Chapter 7

Why are you excited?Because Tao Yaoyao thinks, when the wind is blowing, a ghost will definitely crawl out in the next second. Tao Yaoyao is a girl with a strong taste, and she loves all kinds of ghost movies. When she hears that her interest in staying up late is watching horror movies , so don't expect this girl to be frightened by ghosts.

In fact, Tao Yaoyao knows better, she is a ghost, even though she is a living ghost, she is still half a ghost, so the family of Guigui naturally doesn't care about this mentality.

"Please listen to me first, I don't want to marry the young lady of the Tao family, so please don't make trouble, I will find a way to refuse the marriage with me back to the Tao family, and you have to believe me, I love you, "Just when Tao Yaoyao saw the figure, she hadn't had time to get excited, but was scared back by the two people's words.

Wow, there are female protagonists everywhere, peat drops, my old lady caught rabbits, and I have made enemies with you, thinking that a male protagonist and a female protagonist are disasters, Tao Yaoyao rationally climbed on the grave of someone else, "Brother, take a place to hide hide from the family,"

If the dead could speak, they would definitely scold Tao Yaoyao for being shameless, who is her family?It's a pity that Tao Yaoyao is thick-skinned and courageous enough, not to mention that there are no ghosts, even if she exists, she may not necessarily be afraid. If she doesn't do anything wrong, she will be afraid of ghosts coming to her door.

"You are lying. Your marriage with the Tao family is very popular. You still want to lie to me. You are going to marry the only daughter of the Tao family on the tenth day of next month. You still want to lie to me. I don't want to listen to your explanation," As he said that, he wanted to cry or not, pretending to be strong, and seeing Situ Qing was very distressed.

When Tao Yaoyao saw Situ Qing and Shangguan Wanyan's romantic drama, she immediately rolled her eyes. Although she didn't know that the two would appear on the grave, Tao Yaoyao really wanted to say, go home to show off your affection, My old lady is dying of cold and wants to go home.

Seeing that Shangguan bluntly said that although he was blaming Situ Qing, but leaned on others, Tao Yaoyao said that the heroine of the abuse is the heroine of the abuse, crying one second but the next second is thunderous, They made out directly on the grave.

When she saw this scene, Tao Yaoyao expressed her powerlessness, and really wanted to ask if you want to fight in the field, can we go back first if you want to fight in the field?

To be honest, although I really want to see the hero and heroine fight in the field, but she is cold, she is not like the heroine who has the gentle embrace of the hero, but she rushes with the dead, even though it is far away, the treatment is too cheating.

"Don't worry, I will go back tomorrow to dissolve the engagement. Don't worry, the person I love is you, and it will never change for the rest of my life," Situ Qing comforted Shangguan with tenderness, and his eyes were stained. ****, if it wasn't for the wrong place, I'm afraid Shangguan Wanyan would be eaten in the next second.

Shangguan bluntly said that she was not making trouble after hearing the words. She knew what kind of woman Situ Qing liked, so she didn't want to make too much trouble. Since Qing agreed, she was naturally happy to go with Situ Qing, not to mention running away in a panic because she got lost. It's really a bit of a run away from the place.

When Tao Yaoyao saw Situ Qing leaving with Shangguan Wanyan, she slowly got up. Because of the long climb, Tao Yaoyao's feet were numb at the moment, but when she heard what Shangguan Wanyan and Situ Qing said, she felt Unconsciously relieved.

I hope that Situ Qingzhen will go back to break the engagement, then the heroine will not run away from home, and if she doesn't run away from home, she won't meet the male supporting role. As long as the heroine doesn't show up, I think it will be done in three months.

In fact, Tao Yaoyao really wants to complain, this heroine is really the one who loves to run away the most, every time she runs away, there are all kinds of troubles, and then she meets all kinds of men, wow Mary Su's physique Can't afford to hurt.

