General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 61 The Princess and the Concubine

Chapter 61 The Princess and the Concubine

"Father...You let my minister go to contact with the King Ankang, Father...if my child can't find any evidence within three months, my son will definitely stop talking nonsense."

"Why are you still talking about this?" Emperor Qi Jing frowned and said with displeasure, "I've already said it, I don't need to sell my daughter..."

"Father, even if you stop me, my child will do the same. Father, you know my personality. You must let me give up. I don't believe that Concubine Yan Gui and King Ankang are innocent. If father doesn't give it, my child will just give up." can sneak away,"

"You..." Emperor Qi Jing looked at Tao Yaoyao when he heard this, "Forget it, let me think about it, you girl... I don't know who spoiled you, you dare to be stubborn with me, "

"It's Father's favor, so Father, you have to be responsible," Tao Yaoyao said while sitting on the bed, blinking at Emperor Qi Jing, Qi Jingdi thought it was funny.

"It's just you, the little witch, who dare to say such treasonous words, okay... sleep well," said Qi Jingdi, who patted Tao Yaoyao's forehead.

"Well, Father...good night," Tao Yaoyao said roughly, covering her head with a quilt. After hearing that voice, Emperor Qi Jing's heart melted. He nodded and walked out in response. His daughter was indeed a caring little padded jacket.

After Qi Jingdi returned to his bedroom, he went to work, and at this moment, Na Yanyan pushed the door and walked in.

"Your Majesty... It's night," Yan Yan came with the food, and Emperor Qi Jing subconsciously covered the official document. Seeing this scene, Yan Yan's eyes turned cold, but he quickly covered it up. down.

It seems that Princess Mingyue is indeed a scourge, if it wasn't a scourge, now Emperor Qi Jing would not be so guarded against himself, and he would not have any scruples if he went by himself in the past.

"Yan'er, why haven't you slept yet?" He stretched out his hand to hold the beauty in his arms, and then pressed that hand on Yanyan's abdomen, "The child will be born in a few months."

"Well, Your Majesty, do you like boys or girls? I like girls, so I can make you happy like Princess Mingyue," Yan Yan's words made Qi Jingdi slightly taken aback.

Looking at Yan Yan with some confusion, "You, you still say good things for that girl, but that girl... Forget it, let's not talk about that girl,"

Emperor Qi Jing originally wanted to say something bad about Tao Yaoyao, but when he thought of that girl in the daytime, he lost his anger, but Yan Yan could see the difference, Emperor Qi Jing loved Princess Mingyue too much.

If other princesses were as vicious as they are now, it would not be an exaggeration for Emperor Qi Jing to have already killed her, but Princess Mingyue was brought back as soon as she became ill, and the tone just now was not blame, but spoiling.

Yan Yan's eyes darkened, and Emperor Qi Jing looked at the beauty who was pregnant with himself, and suddenly said, "I plan to live a few days and give Mingyue a marriage,"

Yan Yan was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and looked at Emperor Qi Jing, "Then is there anyone for His Majesty?"

It was not the first time that Emperor Qi Jing wanted to find a husband for Princess Mingyue, and Yan Yan was not too strange at the moment.

"That girl likes King Ankang, so let's choose King Ankang," Emperor Qi Jing said lightly, but the teacup in Yan Yan's hand was knocked down in the next second, and Emperor Qi Jing narrowed his eyes and quickly covered it up.

"King Ankang? Your Majesty... Didn't you say that the prince doesn't like Mingyue very much? Wouldn't he be happy if he forced Mingyue to marry him?" That's what the former Qi Jingdi said.

Everyone knows that King Ankang doesn't like Princess Mingyue, and Princess Mingyue loves to target Concubine Yan Gui. Said, if the front will only make men complain, then let it go.

At this moment, Emperor Qi Jing smiled, "It's good to cultivate the relationship, Yan'er and I are the same, not to mention... Mingyue's beauty and appearance are not bad, although she has a weird temper, she is also a cute child, "

Emperor Qi Jing didn't know what he was thinking?That night, Tao Yaoyao’s words lingered, "Father, do you really think I love King Ankang? Father, you are wrong. I never loved him. The reason why I want to marry is just to replace you, Father." Look at King Ankang, "

"Father, you have a lot of concubines in your harem, so why am I embarrassing Concubine Yan? It's not because she doesn't know King Ankang well,"

Even after investigating a lot of things, it was found that Yan Yan had no problems with King Ankang, but he felt vaguely uneasy because King Ankang protected his face more or less.

But looking back at this moment, King Ankang was indifferent to everyone, but Yanyan was different after all, and at this moment... Looking at Yanyan, he hoped that maybe he was thinking too much.

Yan Yan realized her gaffe, "It's fine if Your Majesty really wants to give a marriage,'s better to let Princess Mingyue get along with King Ankang first, and cultivate some feelings before giving the marriage,"

"Yan'er, you are so smart, I also have such a plan," although he didn't want Tao Yaoyao to have anything to do with King Ankang, but... he thought of what Tao Yaoyao said to him.

Emperor Qi Jing felt that Tao Yaoyao's personality, if you really stopped her, she might become even crazier, but right now... just let that girl make trouble, at worst she will be my supporter.

Yan Yan's heart was bleeding when she heard what Qi Jingdi said, but she quickly sneered, even if that cheap girl dared to seduce her brother Ankang, she would definitely let them pay for the blood feud in her previous life.

Especially the man in front of him, who said he loved him, but in the end he killed her whole family because of that matter, and he was also poisoned. , killed her.

Emperor Qi Jing didn't know what was going on in Yan Yan's mind, so he let Yan Yan sit for a while and then went back to rest, while Tao Yaoyao stood up the next day, ready to go, dressed in a red dress like fire.

"Hurry up... this money cod has been raised for so long, the taste must be very delicious, catch it," Tao Yaoyao stood beside the lotus pond, rolling up her sleeves to catch the fish.

You must know that he has never eaten this fish before, Emperor Qi Jing took Yan Yan to see the fish, and found that Tao Yaoyao was fishing for fish, he was dumbfounded, and at this moment King Ankang was also following behind.

"Father...Father, hurry up and come here, I just found out that there is a money cod in our pond, and it's getting bigger now,"

"What are you doing with this fish?" Looking at the fish in the barrel, Emperor Qi Jing was a little dizzy. He didn't know that his daughter was tossing about it before, but these days he knew, and she was tossing around everywhere, and Yu Wei was obsessed with it.

"Of course it's for food. Father has so many fish, it's a waste to raise them for nothing. The child thinks the world is big, but he has the biggest stomach. If he doesn't eat it, is it possible to keep a dead pond and pollute the environment?"

"..." I suddenly felt that what the girl said made sense, wait...he didn't seem to be talking about this, "Where is this fish going to die? I see it's you girl, I just want to eat it all day long."

(End of this chapter)

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