General strategy of the male god of fast wear

Chapter 73 The Princess and the Concubine

Chapter 73 The Princess and the Concubine

Tao Yaoyao and Emperor Qi Jing boarded the luxurious big boat, and when they saw the boat, they all had that smile on their faces, "It's the first time for me to ride, Father, it's so beautiful..."

There is a symbol of a dragon head on the bow, and the whole body is carved with the high-quality wood. It is a phoenix flying lifelike. At this moment, the white color in the room is even more surprising. Money style.

"Okay, don't say you're beautiful, go up quickly," Emperor Qi Jing said as he rubbed Tao Yaoyao's hair, and then asked Tang Yingying to go up too, and Tao Yaoyao saw King Ankang as soon as she went up.

After seeing the Queen Ankang, Tao Yaoyao's face suddenly became happy, and then ran over directly, "Brother Ankang... I am very happy with the gift you gave me, thank you Brother Ankang,"

Sweeping Yan Yan who was on the boat lightly, she stood on tiptoe and kissed King Ankang on the cheek. Seeing that scene, Yan Yan almost fell off.

If it wasn't for Qi Jingdi's support, he would have fallen down in the morning, Qi Jingdi didn't say anything, just glanced at Tao Yaoyao, and said, "Aifei, be careful."

But he looked at Tao Yaoyao unhappily in his heart, what did King Ankang prepare, and he didn't even look at the boat, could King Ankang prepare for this battle?He expressed displeasure at being ignored by his daughter.

But at this moment when she heard this, Yan Yan was slightly taken aback, Aifei?Didn't he always call himself Yanyan?Why is it Aifei, but Qi Jingdi didn't say much, but walked up directly.

Yan Yan also followed at the end, guarded by the hidden guards in all directions, but at this moment, Tao Yaoyao ran directly into the boat, saw the food, and immediately ate one of the duck legs.

"You girl, what else do you know to do besides eating all day long?" Emperor Qi Jing became very speechless. It seemed that this girl really didn't know what else to do besides eating.

"Father, you are a nobleman who forgets things so much, everyone says that you still know how to please you," Tao Yaoyao said as a matter of course, so shameless that no one can resist it.

Several people entered the big boat, Tao Yaoyao was lying on the bow of the boat, looking at the scenery of the lake and mountains outside, her eyes were constantly shining, she was so beautiful.

Emperor Qi Jing looked at Tao Yaoyao's appearance, and seemed a little helpless, this girl was heartless all day long, as if nothing could hold her back.

Yan Yan was sitting on the side looking at the scenery, but her eyes never really integrated the stunning scenery in front of her eyes, instead she looked at King Ankang.

Tao Yaoyao was sitting at the side, and King Ankang walked over, holding the fish food and a fishing net in his hand, and now he was holding the fish food to Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao blinked, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

King Ankang sprinkled fish food, and Tao Yaoyao took the net to catch the fish there, but Tao Yaoyao was not strong enough, so she couldn't catch the fish after a long time, and a large part of her body was on the contrary.

Emperor Qi Jing originally watched Tao Yaoyao play around, but suddenly he saw Tao Yaoyao dive into the water, and immediately caught Tao Yaoyao in his arms with quick eyesight and hands.

"What are you doing? Do you know that if I don't continue, you will fall," Emperor Qi Jing said with some lingering fear, and then looked at King Ankang, who immediately knelt on the ground.

"Father, Father... I want to eat fish, so you fish it for me," Tao Yaoyao immediately grabbed Emperor Qi Jing and asked Qi Jingdi to fish for herself, which made Qi Jingdi very helpless, but still took the fish Fishing nets with bamboo poles, catch fish there.

Rich people know how to play. Tao Yaoyao said that the fish were locked in a huge fishing net at the beginning, and now people lose fish food and they will show up, which is just right for people to play.

But at this moment, King Ankang was slightly taken aback, and saw Tao Yaoyao smiling at him, with a smile full of beauty, with boundless spring and charming beauty.

At that moment, King Ankang was slightly taken aback. He realized that Tao Yaoyao was justifying himself, and immediately smiled knowingly. He didn't dislike Tao Yaoyao.

At least in these days, he doesn't dislike her, and King Ankang feels that even if he marries Tao Yaoyao in the future, he won't have any dislike. It is impossible for him and Yan Yan.

Since it's impossible, he won't think too much, because the concept of monarch and minister is in his mind, so he can't go beyond the past, but Tao Yaoyao is different, if he wants to marry now, then choose someone he doesn't reject woman.

At the moment, Tao Yaoyao and Emperor Qi Jing were fishing for fish, and when the fish came up, they immediately took it to the kitchen to cook, and after eating, they rubbed their stomachs and walked to the room.

It was very late at night, in the room of the painting boat, "Brother Ankang, have you fallen in love with that woman? Brother Ankang, have you forgotten? It was she who killed my father, how could you, brother Ankang... how can……"

Yan Yan was crying with pear blossoms in the rain, and King Ankang felt very distressed when he heard it, "Princess Mingyue is actually..." He wanted to excuse Tao Yaoyao, but at this moment Yan Yan directly interrupted him.

"I know Brother Ankang, you are blaming me and using your own child, but Brother Ankang woooo... If that woman hadn't forced me to a dead end, I wouldn't be like this, Brother Ankang, do you know that she provokes me every day? Regarding the relationship with His Majesty, His Majesty has not come to my room for a long time now, that woman is well-behaved in front of you during the day, but once she comes to me...Look..."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand, revealing the bruised and purple ones for a long time. King Ankang felt distressed when he saw it, "I didn't expect Princess Mingyue to be so vicious..."

Among Princess Mingyue and Yanyan, he chose to believe in Yanyan without hesitation, but at this moment King Ankang was comforting Yanyan, but he didn't know...

"Your Majesty, Concubine Yan Gui did meet the King Ankang, and..." The dark guard told the whole story of the future, and Emperor Qi Jing came here to play, not just for fun.

After hearing the ins and outs, Emperor Qi Jing's eyes turned cold, and he waved his hand to let people go down directly. After people went down, the lonely room seemed to be as cold as the vulva.

Emperor Qi Jing felt that his whole body was very cold, and he couldn't help but think of Tao Yaoyao's words, "Father, I love you the most in this world, except me...Father, who else do you think would be like a child?" I love you, no, your sons are plotting against you, which one of your concubines is sincere, just say Yan Yan, she has an affair with King Ankang..."

Those words seemed to have taken root in his heart, and his heart ached a lot. He liked Yan Yan's integrity, although he doubted it, but he didn't move Yan Yan, that's because he gave Yan Yan a chance.

And judging from the words of the hidden guard, Emperor Qi Jing knows that there is no need to have any reason to keep any woman. King Ankang... It really is a wolf's ambition to hook up with the concubine in the harem. I am afraid there is an even bigger conspiracy behind it. Neither of them could stay.

(End of this chapter)

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