Not long after Tao Yaoyao left, she saw someone looking for someone with a torch. Seeing this, Tao Yaoyao hurriedly waved her hands and shouted, "Cousin..."

The voice was very cheerful, as if all the troubles in the world couldn't get into her heart, she stood not far away, and ran to Changfeng quickly.

Even after Changfeng has passed for a long time, he still can't forget that scene. The young man who ran against the wind had a delicate face with a full smile, and that smile was the peace of mind born of himself.

That intimate call, as excited as seeing a relative, jumped on him directly, and he seemed a little dazed at the moment, because of running, Tao Yaoyao's face was flushed at this moment, looking extraordinarily attractive.

She has a small cherry mouth, watery eyes, and when she smiles slightly, tiny dimples appear on her cheeks, she looks extremely cute, at that moment Changfeng suddenly realized that the cousin in front of her would be a girl.

When he realized the thoughts in his heart, Changfeng pushed Tao Yaoyao away subconsciously. Tao Yaoyao's figure was very soft, and there was a faint fragrance on her body. She didn't think that their men always smelled of sweat, because they ran away. Because of the urgency, my breathing is a little short at this moment.

The breath exhaled from the small mouth came oncoming. The faint fragrance of ambiguity made people feel tense, and the whole person suddenly felt a little dry. If Changfeng hadn't noticed something, I'm afraid he just Fool.

Yesterday he could say that the moon was too beautiful to cause trouble, but today?Standing under the moonlight, she was obviously dressed in coarse linen, but she had a noble temperament, but she was not so domineering. She looked very gentle and beautiful.

She got up late with a head of blue hair, her thin, broken hair was blown, her watery eyes reflected her figure, her fair skin was as crystal clear as jade, as if it would break if she pinched it too hard.

The thin scar on her forehead, despite not leaving her with the slightest bit of ugliness, on the contrary added a strange beauty to it, Yaoyao beauty is overwhelmed by the country, and the pointed chin of the oval face makes her look delicate and delicate, But with a strong, soft and strong.

Tao Yaoyao didn't know the identity of the owner of her body, anyway, Lord System found it casually, so she didn't pay much attention, she just knew her surname was Tao, as for that Tao Yaoyao didn't care, it was just a game.

"Go home," Changfeng looked for a while, then turned his head and said, aware of his dirty mind, which made Changfeng feel ashamed to see his little cousin. After all, in his memory, his little cousin It's so simple and pure, how could he have that kind of thought about it?

Thinking that he has a different heart towards Tao Yaoyao, Chang Feng felt extremely tormented in his heart, at this moment, he didn't even look at Tao Yaoyao, because Tao Yaoyao didn't notice Chang Feng's strangeness because of the gloomy sky.

In addition, the mountain road is difficult to walk, and she almost fell several times at this moment. If Changfeng hadn't held her hand in the end, I'm afraid she would really fall to the dog's shit, and she would be ashamed to be sent away in that case.

When Tao Yaoyao was held by Changfeng, her thick palms were not tight, but a bit prickly. After all, Changfeng, who has been chopping firewood for many years, had thick and rough calluses. Compared with Changfeng's rough palms, However, Tao Yaoyao's body has been cultivated into water, and her whole body is so tender that it is outrageous.

It's just that the palm of the stabbing hand made Tao Yaoyao feel extremely gentle, and Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being infatuated with that unprecedented peace of mind, but the infatuation was only for a moment, and soon Tao Yaoyao came back to her senses Come.

At this moment, Tao Yaoyao looked at the back in front of her with a somewhat complicated expression, and suddenly said, "Changfeng, you have such a good personality, I believe you will not be bad..." So this time she was a little happy, because she came to save him.

This is the first time Tao Yaoyao has spoken the truth, Chang Feng was slightly taken aback by Tao Yaoyao's words, the guilt and suffering in his heart became more apparent, his cousin is so good in his heart, but he has such nasty thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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