big red palace costume and running in the palace, "Father Huang Mingyue misses you, "

The picture scrolls are like slides, which made Qi Jingdi slightly stunned. Seeing the disappearing girl reaching out to grab it, when she appeared, it was the bright moon in white gauze, with a miserable smile on her face , which surprised Emperor Qi Jing slightly.

"Father, why don't you believe me? My daughter has never been wrong, father, why don't you believe me?" The tears left behind made Qi Jingdi subconsciously refute. Seeing Concubine Yan Gui who was pushed down by her, what else can I say?

But at this moment, Emperor Qi Jing was stunned and unable to say a word, "Father, the child is leaving, and mother is here to pick up the child. Father, you will never know that the people who love the father the most in the world will all leave. , all that is left is nothingness, father, whether you believe it or not, the child loves father the most, "

Said that the figure gradually went away, Emperor Qi Jing wanted to catch up but found that the flash in the pan disappeared like a cloud and mist. When he saw this, Emperor Qi Jing woke up from his dream, and the woman beside him also opened his eyes when he saw this. "Your Majesty... Your Majesty is late at night, where are you going? Your Majesty..."

"I'm in a hurry," but as soon as the words were finished, Emperor Qi Jing had already called someone, put on his clothes, and quickly walked out of the palace. When the stunning woman saw this, she didn't know why?
There was a vague ominous premonition in his heart, as if from that moment on, something escaped his calculations, but soon the woman smiled, it was already at this point, what else could make him come back.

"The host needs to know that if you lose the bet, your game will only start now. Once you are punished, you will return to the previous mission," the system gentleman said to Tao Yaoyao. When Tao Yaoyao heard the system gentleman's words, Looking at the pill in his hand, he revealed a touch of determination.

"I will win, no matter what the reason is, I will win," Tao Yaoyao said firmly, she has too many reasons to win, she has paid so much, she will not be willing to give up just now.

And she also wants to test, what role does Mr. System play?why?Do you have to let yourself die again and again to say goodbye?Changfeng is like this, Dongfangbai is like this, so what will happen this time?She vaguely felt that maybe the mission was not as simple as it indicated, the system would not believe it.

Tao Yaoyao changed into a white gauze dress, and stood quietly outside the gate. She was waiting for Emperor Qi Jing to come, and she was also betting that Emperor Qi Jing would come. After all, the bond of flesh and blood is the most difficult to break in the world. At this moment, she believes that as a As a father, he will definitely come to see Princess Mingyue.

Under the moonlight, Tao Yaoyao's delicate face looked pale, and the light veil under the breeze made her look like a fairy in the moon palace, cold and ethereal, after waiting for a long time, suddenly outside the gate Footsteps came.

When a certain voice saw the bright yellow figure, Tao Yaoyao swallowed the medicine in his hand. Tao Yaoyao was betting, and it was still a big bet, betting on Emperor Qi Jing, betting that the system master would not stand by.

As soon as Emperor Qi Jing walked in the door, he saw his daughter standing under the night, which figure seemed very lonely, and the heart that originally wanted to retreat, saw her in the white gauze.

Involuntarily raised his footsteps and walked inside, seeing the girl's cold face showing no trace of sadness and repentance, Emperor Qi Jing felt suffocated for a moment.

"You all go down," he said and sat in the room. There was still a faint musty smell in the dark and damp room. In such a place, how could she get used to it, after all, Mingyue I have been spoiled by myself since I was a child.

Just thinking about what she did to Yan'er, Emperor Qi Jing couldn't help feeling disgusted. At this moment, in Emperor Qi Jing's mind, there were two emotions pulling, one was distress and the other was disgust, and the balance was swinging there indefinite.

"You know your mistake," Emperor Qi Jing looked at the stubborn girl and said, "For a man, you should murder the royal family. You really disappointed me, Mingyue,"

And when Tao Yaoyao heard it, she raised her head and said coldly and stubbornly, "I'm not wrong, it's the bitch who made the mistake." Unexpectedly, the anger that had never happened before appeared in Tao Yaoyao's body at this moment.

The first two did not leave any emotions, but at this moment, they left endless sadness. Facing Emperor Qi Jing's questioning, Princess Mingyue's body hurts, especially the position of the chest seems to have been hollowed out.

Tao Yaoyao knew that she was becoming more and more proficient in tasks and role-playing, and she would soon be able to enter the status of a filial daughter, yes... she is a filial daughter.

"Slap..." With a slap on Tao Yaoyao's cheek, Emperor Qi Jing said angrily, "You still don't know how to repent, Concubine Yan Gui is almost killed twice because of you, but you are still saying that you are right, Where did I read everything I taught you in the past?"

Emperor Qi Jing was very angry, angry that Tao Yaoyao didn't know how to repent, and also angry that he still had hope for her. He couldn't count the despicable behaviors of this daughter in the past with ten fingers.

It was because King Ankang saved Concubine Yan Gui's life at the wedding banquet, she would fight against Concubine Yan Gui everywhere, and in the end she almost paid Concubine Yan Guifei's body and two lives, thinking of this, Emperor Qi Jing was so angry.

"My boy is not wrong, that bitch's child is not my younger brother at all," Tao Yaoyao said with blood in her mouth, sneering, with an unrepentant ruthlessness, "I never repented of what I did. I have no regrets, I will kill the child with my own hands for thousands of times..."

Before the words were finished, Emperor Qi Jing slapped Tao Yaoyao again, and soon Tao Yaoyao was beaten to the ground, Emperor Qi Jing was furious, if there was a sword by his side, it would not be surprising to give Tao Yaoyao a sword.

"Ni Nu, you still dare to be presumptuous. It's because I love you too much, which makes you more and more lawless. Mingyue, you let me down too much," Emperor Qi Jing looked at Tao Yaoyao in a heartbroken tone, with hatred Iron does not make steel, and deep helplessness.

It's just that after Emperor Qi Jing finished speaking, Tao Yaoyao suddenly laughed. When she looked at Emperor Qi Jing, it seemed that Emperor Qi Jing was very sad, and her expression hurt Qi Jingdi.

(End of this chapter)

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