General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 71 The Princess and the Concubine

Chapter 71 The Princess and the Concubine

After Qi Jingdi asked someone to pry his mouth open, all the shocking things were placed in front of him. Princess Mingyue was sent to the cold palace, and everyone cut off the news between himself and Mingyue.

If I hadn't dreamed at that time, would Mingyue have died in that icy cold palace?He let Mingyue in because he felt that Mingyue was too presumptuous, even daring to murder his son, and hoped that the other party could reflect on herself.

But they never said that they would kill Mingyue, and these slaves took their words as deaf ears, intercepting those news everywhere, trying to get him evidence that Princess Mingyue committed suicide in fear of crime.

Emperor Qi Jing's heart was cold and cold, and his palms were sweating. He didn't expect that the seemingly kind woman would instigate so many people behind her unknowing backside to do unconscionable things for her. In the end, they will protect her one by one in turn.

Such a frightening method made Emperor Qi Jing feel the chills in his whole heart. Soon Emperor Qi Jing went out and ran to Tao Yaoyao's residence in a panic. Tao Yaoyao fell asleep at the moment, and Did not feel anyone coming, Qi Jingdi sat aside.

Seeing that Tao Yaoyao was living well, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "Mingyue... I was wrong," he thought that if he spoiled a woman, the other party would not affect her.

He had experienced life and death with Yanyan, and at that time Mingyue repulsed her very much and never allowed herself to pet her. He had doted on many concubines, but she didn't make any movement, only this Yanyan.

At first, she thought it was because she loved King Ankang, so she made trouble with herself for King Ankang, but at this moment, she realized that it was all for her own sake. Emperor Qi Jing reached out and touched Tao Yaoyao's cheek.

His eyes were icy cold, Yan Yan had touched his bottom line, Tao Yaoyao was his bottom line, he threw Tao Yaoyao into the cold palace, blamed her and punished her, all because of that hatred of iron but not steel, but it was his turn It's not until Yan Yan comes to do it.

Tao Yaoyao opened her eyes vaguely, "Father..." When she saw Emperor Qi Jing, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, with doubts, "Father, why are you here?"

"Come to see you, why is your stomach still hurting? I told you to eat less, and you must be obedient in the future," stretched out his hand and rubbed the beautiful hair, his little face was pale, and looked extraordinarily lovely.

"Father, are you settling accounts after the fall?" Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips, and upon hearing this, Emperor Qi Jing burst into laughter.

"It's after the autumn. You are not allowed to drink in the future. If you dare to drink at a young age, I will cut off your food." Emperor Qi Jing looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, Tao Yaoyao immediately pouted, with a look of bullying you I.

Emperor Qi Jing felt that Tao Yaoyao really came to ask for debts. Others said that his daughter was the lover of his previous life, so he should be a treasure in the palm of his hand. He held Tao Yaoyao and pampered Tao Yaoyao.

Even if she is not his own daughter, he still loves and spoils her, relative?blood?For Emperor Qi Jing, it was just a ridiculous reason.

Relatives can kill you without hesitation, blood will be your hindrance, there is no shortage of blood in the royal family, he has many sons, whoever sees that he is not respectful, showing his perfection in front of himself.

The same is true for the concubines, each of whom wished to give their hearts to him, but he knew clearly that he was the prince's superior, so he knew better about his sons, which one of them did not behave in front of him for his own throne.

Only Mingyue, whom he raised with his own hands, was brought up by him when he was a child. Before she was six years old, she had never had anything to do with others. Although she was adopted by the empress, the empress knew in her heart that she was not as good as this. bright moon.

She has been petted by herself since she was a child, even if she is disappointed later, she is still her own Princess Mingyue, her own treasure.

Emperor Qi Jing sat aside and asked Tao Yaoyao to sleep. Tao Yaoyao blinked, thinking that this father was really good, and then fell asleep drowsily.

The next day, King Ankang came to see Tao Yaoyao, and when he saw Tao Yaoyao's pale face, "His Royal Highness..."

"Brother Ankang, you came to see me, brother Ankang, what is this?" Tao Yaoyao was confused by the guilt on King Ankang's face.

"This is the pine nut ointment from XX Tang. Her Royal Highness, you can try it if you like it." Hearing that Princess Mingyue was drinking so much that she vomited blood when she was young, he was shocked when he heard that, and immediately went to the palace to see Tao Yaoyao.

Seeing that Tao Yaoyao's face was pale, but she was full of energy, he breathed a sigh of relief. He concealed the truth, and dared not tell Qi Jingdi that Yan Yan fell by himself. Right now, he feels very guilty about Tao Yaoyao.

"Pine nut paste, this is delicious," Tao Yaoyao took it and sat aside and ate it. As soon as Emperor Qi Jing came in, he saw the snack food, eating pine nut paste, smiling at King Ankang, and taking a piece from time to time The pine nut ointment was given to King Ankang.

Seeing Tao Yaoyao feeding King Ankang, Emperor Qi Jing was very upset. Is this the girl he raised?Yesterday's food protection was like preventing him from being a thief.

Look, look, in front of King Ankang, he didn't protect his food, and he felt very upset at once. The good cabbage is being sacrificed by this pig. Sure enough, the daughters he raised are all from other people's family, so sad, so upset .

If King Ankang knew what Emperor Qi Jing was thinking, he would definitely twitch the corners of his mouth, Your Majesty... your daughter slave has reached the point where there is no way to suppress it.

He just eats the pine nut ointment fed by His Royal Highness, why do you want to eat me, Your Majesty?King Ankang swallowed, not daring to eat what Tao Yaoyao fed.

Tao Yaoyao looked at King Ankang, she was happy to eat just now, why didn't she like it all of a sudden?It's really inexplicable, as soon as I saw Emperor Qi Jing coming, he was holding up the skirt.

"Father Ankang elder brother brought me pine nut ointment, father will eat that too," Tao Yaoyao took the pine nut ointment, Qi Jingdi looked at Ankang Wang, and ate it in one gulp.

After seeing the other party eating, Tao Yaoyao sat aside, "Father... Brother Ankang said, take me to play, to swim in the lake, tomorrow."

When Emperor Qi Jing heard the flash of light in his eyes, he fixedly stared at King Ankang, and King Ankang met that gaze, wondering what was wrong with him?A little hairy.

After a while, Emperor Qi Jing went to sit not far away, and Tao Yaoyao immediately followed obediently behind him, just like that follower, causing the corners of Emperor Qi Jing's mouth to rise slightly, as expected, she was still his daughter.

"Oh, swimming in the lake, coincidentally, I also want to go," Qi Jingdi said, and King Ankang was startled when he heard this. He always felt that something bad happened, but he couldn't think of what it was for a while.
"If Your Majesty is willing, I will be very happy." Originally, it was to compensate Tao Yaoyao, but he didn't expect His Majesty to intervene. He suddenly thought, can this compensation really go on?

(End of this chapter)

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